HIV positive Pastor gives aids to church members

Discussion in 'In the News' started by 4north1side2, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Is it just a stereotype, or does philandering (on the side of the pastor) really happen more in the black church than it does in the white church? I'm just curious.
  2. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    It exists in both areas, regardless of ethnicity. Just different approaches pending the denominations.

  3. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Why do I hear about it more in the black churches? We had a very charismatic, charming pastor who was fit and young enough to even wear braces (on his teeth) and even went jogging out in public... there is another pastor I have seen that is gorgeous enough to wear the title of "greek God" (blond, fit, absolutely BEAUTIFUL for a white man - about 32 or less, if I would guess).... I can't imagine either one of them being unfaithful to their pretty wives and lovely families. Yet I hear of black ministers being unfaithful CONSTANTLY (maybe I've listened to too much Tom Joyner...)... you NEVER hear about that stuff from white churches - or maybe it's just not broadcasted? What's the deal?
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Black men can't keep it in their pants and white men are family men so they don't cheat
  5. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    That can't be it. What if a black man has a white woman who gives it to him 24-7? Will that black pastor still cheat? I'd like to see my black pastor have time to cheat when I'm available at the drop of a hat. That would be quite an experiment. Black pastor with a white wife.

    Or is it the case as it was (I suspect) with my last boyfriend (from the Caribbean)... once you realize you can get one white woman, you can't eat just one? (like a fucking can of Pringles)...:( ..... Dime a dozen.
  6. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Once you realize you can get one white woman?

    I'm not sure if the men (who are black) should be more offended by this statement (because what does that mean anyway..realize you can get? that like having good enuff credit to finally get a credit card?) or the women should be offended.

    We know you tend to think of yourself as a trophy..but we aren't trophies.
    We are people.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Maybe that's the answer. A good white woman will keep a man from cheating. Lord knows these black women aren't keeping them happy.
  8. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    This is your problem: You listen to a radio station that caters to a black audience, so of course you're more likely to hear about black church leaders being unfaithful. On the grand scheme of things, it exists on an equal plane, rather you're talking about Catholic priests fucking their nuns, despite taking a chastity vow, or invading the booty holes of their choir boys or Baptists stealing money from the people in hopes to pay off their debts of buy expensive cars.

    Another key thing is perception. Far too many sociological and psychological variables regarding the concept of race being factored into stereotypes, perceptions, etc...

  9. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    I was just thinking about it from my "old" boyfriend's standpoint - he grew up in an almost all black environment - once he found out he could pull white pussy more than most of his peers (because he was charming and goodlooking), and he hadn't had it all that much, he might have become addicted to the power, especially because he is REALLY "black power" - I think he gets off on making mixed children - it seems likes that is the only thing he cares about to be honest. Inseminating and fucking white women. Not the white women themselves. He loves being black Sooooooo much. I felt invisible. I felt like a trophy to his blackness - yes I did. It would have been okay with me, if he would have treated me well, but he didn't. He treated me like a pet. One he realized I expected things from him, it was "on to the next one", someone who was "less maintenance".

    Alinoa, if you've grown up black in an all black environment, with a pretty high self-esteem, then realize you're gold with white women, you would probably go on a shopping spree too. Before your 12 year marriage, and after it ended in tragedy. Don't judge him. I certainly don't. I know I have that currency with black men too. Shit, if I were in the Carribbean right now I'd be having a field day. I'd probably be married again already and pregnant.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This lunatic right here :rolleyes:

    If you were in the Carribbean you'd be knocked up in a tin a hut wait for Damon to come home after fucking other chicks, dude you're not special in the slightest.
    This fallacy of only top notch black men being good enough for white women is fucking racist. You play your little subtle white power bs all you want. It only proves how sad and lonely you are and why at 38 you have never been able to hold onto a man for more than a few weeks. All you're good for is a lay and a laugh nothing else.
  11. weird

    weird Member

    have you heard of jimmy swaggart? jim bakker?
  12. weird

    weird Member

    ooh...that hurts!!!
  13. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Moron, I was married for 6 years (relationship total of 9 years) and in another relationship for 5 years, and in two other relationships for 2 years. Anyway yes, only top notch black guys ARE good enough for me. It doesn't have to do with money - it has to do with the heart.
  14. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Prostitutes don't count.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    has anyone seen even one pic of this story teller with any men at all?

    Definitely don't believe you and if its true may God have mercy on that poor bastard's soul.

    Wait 9 years with the same man and not one kid?
    Yeah I definitely smell bullshit
  16. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Yeah ok whatever. It's called BIRTH CONTROL. And he's unhappily married for the third time with (apparently) a little girl. Yay. I saw him once after 8 years and he gave me one of our wedding gifts back (something my uncle had carved that was mine by rights)... we drank some beer and talked about old times and realized how insane it was that we had been married in the first place for all that time. I was glad to see him, and glad to see him leave. Would probably go to his funeral - may or may not cry. I know he loved me and never quite got over me. I left him. He was boring. Handsome, but boring.
  17. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    And in the end, we all reached a common resolution. :D Try reading some more, my friend.

  18. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    Oh Gaw Clayton County in the news again. I live next door. :(
  19. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    Joke right?
  20. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    This "Pastor" is going to hell in a hand-basket, just like this thread has... :rolleyes:

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