"Legitimate rape"

Discussion in 'In the News' started by z, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. djfromtheday

    djfromtheday Member

    Fair enough we can agree to disagree. I think life begins at conception. at this point all the embryo needs is a supportive environment and nutrients. Someday we might even see embryos grown and developed in this manner so woman who cannot bear children will be able to have their own.
  2. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    When you point out obvious information about her, then yes I would dare say you're stuck in the past. Let alone, its origins. It's like you being a Christian and Christianity had roots of slavery and even went as far as demeaning blacks. Yet, times have changed and policies and what have you. Sorry that you're missing the bigger picture, but I would only incline that you are just speaking a little too crazy.

    Now granted, your position on abortion is actually a commendable one. You're personally against it, but wouldn't push your views outright. Though it's a bit contradictory given that you're out to use the typical Margaret Sanger excuse to be against it altogether. Then again...I DO question your validity after all.

  3. djfromtheday

    djfromtheday Member

    There is no contradiction. It was trash then and it is trash now. This isnt like a chemical weapon that was engineered to kill people but was later found to cure certain forms of cancer in small doses. This birth control lobby was founded in eugenics principles and to this day remains as a eugenics program. The only difference now is that it has been fraudulently wrapped up in some civil rights argument in order to dupe women, minorities and socially conservative democrats into accepting it.
  4. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    You do know some women have periods right though pregnancy right? So a missed period is not a sign for all.
  5. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    What sort of cuckoo conspiracies have you wrapped yourself on, my delusional trilobyte? Are there any instances today in which eugenics is even practiced or outright advocated? No. Just paranoid cretins would use any excuse to legitimize the control of women's bodies and to me, you're an outright lying fool with little regard for the health of women.

    Show me something in present day times in which eugenics have been the plan the whole time and not some kooky idea cropped up by some socially conservative nutjob. Come on kid, you're doing yourself a disservice carrying on with more sickening agenda.

  6. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Has anyone seen Rachel Maddow last night? She said that joker is not the only one who believes in this nonsense like Rep Ryan VP nominee. Akin is going to run and it will be exciting.
  7. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Really hoping he skips the GOP convention lol
  8. djfromtheday

    djfromtheday Member

    Thanks for the series of personal attacks with a small sprinkling of opinion and a question that is easily answered with a quick google search. What a fruitful debate. You are a real delight.
  9. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    It's not a personal attack when I'm pointing out the problems with your failed reason, sonny. You obviously have no case in the matter regarding abortions. My initial post to you also proved you wrong regarding population growth rates by groups, and you purposely ignored it.

    Ah well, selective reasoning suits you.

  10. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member


    When when you can't have candy, whine!
    It always works for me.

    That reminds me....
  11. djfromtheday

    djfromtheday Member

    Lol calling me delusionasl and a liar is certainly a personal attack do I need to bust out websters dictionary and break this down for you? You merry band of pro abortionists dance around the point and then try to gang up on me like i care
    Here's is Wikipedia's definition of a personal attack for your "reading" pleasure.lol...

    An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an attempt to negate the truth of a claim by pointing out a negative characteristic or belief of the person supporting it.[1] Ad hominem reasoning is normally described as a logical fallacy,[2][3][4] more precisely an informal fallacy and an irrelevance.

    What sort of cuckoo conspiracies have you wrapped yourself on, my delusional trilobyte?(Personal attack) Are there any instances today in which eugenics is even practiced or outright advocated? No. Just paranoid cretins would use any excuse to legitimize the control of women's bodies and to me, you're an outright lying fool with little regard for the health of women.(Personal attack)

    I counted three personal attacks in just this particular screed.
    #1 you called me a delusional trilobyte
    #2you called me a paranoid cretin
    #3 you called me a outright lying fool.

    THEREFORE YOU HAZ BEEN EXPOSED. Try some Omega Fish oils and flax seed oils. I have heard they are good for memory. You need them. Alona same applies to you as well. You were calling me all sorts of names earlier in thread. Both of you were beaten as soon as the name calling started.

    Last edited: Aug 22, 2012
  12. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    It's highly cute when you're trying to accuse people of being "pro-abortionists" with your failed reasoning behind being against it. I could venture into the territory that you so-called "pro-life advocates" are actually causing greater harm through perpetuating over-population, which is far more harmful for the human race. Being short-sighted is inexcusable, especially when I'm slowly eating your little worldview apart.

