Adolf Hitler Store Opens Up In India

Discussion in 'In the News' started by weird, Aug 30, 2012.

  1. weird

    weird Member


    If they did it for the publicity, mission accomplished. The two proprietors of a store called Hitler are gaining international recognition for being ignorant.
    The clothing store, opened recently in the Indian metropolis of Ahmedabad, is brashly adorned by the name of history’s most hated man in the colors of his Nazi party.

    The storefront also includes a swastika, formerly an ancient emblem of good fortune but since WWII loathed for symbolizing the momentum of hate and destruction. Above the store entrance, it dots the letter i in Hitler.

    Is there any excuse? Certainly there’s a precedent in pop culture for co-opting political imagery, from the Ché Guevara t-shirts worn by hipsters to the offensive depictions of Obama and Romney this campaign year.

    There’s even the web comic Hipster Hitler, though comedy and satire, even when it’s not terribly funny, generally gets a pass since all the power in humor comes from surprise and sometimes shock. But the owners of the Hitler shop don’t even own up to a misguided attempt at being clever or kitschy.

    “Hitler was a nickname given to my business partner Manish Chandani’s grandfather because of his strict nature,” co-owner Rajesh Shah reportedly told The Times of India. “Frankly, till the time we applied for the trademark permission, I had only heard that Hitler was a strict man.... It was only recently that we read about Hitler on the Internet.”

    In a weak attempt to cool down the incendiary reception to his store — while still bucking for publicity — Shah has been pictured in front of the shop wearing a Gandhi T-shirt. Mahatma Gandhi, history’s antithesis to Adolf Hitler, lived in an ashram just outside of Ahmedabad for twelve years of his peace-loving life.
  2. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Wow - that's one Indian that needs to brush up on his history. SMDH.
  3. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Proof positive that ignorance has no racial boundaries. He only knew of Hitler as just being a "strict" man?? :confused::smt009
  4. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Come on, the man is obviously lying. Anywhere in the world if you studied history in HS and WW2, you know who Adolf Hitler was.

    He's trying to bob and weave, but it's too late cause he got smacked in the face with his own stupidity.
  5. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    I tend to agree. He HAD to know. I mean COME ON. India is a freaking ex-British colony - steeped in European/British history and culture, especially recently... which isn't saying much in the grand scheme of things since India's grand culture is thousands of years old - their most recent modern culture of the past century has been broadly formed/accented (I'm sure some would say degraded/polluted) by the British. Some one find a gif for the COME ON. I'm not good at that.
  6. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Lying indeed. If Hitler was just "a strict man", how did the swastika symbol make it on the store front?
  7. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    To be fair, the swastika means "peace" before the Nazi's hijacked the symbol and made it into what we commonly associate it with these days.

    And actually, you could say that the Indian local officials would have some blame in it since they allow this business to open in their own turf. Then again, Gandhi was a questionable character too.

  8. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

  9. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member
  10. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    I wonder how Warner Brothers (the parent company of DC Comics) feels about A Superman T-shirt being sold in a store called Hitler? I suspect it is probably a knockoff, but it still doesn't look good for their image.
  11. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Every moron should do a little google research before they open up a business. Sheesh. Indians especially should know that, from not being balls deep in western society - they should be smart. But then, I think they think that westerners are stupid, like when I call to get my phone serviced, and I get a guy whose name is probably Ganesh or Vikas, passing himself off as Patrick or Josh and thinking I'm going to fall for it. I hate the international barriers. I wish everyone could just be themselves. I am not stupid - if I had the chance, I would go to India for a year just to learn. It might be painful, but I would do it, just for what it would mean for my life. Not for ashrams or any of that EAT/pray/love shit or anything like that, but to be amongst other human beings in a different area of the world, NOT AMERICAN. Because I could handle it. I could and would handle it, and I wish I had the opportunity.
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Excellent post, SA. :smt023
  13. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

  14. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    :::Shrug::: big deal...

    Alot of people won't openly admit it but people respect Hitler and Nazi Germany.
  15. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    There is nothing RACIST about human feces. We all shit. If you encounter the smell in India, it's just because the system is not set up to handle it. So you are encountering HUMANITY plain and simple. To me, India would be the perfect place to deal with humanity. I deeply wish I had the opportunity to spend 6 months to a year there. With the shit and the beauty and the poverty and all of it. I have already experienced a lot more in my life than most westerners have experienced.
  16. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    I don't. I find him confusing. I find it quizzical, and amazing, and stunning. I watch movies on it constantly - trying to figure out WHY oh WHY humans would be so cruel to humans. The psychology baffles me, and I look for remnants of it in our modern day world, believe me I do. People think I'm crazy.
  17. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    I'm completely stranger-shit phobic.
    Human defecation is a design defect in the whole 'created in His image' IMO.:smt109
  18. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    All natural creatures defecate. How else would we recycle what we don't need?
    It's a beautiful design. We have to do it or we will die. It's the circle of life. Simple and pure. It all goes back into the earth.
  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    That was funny/sad to read. LOL, screw Nuclear bombs, take care of the shit ones first....
    All that money they make there...smh.

    My sister went to India to visit- she loved it, and my boss and her clients did all the time, granted Boss hobnobbed in the nice places, but she never mentioned poo stench and she was the kind that would've.
  20. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    I will go to beggar town or to the rich areas and be at home in either area... except in the beggar area, my pockets will be emptied, and I will not feel used or exploited. Indian is a different country. I long to go there. There or Egypt. I have a dear friend who lives there too... the poverty is devastating. The problem is that I. "I". am too poor to go there, when I am probably the one who could understand the most. The ones who can afford to go, can understand the least. It makes me sick. I would like to put in some labor for the poor. I really would.

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