I'm not sure what you mean by making it personal. As for the auto industry, whoever was in office would've had to do the same thing. I voted for him because I thought he could bring the two parties together. That didn't happen. I'm sorry I didn't mention his entire list of accomplishments but I'm still not happy with how things are. The unemployment rate is still high. He's going to have to earn my vote again. That's all I'm saying.
I was afraid he was too green for the office, so I didn't really respond to his campaign. And yeah, when McCain said the economy was fundamentally sound, then suspended his campaign to vote on TARP, I said man, this guy is lost. By that point I knew I wasn't voting that particular cycle. Obama is a moderate, that's the only reason I'm voting for him. I don''t expect him to fix the economy just like that. Obama himself never 'promised' the stimulus would keep unemployment below 7%. That was a projection being thrown around before he took office. And that was before we discovered GDP actually shrank - not by the the estimated 3% - but by a whopping 6.2%. We were hemorrhaging 700,000 jobs a month. That's why many economists believe the stimulus should've been bigger, with far less tax cuts. But it did succeed in keeping us afloat: Until congress throws the states a life preserver, so they quit laying off public workers, the recovery will continue to be sluggish. This is the only 'recovery' where public employment has dropped like a rock, thanks a to a highly partisan congress. And, omfg, the debt ceiling debacle was unprecedented. But all one has to do is compare our economy to the UK. They have a bunch of austerity driven supply-siders in power, so, naturally, their recovery has been abysmal, close to 0% growth. Expect the same with a Romney-Ryan ticket. When you have a global recession like that of 07-08', there's little a president can do about it. I would count cutting out the middleman in student loans, bailing out the auto industry (and forcing them to restructure), recapitalizing the banks, and certainly Obamacare, as major domestic achievements. The latter is hardly perfect, but its a step in the right direction.
By personal I mean policies that directly affect you. A lot of people have been saying they don't see how anything Obama did affects their lives directly. A lot of times people tend to miss the indirect ways policies affect their lives. McCain would have let the auto industry fail. The right would have never signed off on bailing out the auto industry at least that's what they implied. Him not bringing the parties together has absolutely nothing to do with him. Its the divisive and racist right who would rather see the country fail then let him get credit for saving it because as I said before the biggest problem with politics is that the people making decisions aren't personally affected by the decisions they make for all of us so what do they care if the country fails. Most of them are rich and can just leave if worst came to worst. Unemployment is definitely not his fault. Taxes have never been this low in our entire lifetimes. Corporations are choosing not to invest in this country anymore. There's really nothing he can do about that. He's definitely earned your vote far more than Romney. As a woman alone you should be against the dude who wants dominion over your reproductive choices and a man who is for complete austerity cutting all social programs. The fucking starve the beast model they keep promoting never shows how its going to add anything to the country
I love you guys. Seriously. I love you guys. For being sane. And for being smart. And for calling shit as it is. And iggy is secretly on to me. How did he know I'm so jealous of Romney and his family?
Low information voters are the death of our democracy. If people are clueless about what actually Obama accomplished during his first 4 years and how it could have been catastrophically worse under a Tea Party backed presidential administration, I think Americans need to feel the pain a bit more to understand which side stands for what.
This. So many times this. And if the American people are ignorant enough to vote the likes of Romney/Paul into office then they deserve the impending shitstorm that will be unleashed. One may not agree with Obama..but do we really want to go backwards?
