And what wunword will I get (again) when I point out that lying' paul Ryan lambasted the stimulus program and then gots LOTS of money from it. Who wants all the free shit, again? Do any of you republican'ts know that wall street is as high in value as its ever been right now? Do any of you know that "you didn't build that" corporations are making RECORD profits RIGHT NOW with our Lord and Messiah Barak Obama in office? Soo.. So any of you want to REALLY bitch about how he hasn't done one good thing that has benefitted YOU since entering office? Well, guess what? Welcome to TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS bitches! How's that shit working out for ya?
Alinoa,you hit it on the head! The fools at Fox News,Romney,and other conservative clowns are lying through their mouths. I bet most of the money used for those right wing superPACs are from the profits of the three years of Obama.
The fact that you ignore conservative hypocrisy and only focus on the progressive hypocrisy is dishonest. If you believe in the conservative viewpoint and what they are about it's all well and good, but blatantly ignoring their hypocrisy in order to justify your stance and make them seem better than the progressive side is dishonesty.
I know I did. Because that's what this whole entire election is about. I'll take note that the diehards haven't responded yet. I'll wait.
Ahahahahahahahahahaha! @ wunword. You mean reduce meaningful government spending (social services) and then take THAT money and put it into military spending while taxing the poor and middle class at heavy rates so those who are priviliaged stay privileged. Right?
Doesn't seem like he wants to reduce government spending when he personally would want to allocate the money towards defense. That's called...hypocrisy.
That's a pretty loose definition if I do say so myself. If you're a real fiscal conservative, then it wouldn't hurt to cut defense spending. But good ol' Ryan seemingly has a hard time being clear with this.
Ryan has a hard time period. They both are going to get their asses drug across the floor in the debates. Remember how palin was checked? Like that. But worse. I CAN'T WAIT!