The thing is, no matter who is elected or even in power for the next four years, the damage done to the economy has been done. It is severe enough that we probably won't be fully 'recovered' for the next 12 or so at least. And that's being optimistic lol I think it isn't fair to put the blame all on Obama. As I don't think it is fair to put it all on Bush either. It seems in general it was a mess started years and years ago that snowballed into a bigger problem getting us to where we are today. I think it just comes down to voting for the person who will use a specific method of getting out of the national debt/employment crisis in the way in which they agree. More spending? No spending? Reduced spending? Raise taxes? New taxes? No taxes? Tax the rich? tax the middle class? extend a hand to the impoverished and struggling? Politics aside, I must tip my hat to anyone wanting to be president of the united states or any other similar position over a nation, a lot of hard decisions to make and often you are damned if you do or damned if you don't no matter what you do.
Frankly, I don't know a lot about econmics at all. I'll be completely honest. But aren't we trillions of dollars in debt, as a nation? I don't think four or even eight years is enough to get out of that? And even twelve is unrealistic, but it seems to line up with everyone's hope that Obama or Romney has a magical wand that can fix everything. Which I'm not saying people shouldnt care or not vote, but it seems the economy recovering to a point where everyone at all levels can feel good about it, it doesn't seem likely for a very long time.
Safe??? Not by a long shot. Safe would be Tim Pawlenty, Governor Bob McDonnell, etc… Paul Ryan is a very controversial figure, due his budget plan (Medicare, SS, etc…) Romney care is the blue print for Obama care. Romney is considered moderate by some republicans. He is trying to run as fiscally conservative, by championing cutting spending, getting rid of Obama care, balancing the budget, etc…. So if you are going to run on these platforms who else is better to defend these issues than the Man who is in charge of the house budget committee, who talks about cutting spending day and day out (Paul Ryan). So I can see why Romney made that move, whether it's going to benefit the republican ticket or not, it is way too early to tell. I would also not say adding Paul Ryan to the ticket is a slam dunk for Obama, we will see how the next several weeks unfold….. You can disagree with his politics but one thing Paul Ryan is not is a dummy. He is a very smart young politician. I think he is got his eye on the white house as prez someday. He is going to run circles around that gaffe ridden Joe Biden, so that should make VP debate interesting……
I agree with you. Ryan is hardly a "safe" candidate. With 7 terms in the US House of Representatives, and a Chairmanship on the House Budget Committee, he's hardly an outlier. His budget white paper and policy recommendations have been one of the principle tools that has been used to shift the U.S. House further to the right. He and Cantor are considered the two most likely threats to John Boehner's position as Speaker of the House. He is wealthy, intelligent and not to be underestimated. I consider him much more of a threat than an intellectual lightweight like Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin or Rush Limbaugh.
Excellent post, I enjoyed reading it. I don't think we'll really feel as if we'll ever be in a real "recovery" at all. Think about what is ahead in the future that is out of our control which would have an impact on our economy. We're going to have deal with population growth, a need to move away from oil and coal to having an alternative form of energy, the effects of climate change, and problems with sustaining natural resources like food and water. This kind of lifestyle is a new norm that we'll have to confront and adapt to.
So let me get this straight. He gets blamed for the failing economy even though the events that happened prior to his presidency is what caused them and gets no credit for implementing the stimulus that was signed into law before he too credit even though he had to decide where the money went? So all blame no praise?
The same racist ass GOP who will vote on absolutely nothing outside of tax cuts for the wealthy? The same GOP who spear headed the deregulations and wars that lead this economic collapse in the first place? Dude are serious? lol
I hope no one here thinks that the US economy can be moved overnight. Even with key economic indicators they usually lag any actions by 6-12 months. And the last time the economy was in the toilet this badly it required a nationwide mobilization, a world war, resource rationing and the defeat of several of the US's trade competitors during the war giving the US/Britain sole market access, to turn it around.
And even that took over a decade. I seriously don't understand what these dummies expect (critics not forum members). And even though I don't believe in American politics anymore I know a vote for Romney is a vote against myself and the working class. Some of these dudes need to look up the word austerity because that's what he's pushing for and it won't affect him and his buddies but it sure as hell will affect the rest of us.
I have never seen any president as openly disrespected as this one. The birth certificate fiasco even though one piece of logic negated the whole thing. His mom was a US born citizen but it seems like anything non white has to be foreign to this country. Also open outburst in congress, who else has been called a liar in public like that? Bush sure as fuck wasn't even though he actually lied. The constant undermining, never agreeing to anything even if its in the best interest of the country. They'd rather sink the whole fucking ship rather than let the man navigate it correctly.
Holy fuck fire. Seriously? No..seriously? One incidence of a shoe being thrown at bush by someone pissed off because he OUTRIGHT lied about events leading up to a war that clusterfucked an already fucked nation? To the sheer vileness and hatred and intolerant fuckery shown a man BASED on his SKIN COLOR? Are you fucking kidding me? If they HATE him so much because he's black...what, pray tell me, do you think they will do for your lowly black ass? That is THEIR attitude toward our black president. CIC of the united states fucking military. You think they will give a fucking rats ass about you? When they can't even extent FAKE respect to our president? O. Mah. Jesus.