they would rather have a fancy football stadium than educated children. how many teachers that could have hired
None of course. They abhor education of any type. Unless its from Harvard while draft dodging. Have you seen their spelling? It's atroshus. state rankings in science and math
"Honk for English" and another next to it saying "No Amnety" – something to do with immigration. Teabonics...a study of how teapartiers spell:
No different than this guy "I did not have sexual relations with that woman": I really hope you purposely misspelled atrocious.
Say that when the Cowboys actually win something and not the laughing stock of the NFL. And on that note, that sort of money could be put to better use regarding infrastructure, expanding the sciences and technology and improving the educational system in the Texas educational systems in a secular institution. Though the constitution in Texas guarantees all monies to the education sector to be allocated appropriately, the sports arena need to be lessened. Better chances of having more educated individuals and less brain traumas from a "manly sport" that is "football".
The problem is sports is a HUGE draw that will bring money into the school that can be used for other things.