"Destroy our people..." How so? That takes a lot of work. And if he even knows I exist I would be impressed. lol Anyway, it's this sort of thinking that keeps people so closed minded and ready to follow anyone off a cliff. I know of people that think Bush was perfect, did no wrong and if you try to point out anything of his actions that were questionable then you're evil and un-American. And I know of a few people who feel the same way about Obama too, you point out anything wrong with him and you're racist (if you're white) or out of touch (if your black) Which seems to reveal that people are so one side or the other, no in between no compromise, my way or the highway. I get it if someone just leans a certain way or not politically, as there are different ideals in conservative and libral camps, but it just amazes me how people jump to extremes. Now if Romney was saying he's going to resurrect colored only areas and" ship those negro folk back to where they belong", then yeah he might be a threat, but just because he opposes certain libral ideas, it doesn't mean he opposes black people, unless Russel is assuming that all black people are libral democrats that will suffer under the evil hand of Romney if he wins the election, because first thing on his list will be to cut all government funded programs or incentives that mostly black people have gotten help from because we're so broken and battered we don't know how to find our way out of a wet paper bag without someone's help. that's what he's saying I suppose. Extreme, I know. But so is that statement about being destroyed. So yeah, we might be screwed! Head for the hills!
My primary concern about Romney is his professed devotion to a faith that in my lifetime held as an official tenet that black people were not fully human, had no souls and were unfit for the 'priesthood' (Mormon parlance for a fully fledged member, not necessarily a clerical post, but a guide for others who are faithful, including fathers who are heads of families). This belief was uncontested in the church until the late seventies and I think was only removed somewhere between 1979-1983 (my history is failing me here). He was a missionary and devoted espouser of its tenets far before this. So, does he believe that a large percentage of the people he proposes to govern are inhuman, have no souls and unfit? If his faith is indeed a central aspect of his life it makes his faith relevant. If it was just an aspect of who he is, it wouldn't concern me nearly as much.
My concern about what faith a given candidate shares only begins where that faith makes claims about the physical world and the people within it. I wouldn't care if the candidate was a Hare Krishna, a Jain, a Coptic Christian or worshipped a head of cabbage. Those are all forms of belief about the spiritual world that is not a concern of mine. But when those beliefs go beyond concern for souls to commentary about the world we live in and the people who would be governed, I get concerned.
Romney and Ryan do not give a rat's butt to Blacks and unless the Obama supporters get crackin they will do just that.
Romney is not confortable around Blacks and Ryan has plans to take away some benifits Blacks use. Also,the GOP has a voter supression acts in the states they are in control. Actions speak louder than words.
Please show me links to where Romney is a racist. Thanks ALso, I like that Simmons tries to demonize the rich people on the right. Meanwhile, he is worth roughly 340 million. What a hypocrite:smt043
The Mormon religion for one and their position on austerity where they just want to cut everything yet produce nothing. Social programs are needed in times of crisis. Truthfully Im sick of people who make decisions that affect the rest of us but not the decusion makers. They win no matter how bad it gets for everyone
You're right, there's no evidence that could lead anyone to infer that either Romney or Ryan are racists. None, except for Romney's acknowledged open devotion to one of the few faiths that had an officially racist policy toward blacks (as opposed to just racist followers) well into the the modern era (in fact, well into some forum members' lives - mine included). The case for Ryan is weaker. Rand's Objectivism (to which Ryan openly subscribes) actively refutes racism as a barbaric philosophy that is anti-reason and anti-science. My objection to Rand's body of thought is that she is opposed to compassion and altruism as motivating principles, while I believe they are sentiments that enlighten mankind and further distinguish our species from less developed animals. A quick overview of Ayn Rand on racism. It is not the acquisition of wealth that makes a person's actions unjust, but what they do with that wealth and whether or not they acknowledge the contribution that the broader society has made to making their good fortune possible. As for Mormonism and blacks, see the admittedly unofficial Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_people_and_early_Mormonism http://www.usatoday.com/news/religion/story/2012-02-01/mormon-romney-black/52920394/1
Speaking of Mormon, there is a Black female of Caribbean descent who is a Mormon & a republican mayor of a town in Utah running for Congress, lol The world is interesting……..
Haha you guys aint got shit on Romney. Trying to make him out to be a racist. :smt043 It seems like liberals can only cry for the race card whenever they get the chance. its getting old and pathetic imo Also, maybe if Simmons truly cared about "his people" he would donate ALL or MOST of his money to his people living under the poverty line. I've seen his house on MTV Cribs, the guy is livin like a king. Maybe he should share some of that wealth hmmm
Current TV ran a documentary about Mormonism and the integration of post-Katrina Louisiana settlers and the impact of their presence on Mormon racial attitudes that also included some words from black Mormons, including a woman who acknowledged their second-class status. I saw most of it and will post it if I can find a link.
Like any religion that wants to maintain its followers and influence and relevancy in a more liberalized, secular democracy, the Mormon church had to evolve it's attitudes toward blacks and other minorities much like mainstream Christianity, Catholicism, etc... It's all a business. But as for the current stance towards interracial relationships in the Mormon church, it's not illegal, but highly discouraged. No faith is unilateral, for the collective often have their individuals who tend to think outside the faith and look to more reasonable means of thought.
Christianity didn't start in Africa, for one thing and obviously Christians basically saw non-Christians as servants of Satan. It fueled racism as much as most forms of prejudice and discrimination too. This article here should explain some of the reasons where Christianity also had racist undertones even within certain passages. http://www.secularhumanism.org/library/aah/sierichs_12_4.htm You may say it's all based on human error, and you'd be correct, but a belief system in which feel so strongly about, combined with high levels of selfishness further fueled the frontal lobe and hippocampus to exercise this level of prejudice and superiority complex.