This. I've been running convenience stores for years, and I don't tolerate that type of disruptive (and IMO abusive) behavior. I've dealt with many difficult customers over the years, which goes with the customer service territory, but this guy was much more than that. He evidently went out of his way to cause trouble, and there's no call for that shit. Even if a customer has a valid request/issue/complaint, there is no reason for that type of unreasonable behavior. No one violated that fool's rights by any means. That's just an excuse he's trying to use for acting like an ass. Yeah, he has rights, BUT shitting on the rights of others isn't one of them. I've had customers complain about not liking or not wanting to be served by my employees based on race, sex, weight, looks, sexual orientation, etc., and those are NEVER valid complaints. None of those things have shit to do with good customer service, and I'll be damned if I'm going to cater to assholes who think they have the right to complain about them. If he had an issue with who worked there, he had the right to take his ass someplace else. The fact that he returned (still acting like a dick) after being told to leave says he was just being a trouble maker. If he really had a legitimate issue that couldn't be resolved to his satisfaction, he wouldn't have wanted to continue doing business there IMO. Banning him was without a doubt the right decision. He needs to take his ignorant ass to Walmart to buy his groceries, so he can bag 'em and haul 'em out his damn self.
Damn. The fool tried to troll the grocery store after he got banned? Hmmmm. What/where does that sound like?
Some of the slow ass people on this board never cease to amaze me. Special shout outs to Stizzy and Petty on this one. Would it be the right of a business to say we're equal opportunity employers but we tend to hire more white females because customers seem to like them better? The shit is absurd. Having respect for someone's body and medical issues is not the same as who bags your groceries or brings you food. Even though I admit at this point we as adults should recognize a doctor is a doctor gender nor ethnicity or religion has anything to do with good treatment. If we cater to the racists of this country we lose period the end. Like we need another excuse to raise black unemployment. Some of you need to find a clue quick. Or if we do cater to people like this they should pay more money. Want a grocer gonna cost you an extra 25% That'll kill that noise.
Let's watch the insults sir. And trust me, I'm far from slow. Probably a couple of steps ahead of you in life. Anyway, my point was the man can say whatever the hell he wanna say, his amendment rights state that. He broke no laws by making insults, right? People bashed him for doing him. I was just making a point. Personally, I could care less about the racist fuck.
Pardon me you're not slow but your comments in this thread have definitely been so my friend. Its not that you guys were defending his freedom of speech but his freedom to choose who serves him. Do you have any idea where would be as a people if everyone supported that way of thinking. You nor I would be hired for anything unless it was out of complete desperation. Socially as a country we'd break down if people could request their service people. Black unemployment would triple believe that homie.
My comments were real. And people already support that. I'm from a region where hate groups rally in the public chanting and yelling nigger, monkey, and spade. And they have PLENTY of supporters. And unemployment tripled years ago. Ask Bill Clinton.
Um that's not true. This country went through the greatest era of prosperity under Clinton. Look it up kid
Oh yeah that's very true no argument here. One of the biggest blows to American workers in recent history.
Its sad, there are people like this idiot that crawl from under rocks inside the crevice of the earth and insult and berate others. This is so disrespectful and the unfortunate part about it is his beliefs are perfectly justifiable to him. I am glad the store owner stood up for his employee and I hope his dedication remains throughout this unfortunate event.
What BBW said. I'm really passionate about these kind of things and I amended my previous statement sir:smt023
It's really NOT that hard to have civil debate on a forum such as this. When you remember that there is a PERSON with feelings and the right to hold their own opinion on the other end of the debate. Too many times, a few individuals here don't take the time to read, absorb and, when necessary, take a step back, breathe and THEN engage. They blast back out of anger which results in all kinds of mayhem. There really is a way to debate civilly - respect your opponent.
:smt023 A round of applause for the lady. :smt038 Have to spread some reps around before giving it to you again babe.