Tuesday night in Tampa, an attendee at the Republican National Convention was escorted out of the building for allegedly harassing an African American woman. Talking Points Memo reported that a man threw nuts at a black CNN camerawoman while saying, “This is how we feed animals.” “CNN can confirm there was an incident directed at an employee inside the Tampa Bay Times Forum earlier this afternoon. CNN worked with convention officials to address this matter and will have no further comment,” the network said in a statement. The incident was first reported by Current TV host David Shuster. http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/08/28/rnc-attendee-tossed-for-harassing-black-cnn-camerawoman/
How in the hell is that remotely funny? That's something not even the most mentally challenged person would even consider doing - it's the most evil of evil. Sheer nastiness and the worst of human nature. Death and violence come mentalities such as his. That's where all of the horror in the world comes from - it all starts with a rotten little gesture like that, and spirals out of control.
IRL if you saw that happening, I doubt your first gut instinct would be to think, 'that white guy just called her an animal. Hilarious.' Way to go, GOP. You know he's not the only 'one' at the convention.:smt100
Not surprising whatsoever. With that sort of mentality, you have to wonder why people even tolerate stupidity. That's the biggest problem in our country which not only diminishes the strength, but further divides us...
Remember, only keep your eyes peeled for the likes of Iggy or jameswilson1. They'll get the shits and giggles out of it and say that "Liberals are stupid" nonsense.
No. Black Republicans do exists. It's just most of them allow themselves to be suckered into this satisfactory bubble of blatant blindness and find all things progressive to be the bane of society...unless if it affects them directly.
Black Republicans are fucking annoying. And too white for me. My old boyfriend at least was Libertarian. He voted for McCain "so he could keep his guns". And to be plain contrary. He was one of those cowboy boot wearing, vintage coat-wearing, blue-grass/punkrock/prog-rock/Sam Cook listening rockabilly types. It would have been too "mainstream" of him to be a black guy voting for Obama. LOL. I am blacker than he was (in his mind). :smt081
What does it mean to be black? Or white? Last I've checked, attitudes and behaviors aren't discriminatory.
Based on everything we've learned from history, I just don't understand how a black person can be a Republican. My parents "turned" Republican, and their behaviours at times seem suspiciously racist. I hate it. Republicans seem to LOVE to have black people serving them at their functions (banquet servers) - I don't fucking get it. It makes me nervous. There is more to it than this, but I get queasy around Republicans - I can almost smell them. Even going to the mall makes me a little nauseous.
You still haven't answered my question. What does it mean to be black, white, or any ethnic group? What sort of litmus test should one pass to determine one's blackness or whiteness? Why believe certain social constructs are real? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You're speaking of the modern day Republican orthodoxy, not so much of the history of Republican Party. If anything, it should be more along the lines of how modern day blacks would support an organization that basically caters to a select few and disenfranchising others. Conservative orthodoxy is what you should cross-examine altogether. Parties are merely labels for individuals to join to gain better prominence. Sure, we can examine the individual platforms for the main parties, but beyond all that, both parties tend to continue this perpetual cycle of bickering. The difference this time is...we have a bunch of big ass babies (GOP) exercising the "all or nothing" mantra and holding the nation hostage, and those who are simply the centrist party with a more centralized center-left agenda. But they are both are pretty much bought out by lobbying groups and what have you.
OMG stop being such a fucking baby. I was just stating my damn opinion and my old boyfriend would laugh in your face right now with your whiny ass tattle tale "reports". He was the kind of guy who used to wear a "Property of the Warren County Jail" bright orange jail shirt around town just for fun, although he'd never been arrested for anything.... and had a conceal/carry license. And pulled his gun on a guy for trying to steal his 2nd bike (after noticing that his first bike was gone), AND made him bring back the first bike, (WITH air put in the tires). The guy even begged him for a job, and he just laughed. That's the kind of guy my old boyfriend was. Report all you want to - you will just look like a fool. He would bring you home to your mother with your shirt up around your shoulders, looking pretty stupid. That and he's twice your age. He's the whole reason I love black men in the first place. Don't even get me started. He would annihilate you but it would be too much effort. He'd rather laugh in your face and carry on with his quiet life.
Key word here is "allegedly" And lets not paint the whole RNC as a bunch of KKK members just because of one person.
LOL. Keep hope alive. Racism is a myth hatched in the minds of commie liberals.:razz: There is no allegedly about this asshole being kicked out of the convention. Why was that?? He did SOMETHING. I think the report is entirely credible. Believe it or not, mainstream cable news organizations are loathe to call ANYTHING racist, although they will often imply it.
The RNC Platform is as fascist as ever. In particular, on social issues. How can you be a party proclaiming individual freedom and reason when you have the following platforms: 1. Ban on abortions on all cases. - Not allowing subsidizing or public funding towards abortions. - Implementing the rhetoric onto the 14th Amendment - Challenging Roe vs. Wade 2. Same-sex marriage - Ban all same-sex marriages - Defending DOMA - Ban same-sex adoptions - Ban same-sex civil unions - Ban same-sex domestic partnerships - Establish a federal amendment making same-sex relations of any kind to be illegal 3. Promoting Intelligent Design and Creationism in the science classrooms - Revisiting the Scope's Monkey Trial - Allowing Biblical interpretations in science classrooms - Slowly pushing education vouchers towards religious institutions. There are others, but I can safely say that for a party that claims to be for America, they surely act like they rather glorify the dark ages. We've come a long way. I wonder how long before they continue to roll back the clock on progress and allow such piss-poor decisions further degrade this country down the pits.
Wait until we get a truly 7-2 conservative Supreme Court and affirmative action and Roe V. Wade are declared unconstitutional. If Romney wins....I can't hardly wait.