Where praytell did you get your ASS-U-mption that I think discrimination towards native people makes it ok? NO. - HELL NO. - As I SAID, I noted in reading up on it, interestingly their biblical referencing of "Black skin" was of the Polynesian and indigenous Native Americans -- as well as being extremely contradictory in their passages. Read the texts in the links. Bizarre and AS I STATED -- I feel in parts a racist and sexist based religion, or did you miss that part? ~~ - @ your questionable religious stances of Presidents, President Obama claims Christianity by way of having spent 20 years under the extremely controversial teachings of Reverent Wright. He ONLY canceled his membership this past May after Reverend Wright addressed the NAACP spoke condescendingly Obama. If religious dogma has no place in the Presidency, why did Obama ask Rev. Wright to deliver his invocation of his candidacy? Even though he revoked him due to pressure, Obama still asked Wright to lead him in prayer at the public event. He also appointed Reverend Wight to lead his "Religious Leadership Committee" for his election Campaign. Furthermore @ religious dogma, Joe Biden in a speech at the NAACP just this past July, reminisced about sitting in Reverent Wright's Church. Er, why??
If you read carefully, what I actually said that I assume you didn't mean it and wouldn't support it by way of bringing up the distinction to begin with. But you know, don't think calmly or anything. The American people wouldn't accept an unreligious president because they mistakenly believe that America was founded as a Christian nation. It indeed was not and was founded as a way to escape religious persecution of the church of England. Oh..the irony.
Reverend Wright had only a handful of sermons that were considered 'controversial'. If it was an every Sunday thing where the Rev. was going off against the 'Man', you would have heard about it since Reverend Wright made his sermons available via CD. The Conservatives milked the hell out of 'God, damn America' and Black liberation theology during the 2008 campaign, but it was really no more radical than most Christian fundamentalist preachers down South. Romney on the other hand has been so secretive about his faith that it gives the impression he's hiding something. I believe he's an elder in the Mormon faith so you'd think he'd have something to say about his Christian beliefs.
If you assumed I didn't mean that, then why even bring it up? Calm reading had no relevance to your post. Challenging the "religious" foundation of America makes for interesting political discussion. I know people who disagree and think it is based in religion with good argument....So if not a Christian nation, what was its principal foundation? Where did the premise originate from?
There are ethical and moral concepts in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights that have parallels in Biblical teachings, as well as Greek philosophy and law, but there is no historical evidence that I know of that definitively links the Founding Fathers cribbing the Bible to write the Constitution. IMO this is an attempt by modern fundamentalists to 'claim' the Constitution as a religious document, or one grounded in religion. Also because a Founding Father may have been Christian doesn't mean that was his reference point in debating the document at the Constitutional convention. Just because most Americans believe in a higher power doesn't mean that faith is reinforced or encouraged by the Constitution. Notice how few times religion of any kind is mentioned in the Constitution. Fundamentalists need to stand down and keep it in the Church. Let their good deeds precede them and not their orthodoxy.
No more secretive than Obama is. 65% of Americans STILL don't know Obama's religion. (32% for Romney's) http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2012/...ow-religion-of-either-presidential-candidate/ Incidentally, if I was Mormon, I would be secretive too - its reputation, whether true or false, is highly ostracized (right up there with Jehovah Witnesses) due to its well-publicized polygamy reputation and high concentration in Utah only, giving the impression of a cult. Romney has spoken about his religion, albeit it very neutral and all encompassing. Tbh, the only Presidents this century most proudly public that I recall is Kennedy and George W Bush. Can you recall others that were so "out there" with their faith? Why are you down-playing Wright's fringed religious-political doctrines, lol. C'mon the man was out there...not saying he wasn't on point in some of his sermons, but yeah his "religious dogma" was persona-non-gratis for the then Presidential candidate.
Why mention it at all? "Modern fundamentalists"?...what year/decade did this apparent religious constitutional hijack claim occur?