Rush limbaugh maybe lol? "There two symbols of the republican party: an elephant, and a big fat white guy who is threatened by change." : Seth MacFarlane
Ryan's first week as Mittens Very Poor running mate Anyone else feel like its sorta offensive to hoist this stupidity on the American people? 1. Ryan’s position opposing abortion even in cases of rape, and his attempts to define cytoblasts as legal ‘persons’ (which would outlaw all termination of pregnancies and some forms of birth control) came under scrutiny when Republican Todd Akin, running for the Senate in Missouri, provoked a furor. Akin said he opposed abortion even in cases of rape because in ‘legitimate rape’ the woman’s body rejects fertilization. Akin’s insensitivity to a situation that affects a third of a million American women every decade, plus his ignorance of Biology 101, drew widespread condemnation. Mitt Romney put out a statement that both he and Ryan believed abortion was permitted in case of rape. Problem: Ryan has repeatedly opposed that position and appears to agree with Akin more than with his running mate. 2. Ryan keeps attacking Prsident Obama’s stimulus program now. But in 2002 when then President George W. Bush proposed stimulus spending, Ryan supported it. “What we’re trying to accomplish today with the passage of this third stimulus package is to create jobs and help the unemployed,” Ryan told MSNBC in 2002. 3. Even more embarrassing, in 2010, Ryan asked for $20 million in stimulus money from Obama for companies in his district, then repeatedly denied requesting stimulus funds. He finally admitted he had done so, but continues to slam the stimulus program as a failure (even though the economy pulled out of a Depression as a result of it). 4. Ryan slammed President Obama for the closure of an auto plant that closed in late 2008 under George W. Bush. Ryan’s running mate, Mitt Romney, opposed Obama’s actual auto bailout, which was a great success and returned Detroit to profitability. 5. When Ryan was challenged on his lack of foreign policy credentials, he replied that he had ‘voted to send men to war.’ That is, he is boasting that his support of the illegal and disastrous Bush invasion and occupation of Iraq qualifies him to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. The Iraq War left over 4,000 US service personnel dead, over 30,000 seriously wounded, and likely hundreds of thousands of Iraqis dead; failed to uncover any weapons of mass destruction, contributed to the US debt, and led to the takeover of Iraq by Shiite elements close to Iran, who are now helping Iran get around US sanctions. Does Ryan really want to run on that record of foreign policy ‘success’? 6. Paul Ryan charges that Barack Obama has ‘stolen’ $700 billion from medicare for his Obamacare. In fact, these expense reductions do not cut Medicare benefits, and, moreover, Romney and Ryan supported these reductions! The difference is that they would give the savings to the affluent, whereas Obama uses them to cover the presently uninsured. 7. Ryan, seeking the youth vote, was foolish enough to list “Rage against the Machine” as one of his favorite bands. Band leader Tom Morello lambasted him, saying Ryan is the embodiment of the machine against which they are raging. Face it, Ryan, you are stuck with Megadeath and Ted Nugent. 8. It became clear that under Ryan’s tax plan, Gov. Mitt Romney would pay less than 1% in annual federal taxes, highlighting Romney’s already low rate compared to ordinary Americans (slightly lower than Ryan’s own!) and putting the spotlight back where Ryan’s appointment was supposed to misdirect it. 9. It turns out Ryan and his wife own shares in oil and gas companies that indirectly benefit from tax breaks for Big Oil that he wants to keep in the federal budget. 10. Ryan continues to push his longstanding plans for a steal-from-the-elderly-and-give-to-the-rich medicare plan, which President Obama warned would cost ordinary recipients over $6000 a year extra. Politifact checked and rated Obama’s charge as correct, though they noted that the figures referred to CBO analyses of Ryan’s last plan, not his ‘new’ one, which hasn’t been subjected to similar analysis. Ryan certainly recently put forward a plan that would cost ordinary people that much extra. www.juancole.com
I am sure many of us are aware that just because you once dated, had sex, had a child with someone of a particular race doesn't exclude you from being racist. There are plenty of BW married to or dating WM who bad mouth BM and other races with their white husbands (not all obviously). There are also many BM WW couples who do the same. That being said, I am not rooting for either Romney or Obama. I am just curious as to who will win and what they may offer. I am not a fan of religion period. And for those that have issues with Romney's religion you would be hard pressed to find a religion that didn't have some sort of racist past. So, as I mentioned he may be racist he may not be, if he is racist, he wouldn't be the first of last. If he isn't he also wouldn't be the first or last.