    And for the record, this isn't an ad hominem when you're simply replying with ridiculous comments and revisiting the past. You call today's Planned Parenthood "PC", but you really have little to no understanding on anything in the matter on women's needs and health. To say otherwise, you're just a deluded fool. Not an ad hominem, but a factual observation.

    Besides, what happened to your original argument on abortion? Did you read everything thoroughly and then slowly gravitated towards attacking Sanger? And the I've refuted your silly claims and now you want to call out "personal attacks?" Irrational minds breeds slavery and ignorance and you sir, fit the bill just dandy.

  13. djfromtheday

    djfromtheday Member

    More personal attacks. Keep em coming budday.
  14. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    You really have nothing to add other than more unintelligible lies and misinformation. If you have nothing else to say and want to preserve any shred of credibility in your honor, then don't bother responding. You're only making a further ass out of yourself.

  15. djfromtheday

    djfromtheday Member

  16. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I've already provided all the necessary information to prove your scare tactics wrong and you have a hard time acknowledging it. It's one thing to hold a position based on personal lamentations and that's perfectly fine. But the minute you resort to lies and misinformation, your credibility as a debater falls out of the window.

    This isn't a sport based on individuals discussing a political matter. Rather, it's someone who distort information vs. another person who refuted all the claims pertaining to that distortion. Not once have I chastised you for your personal standing on being pro-life. Rather, I've looked at the way how you conducted yourself and for you to use Margaret Sanger (basic pro-life tactic), the past, and then dismissing the current PP environment as being PC only tells volumes that this debate has ended and you've firmly lost.

    You're clinging onto nothing but trying to ignore the lies you've created on here and distorted information. But revel in your own filthy paranoia and keep the past close to you. If it makes you sleep better, then don't let the rest of us lies in your bed full of needles and poisoned feathers.

    In short: I've provided FACTS, you couldn't respond accordingly and you've lost.

  17. djfromtheday

    djfromtheday Member

    FACTS? Facts such as calling me a liar, Facts like calling me a deluded liar? SURELY YOU JEST. I am done you can take your last words and go kick rocks I am done here. Anyone interested in the truth of this need simply read it from the beginning. PEACE.
  18. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Liar? Yes.

    Deluded liar? Most definitely.

    Distorted truth? You've basically demonstrated all this.

    And the end result? You're continuing your senseless tirade. Grow up.

    P.S. Facts as in proven your lies wrong. But, you've ignored those.

  19. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Holy fuck, dude, you cannot be serious. Fucking anti-choice people.

    Again, are you serious?! No one is talking about late-term abortions.. For fuck's sake.

    Humans are biologically engineered for sex. To sit there on your pious, sanctimonious high horse and say 'just don't have sex' is ignorant and ridiculous. That's why we have methods to prevent and terminate pregnancy. You are free to use them or not. Note the term 'free'.


    Yes, they did. They also don't do many abortions in the grand scheme of things. They DO, however, provide gynecological and prenatal care for women who might not otherwise be able to afford it. They do mammograms. They help a woman arrange to prevent an unwanted pregnancy - and isn't that what we all want? To eliminate an unwanted pregnancy from even happening?

    Bless your heart, Alinoa. Were you drinking wine writing this? I think I almost busted a capillary.. ;)

    It is about a woman and her body, because strictly speaking, that fetus is a parasite until such time as it can survive on its own. It feeds off the host, sucks nutrients and vitamins, and causes some serious adverse effects. I believe a woman is free to make decisions about her own body - especially when it's been invaded.

    If it's Gods will, then who the fuck is this god who let's a woman get raped three times? Who is this 'god' who lets horrible things happen to good people every day? To teach them some kind of lesson? Horseshit. I've got better things to do than subscribe to some bullshit dimestore philosophy.

    Thanks for this. I can totally respect being torn and seeing both sides of the issue. That's the core of being pro-choice, in my opinion.

    Yes, DK...exactly! Good point. Funnily enough, I asked enough questions in Bible school that I was eventually thrown out. Critical thinking + Bible = bad Christian. :) So, now we have it as...Critical thinking + understanding of the earth and finding balance = Wiccan :)

    You're batshit crazy. Plain and simple. Fuck off. Please and thank you.
  20. Jase

    Jase Active Member

    Is djfromtheday possible just a troll?

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