Just when I thought I had seen all the stupidity of humanity and yes he did say "Negroidal and Congoid. Where do they find these types.
and some people wonder why......some people still wonder why, what the fuck kinda shit are people trying to pull these days
Racists are clinically insane. This dude is so far gone he's upside down. What the fuck kind of 'negroidal' cooties is he going to get from someone handling his prepackaged grocery items??
:smt043:smt043:smt043 I was thinking the same thing. Wonder if he went home the first time and threw out all the groceries the "negroidal" touched. He sounds bat shit crazy and I could just imagine him with a scruffy beard and stained white t-shirt and a pair of dirty dungarees trawling through the supermarket only to make a nuisance of himself at checkout.
Maybe he employs negroid people so its not a big deal if he makes that statement just like the Chick-a-fil guy who has issues with gay marriage but has employed gay people making it not a big deal. As i said somewhere, as long as we have certain caucausoids we will continue to have these outbursts.
trust me people like him would, they go to petty worthless extents so only their own race of people are providing them a service, ive read some ol bullshit from these people who do this
No he didn't do anything illegal. But somehow he expects to still be a patron of this grocery store and demand that his groceries NOT be handled by Black store employees. So he was refused service and dumbass is currently filing a civil rights lawsuit.:smt101 Did he do anything wrong?? Yeah, his whole mindset is fucked up.
I agree, his mindset is fucked up. But he is allowed to follow his religious practices and beliefs in this country right? Board members here always speak about civil and amendment rights, what about his.
u got-damn negroids! all BS aside, this is why wherever i go i judge the way some white people look at me sometimes i just wanna know what's going through their minds:smt076 i bet some are thinking exactly like this, and wish I would get out of 'their' country
someone a long time ago told me that they'd rather live in the south, because they'd know who the racists where and who wasn't apparently like u said, down there people are more inclined to be open and forthcoming
Look, no one has the right to go into a grocery store and request only people of a certain race/gender bag their groceries. Are you being serious??? You can be racist all you want in the privacy of your own home and claim it's your religion, but you don't have the right to impose your bigotry on a private business.