http://http://hater :smt107
http://hater http://hater hater site took the story from Radaronline (which they say in their article) so if you want to read the story without Bossips insults to white women you can just find it on Radar. Sorry Noble but hater site sucks.
Posting stories from hater site is like ww posting ir stories from Just sayin.... U think ww enjoy being heckled at every step?
Skinny chick with a lil azzests. I like her, except Chad is married.:smt105 People really need to take a hard look in the mirror and know whether or not they're the marrying kind. Chad is a newlywed and he's already creeping?? SMDH. He deserved to get arrested AND cut from the Phins.
He was arrested for assault. He had the lowest contract a veteran player can have with the Dolphins. I am sure if he was an asset of greater caliber they would have ridden it out.
This whole ordeal is crazy. They both have big egos w/ big personalities, so I'm sure their little spat got out of control. Stupidity...
yeah....not sure most get that one...proves you don't have to be drop dead gorgeous to be a side piece. P#@ssy is p#@ssy
Tho Evelyn is good looking, she is a bitch and whore. I don't condone hitting women but that bitch has issues controlling her anger, she assaulted multiple ppl in other reality show. She slept with other ppls BF etc... From what I read she also told Chad he can cheat as long as he wraps it up, smdh. Here I got something for her Chad is another loser who is blessed with talent but pissing it away, fuck him too.