Goes to show ignorance, bigotry and hatred runs across the spectrum. I'm just as disgusted at this story as if it was a black man attacked for being with a white woman. Just amazing at the sickening intolerance that still exists out there. This dude was with his girl going about his business and some butthurt niccas couldn't handle it. Maybe it made them feel small and insignificant or something, kind of like white dudes when they see a black guy with a white girl, they make it about them, like she doesn't want me therefore I'll behave like a little ego bitch. Fucking pathetic s.o.b's, no different than any racist scumbags. Hope they catch these sorry ass mofos.
This is a very sad story. Unfortunately, there will be those people out there that don't want to see interracial relationships. Too bad, really. I'm glad he's ok. Scary...
I hear you babe, stories like these make my blood boil. Let people go about their normal life. They have nothing to say to you, you have nothing to say to them. Don't know why some people have personalities that can't grasp that concept. They saw this dude with his girl and were asshurt about it, that simple, so they resort to violence to soothe their pathetic, low-grade mentality. This guy was just doing him in life, but haters come in all types indeed. Hope their relationship is only strengthened through that experience.
I hope so too. I never understood how people have the audacity to intervene in matters like this, that don't concern them. I do understand there is hateful intolerance, racism, and just plain stupidity. Wish we could all just get along! In a perfect world!
I've never and will never understand the mind of an uneducated, small minded and bigoted person. I just can't wrap my mind around it. Because people of different colour are together, this warrants taunts, whispers, stares, abuse and beatings? Are we not all human? Do we not all bleed the same colour? Stories like this turns my stomach.
Its ignorance, hatred, territoriality and ego, entitlement issues. How many times have we heard for example of honor killings of women in some cultures who did X,Y,Z that offended family honor, even happening when these folks come and live in Western society and still view women as property to be dictated to what they can and cannot do. This guy was just with a girl he likes and vice versa and these clowns couldn't stomach it so they lash out at an innocent person. Bet they must have felt like real men after that, and still the chick isn't with them. Total pieces of shit. This is 2012, racism in all forms is beyond the pale.
This. I don't understand if you don't like something or someone. Keep moving. Life in this country is about freedoms and ability to act on your life and preferences while respecting those of others.
That's the problem, these jackasses usually aren't. "This white boy is fucking a black chick, lets beat his ass for it son and we will feel all warm and fuzzy and better about our pathetic selves" Stories like these piss me off to no end, no matter who is involved because in a world of such variety, people have a right to be with whomever the fuck they want, legally.
that's brutal kinda proof positive why you need to use a bit of extra caution when you're out in an IR union. makes no sense tho, considering an IR couple isn't bothering anyone. If he shot them, I wouldn't blame him one bit. that's pussy to jump a guy:evil:
Straight truth. When you disrespect another man, you never know who is at the other end you're dealing with. Guess some folks can't control themselves and their "wilttle" emotions, so it has to be done for them in some cases. When you have to hate on another man for doing him, that says little of you.
Absolutely revolting. Shameful. I hope those pieces of shits are caught and tried for attempted murder.
if more people carried, less people would be likely to start shit like that for instance, if the BW was carrying at the time and seen her loving man getting pummeled like that, she wouldn't have just been 'trying to pull them off' she woulda shot em and no one would bat an eye:smt003
If this white guy was armed and had shot them, you would be surprised how some people would have been shouting racism. This is senseless.
That would have been one hell of a stretch, we have had enough racist killings across this country for reasonable people to know the difference. Even if he wanted to prove he was not racist, not shooting three fuckers determined to beat your ass is not the best way to go about it. It was three on one, what would anyone expect? Anderson Silva to appear and save the day??