Black Pornstar Julian St. Jox Had 3-Way Sex with Kim Kardashian

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by Kid Rasta, Aug 22, 2012.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Actually, it's about a pornstar who said Kim fucked a woman and he then fucked Kim after meeting her in 2 minutes. Didn't you say in that other thread that if you meet someone in 2 minutes and you fuck them, then you are a slut? -
    Kim fucked married men. She fucked her friend's men, too. Your hypocrisy is nauseating and then some.

    Btw, Mary repented and was saved. What about your Kim...:cool:
  2. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    Stop Acting Like a Hoe :p
  3. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    APPIAH, We Are All Hoes In The Eyes Of The Lord. :p

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    I am sure you can point out where the guy fucked her within 2 minutes of meeting her. You dont get it do you? I am not judging Kim you are. I was defining what a slut was in my post you quoted and not bashing anyone. Did Rahab repent as well?

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    I am sure you can point out where the guy fucked her within 2 minutes of meeting her. You dont get it do you? I am not judging Kim you are. I was defining what a slut was in my post you quoted and not bashing anyone. Did Rahab repent as well? I think Bathseba could also be defined as ho' as well. Oh Kim K can repent tomorrow who knows? Doesnt your so called good book say do no JUDGE?
  6. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    A few things:

    She DID monetize her pussy -- she got paid to spread em. Why are you implying like she didn't?
    So yes she is a whore - she got paid to fuck.

    Kim being slutty isn't the issue here, no one cares. It's other things, particularly that she likes to spread her legs to married men while she has a boyfriend, pose naked for PB, perform in a sex tape to sell it, and then claim she is a role model to young women. She is not.

    When you say it took you a while to realize her victim image must have been designed by producers of the show, you may not realize the executive producer is her mom.

    It's not envy, it's more disgust. I would give her more credit if she behaved like Jenna Jameson who is worth the same amount but is not in our faces 24/7 nor ever professes to be this 'sweetheart'.

    Jenna is what she is, and Kim pretends to be what she is not.

    Interesting you mention her 600million + Google hits...yet she has a neg 10 impact rating to advertizes (the industry has a system that rates a celebrity's selling power and most have an negative average of 1-3). While Kim attracts hits, she doesn't bode well for advertisers' return on their dollar. To compare strictly from a modeling perspective in terms of impact, Heidi Klume is worth 70 mill, while Giselle is worth 250 million, which shows you their value to advertizers -- when people see their faces, they buy.

    Most people dislike Kim's attention whoring ways and her over-saturation in the media. However, she is virtually inescapable. So readers have turned the media assault back on them by skipping the story to join the comments in commiserate hilarity. Kim to America is like that hooker who has set up shop outside your corner street....move it, ho.

    She is so lucky Kanye picked u the mess of her fraudulent marriage attempt and breathed life back into her phoney 14:59 minutes. :???:

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    LOL yep we all are but other might disagree because ho'ing in the name of the Lord might give you a pass to heaven where a big titted white angel will be waiting at the gate.
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    In that case, how come you haven't converted ^ ^ [​IMG]
  9. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Because Alicia keys is straight up gorgeous. And talented.

    Swizz Beatz?



  10. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    That Big Titted White Angel Probably Has A Dick.
  11. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    How long ago was the sex tape?? Ray J is one sleazy dude and supposedly gave Whitney that last bump that killed her.
    IMO Kim K made the best of a bad situation, I don't think she did the sex tape to get famous. I doubt it was even her idea to film it.
    So Kim K didn't get 'paid' to spread her legs, she flipped an embarrassing situation into a reality TV show career.

    What married men did she fuck??? That's not really her style. Yeah she'll fuck dudes with GFs, but I'm not aware of her being known for sleeping with married men.
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    She did do the tape to get famous. "One Night In Paris" capitulated Paris into stratospheric popularity. That was her best friend then. Outtakes show Ray and Kim prepping her for her "future fans" as well as Kim re-applying her make-up.

    She posed naked for Playboy after.

    Aubrey O'Day said Kim encouraged her to do a tape or P/B stating 'it will set off her career.'

    She fucked a *married Travis Barker from Blink-182 when he hired Kim as his new clothing-line model, and when Shannon Moakler found out, assaulted her at a party with Reggie there.

    It's why Reggie left her.

    When she wormed her way back to him, her fucking Kanye while he was with Amber was the last straw and he left her for good. (He did fly Amber out to N/O for a revenge fuck later on, but it never went anywhere, not surprisingly).

    *(Shannon divorced Travis over it).
  13. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    Why do you sling around the word hypocrisy so often,.... you must know by now that a Christian life is a walk of fall and getup again. No body is perfect, we are all sinners....and I never heard her say she was faultless....Ironically,claiming that same man... as the Son of God... would be a good start for you too in salvaging the rest of your life............Now you can trash me, but hope this doesn't cause you to further blaspheme your self....
  14. MichaelWenton

    MichaelWenton New Member

    I dont know if the girl is a whore by REAL definition, but she is most definetly a fame whore. But lets be realistic if you takeaway the media coverage from some of these girls in the industry they will become famewhores as well to have the spotlight back on them. They want the spotlight but act like they dont but it obviously shows.
  15. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    I've seen just about every released version of Kim K's sextape:smt060, and there were never any outtakes. Until I see them, I'll assume this is tabloid smearing. Yes Paris did a sextape and it boosted here public profile, but as much bitching and whining done by Kim and her mom, I really doubt the tape was a part of bigger plan. It was a fortunate accident. Notice Ray J has never come out admitting that tape was done for public release.

    Did she sleep with Travis Barker?? Wasn't he separated from Shannon Moakler at the time, or was it one of the endless 'reconciliations'???

    Maybe Kim did, maybe she didn't. But that one guy who was sort of married at the time, although I thought he was separated.
  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    i know that's right

    look at that body :smt007
  17. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Then people should not sit on the moral high horse and act as if their shit doesn't stink. You think you can be judging her by talking about her fucking married men yet the Bible is replete with adulterers and murderers who are accorded reverence.That's the hypocrisy i am talking about if you understand what hypocrisy means.:cool:
  18. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    And if you would read the other scriptures about said individuals, you would understand why. David was guilty of both, however, God said that David was a man after his own heart. David was not without flaws, but God saw his heart and knew he loved and worshipped him with abandon. Same as a parent with children. They will be naughty and disobedient. But the child is still loved and cherished.
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    let he who throw the first stone, be without sin

    greatest line ever written
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member


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