Paul Ryan VP pick

Discussion in 'In the News' started by z, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Ladies and Gentlemen Laila Ali. Vanilla version.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  3. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member



    Sorry, I know that was juvenile, but I just couldn't resist.
  4. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    It's all good. Every once in awhile you just have to take it there like that. :D
  5. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    That's probably how most people would feel toward the leader of any country that invades yours.
  6. Mighty Quinn

    Mighty Quinn New Member

    Eddie Munster most certainly will be a drag on the ticket. The guy's a charlatan. Another born again deficit hawk who happened to vote YEA on every budget-busting Bush initiative.

    Don't think voters weren't looking for dissenting Republicans during the Bush years. I remember Coburn delivering several passionate speeches on the senate floor decrying all the pork barrel spending and opposing the war in Iraq. He's far to the right but that I respected.

    Where was Paul Ryan? Another 'Nowhere Man.'

    Like I said in the other thread, Romney/Ryan is a Gilded Age ticket. You have to be completely detached from reality to think these guys are up to the task of governing. Romney was an absentee governor. Ryan's the absent-minded congressman who 13 years in congress passed just two bills. This is a ticket primed to facilitate Wall Street, wealthy donors, and nothing more.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Good luck convincing racially biased moderates who desperately want to go back to a regime where a wm is leading
  8. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    The U.S. Constitution says the President has to be born in the USA, or U.S. territory. Still it defies common sense that a young WHite woman estranged from the father of her child would travel to KENYA in the early 1960s to give birth to her child. :smt031

    Only someone with a severe hatred for the POTUS would connect nonexistent dots that he wasn't born here.

    Agree with the rest.
  9. Wunword

    Wunword New Member

  10. Wunword

    Wunword New Member

  11. Wunword

    Wunword New Member

  12. Wunword

    Wunword New Member

  13. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

  14. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

    Y'all, it doesn't matter who nitwit Mitt picked as his running mate...he's destined to fail in Nov. The only question is how big will Pres. Obama's electoral college & popular vote win will be.


    OBAMA 2012
  15. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Justify not being able to recognize & acknowledge blatant disrespect shown to someone based on their race when it is there for all with a properly functioning brain and who is grounded in REALITY to see.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Im a tax payer I am entitled to hqve my representative act in my best interest
  17. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Yup. Exactly. And when u hate someone based on the color of their skin that's exactly what you are.
    Which makes them racist. And if they are, which they are, you are trippin if you think some how they will deal with anyone of color fairly.

    Or gays.

    Or women.

    Or anyone whose not in their immediate priviliaged circle.

    Good luck with all of that and anyone who would knowingly vote for these two knowing their platform (here..let me help you with that..more money for the rich!) then whatever evils befall the country after election if they are elected..well bravo.

    Well done.

    Enjoy living in the 1800s again.
  18. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member


    Well, now, that's really har....

    Wait for it...

    Because they've done jack crap in the last three years. Because they have threatened to bring the government to its knees if they don't get what they want.

    What are they? 3

    And because a few of them constantly make thinly disguised remarks about it.

    And because..mostly because...

    I'm not fucking retarded and can see through their shit.
  19. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    So you are lumping every single Republican into the anti-gay, anti-minority, anti-women category?
  20. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    I'm lumping those that would vote for a Romney/Ryan ticket into that category.

    Yep. Because if that's who you vote for and they are elected..that will be their agenda that they work for.

    Just like obamas agenda was to fix healthcare.

    Politicians work for what THEY want. People vote for them because they WANT the same thing.

    If I believe in equal marriage rights for gay and lesbian, I wouldn't vote for someone's whose stance is against it.

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