LMAO You're not exactly a prime example of someone that can take a joke dude. I clowned on you HARD for posting tranny porn and you reported me. So lets not go there. It is what it is. Some of you liberals(not all) refer to us conservative blacks as house niggers or uncle toms. I guess thats just the way it is. Dont really see too much humor in it though. But then again, there are a lot of intolerant people on here that feel that its quite funny. Oh well.
Hate to break it to you kiddo, but I never reported you on the "tranny" comments. Though, you do come across as suspect when you keep bringing it up. Hmmmm... I think it's amusing that you're quick to report SaintAugusta and Appaih for their comments. Now pray tell, which part of their comments were false?
Question: How are you any different from the racists and the trolls that come on this site? Because based on just this, never mind the long list of other red flag things you've posted on this site, I'm not seeing any difference. Especially with your recent little ongoing "intolerance crusade". :smt011
lol at calling ME suspect (dude posts tranny porn and pics of white dicks and he's calline ME suspect:smt043 And their comments WERE false. Calling me a house nigger or uncle tom is not true and its not appropiate terms to use. Its nice that the webmaster allows this kind of stuff though lol
But it's okay for you to constantly do nothing but post negative and divisive threads for no other reason for the sake of conflict and drama? It's okay for you to take the race/relationship aspects of this forum that most trolls take offense and come here to "speak their mind" and replace it with the political/ideological or religious vs science aspect (for those here that do that particular type trolling)??
Indeed you're suspect. You have a twisted way of expressing your "concern" over the black community. To me, not only it comes off as disingenuous, but it confirms exactly what people accuse you of. And bear in mind, baby trainer, your actions speak much louder than words. It's not because you're a (black) Republican or a (black) conservative. Rather, your subservience shows in your posts and in your attitude. I would never accuse paniro of being one given his own personal story. Plus, he's actually mature and though he seldom articulates his standings, he's still a black conservative whom I actually have respect for. You, on the other hand, you have a lot of growing up to do. That personal trainer business must be slow and so is your intellect.
mate, stop playing the victim. you don't like something that's posted? report it and do not, i repeat, DO NOT RESPOND TO IT...!!!! webbie actually has a life outside of this forum and doesn't read every single thread and post, and surprisingly, he may expect grown ups to act just that, GROWN UP, without all the pathetic and childish name calling i suggest that you and the rest of the name callers read the following: http://www.whitewomenblackmen.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4664
Ummm I have reported a number of posts and i see that these people are still being able to post (they are NEVER restricted) unlike me who has been restricted a number of times. Doesn't seem to be quite fair but it is what it is.
Hilarious that I'm actually right? At least I engage in the threads and post things worthwhile. You come off as somebody who basically serve as a talking parrot for your conservative buddies. Everything else...snide comments and high school-like immature approach to serious discussions, you're basically a handicap. If you have nothing intelligent to contribute to the threads, then why bother posting? We'll treat you like an adult if you start acting like one.
It takes multiple infractions to put a person into restriction/lockdown. Or being repeatedly warned about the same thing. Each infraction adds 1 point, or a warning (no points), for 3 days by default. But that can be manually changed. 2 points will put an account into restriction (posts must be approved) 3 points will put an account into lockdown (cannot post at all)