Lmao @ Kevin Heart....when I left I took things she didn't realize were important til she looked for them & they were gone..... I took the backs to all her earrings
The Other 100 Greatest Movie Insults of All Time [YOUTUBE]PSEYXWmEse8&feature=youtube_gdata_player[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]pHWEZ_IjcSk[/YOUTUBE]
damn this brings back memories i loved thinking my mom forgot about something bad I did, only to have her beat my ass over it like days later shit sometimes she wouldn't even beat me over something...she'd tell my grandpop and he would beat me for it like weeks later on some 'you know what your mom told me?' :smt105
seriously it's like some parents deliberately wait until you get all comfortable and relaxed, then start whopping your ass on some week old shit when u know ur going to get an immediate beating, u kinda prepare for it and brace yourself that anticipation and endless wait is horrible when it doesnt
I remember having a long wait. I took a bath and went to bed. Well guess what, 1:30 am ass whooping time. My brain was already fucked up that time of morning as a child. Add a beating with that. Damn.