That's a tough one to determine. You have Quakerism that came over with the first settlers then Calvanism the a slue of other forms of Protestant incarnations. God is used on our money, in our legal system, and our military. I think its pretty much been here since the beginning in one way or another. Anyone else thinks its weird that one had to actually had to swear on the bible in court. Did separation of church and state ever exist in practice?
:smt023 Spot "fucking" on the mark. Perfunctory remarks like the one Simmons made is the stuff that is soup du jour for today's rancid political environment. It sounds as silly as the other end of the spectrum of the "Obama is not an American" "Obama is Muslim" "Obama is a Communist" and the list goes on. Oh no, Romney and Ryan will take away "yous niccas benefits" Boogie, Boogie, Boogie. This is as mindless as the rednecks that sit around in Bama, Mississippi, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho thinking most black folks sit around collecting welfare benefits. When will we as a people rise above this idiotic shit that just gets us nowhere in the end.
You're right. I meant they stopped following those doctrines as their primary growth shifted to Pacific Islands and some parts of Africa. As for the removal of the ban on clergy ('priesthood'), I totally believe it. Nothing surprises me about human ignorance. I'm actually surprised when mankind does the right thing. The scary part about that is that in Mormonism the 'priesthood' means a lot more than being a member of clergy. It is a designation of spiritual fitness, ability to lead, etc. A father holds the 'priesthood' for his family. And it implies overall character fitness and is something a man must have to be a full-fledged church member. Without it, a man is unfit. It's not a clerical designation, and is given to boys as young as twelve. And I'm against Uncle Russell's scare-mongering as well. It's just an extension of his attempt to become some sort of black opinion-maker in society. I wish all voters would think and analyze carefully based on their interests and not respond to scare tactics of any stripe.
The right to practice religion in freedom. Which just so happened to be Christianity. But that does not mean it was founded as a Christian nation. Why do you think the right to practice all religion is practiced here? If anyone knew their damn hx, they would know its because the church of England (cake or death!) was controlling every aspect of England with its brand of religion. Must of worked out really well for the first batch of British to show up on our shores. They LEFT because the religious control of government by church was too stifling. But hey! Let's not learn from any history. Let's replace the constitution with the holy bible. Because obviously, that works so well.
History is littered with hypocrisy. Its why slavery, outright discrimination against women and immigrants of all walks from throughout history and the travesty heaped upon the Native Americans, could exist on the soils of this nation while "a written Constitution said all men are created equal" What is said and what is done are often at odds in politics.
A lot of Americans get the impression that the country was founded on Christian principles, which is very untrue beyond a shadow a doubt. Ignoring certain historical events such as the Treaty of Tripoli and of course certain quotes from the Founding Fathers being highly critical of religion and government coming together. Article 11: As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries. They weren't atheists. However, they could be best described as deists and they would view religion as a problem. After all, that's one of the main reasons why they didn't like being under British rule, freedom of religion, as well as freedom from religion. That and also don't like paying taxes to the Church, which is the biggest issue.
Some Christians other than Mormons have also had that line of thinking. They use the curse of Ham to claim black people are only fit to be servants.
lmao just caught another neg rep and big surprise, they didn't leave their name. keep parroting right wing talking points and you may get the petite blond prom queen of ur dreams. her dad may even like you! who needs affirmative action when u can buck dance ur way into acceptance straight up pussy shit. Mofos be scared of me on here:smt043:smt043:smt043
Just because someone is of a certain religion doesn't mean they believe every aspect of that religion. I think continuing to bring up the Mormon thing is getting old. The Romneys have been Mormons since its inception yet Mitt's father was a strong supporter of the Civil Rights movement. Explain that, please. It's not good to jump to conclusions. I consider myself Catholic but I don't believe in every outdated-Catholic-doctrine-they-refuse-to-modernize out there. That's ridiculous.
He's part of a cult and the man brings with him pure evil for this country. Anyone who has the attitude of fuck the poor and the middle class and let the rich decide the fate of all is not good for this country in anyway shape or form