Ryan? Ryan? Really? Hey? Does Russia still have nukes? Because if these two jackasses get elected..killing everyone would being doing the world a favor. Ok, I'm *kinda* joking. But I hope that their policies run American government so far into the ground that the government just collapses. No more free healthcare for these douche nozzles. And I mean that.
THese dudes wanna cut taxes on capital gains from 15% to ZERO,(real income for the wealthy, not income on wages), and cover the loss in revenue to the federal government by cutting social welfare programs. Oh, and not touch a cent in military spending, the biggest unnecessary drain on the federal budget. Real winners, these two bozos.:smt030 Paul Ryan is also a devotee of Ayn Rand. When I was in college, whenever I heard someone drop how they followed the writings fo Ayn Rand like they were a religion, I didn't associate with them because I thought they were fucking INSANE. Total social darwinism, survival of the fittest with no intrusion from the federal government. In a true social darwinist dystopia, I would own my neighbor's car AND his wife because I would be straight jacking and he couldn't do shit about it. Don't be surprised if Obama blows away Romney/Ryan by a bigger margin than he beat McCain.:smt110
People are simple dude. In the states where unemployment is unrelenting and under employment is the status quo people will be dumb enough to think they need something new. We're a fast food nation we want everything done right away and since life hasn't returned back to pre Bush a lot of people think Obama has failed. Not to mention those like Iggy and Paniro (there are a lot more out there than we realize) who truly believe that letting the "job creators" keep their money is what will bring back jobs to America despite the evidence that these companies are sitting on record profits and invest in other countries not here but I digress. We are in for some bumpy ass times.
Ryan is not a big surprise. What he is, is what you would call "safe". He is not a babbling idiot like Dan Qualye or Sarah Palin. And he is not powerful and have the clout to undermine Romney for his own agenda like Cheney.
Ryan safe? Safe like sticking a wet fork into a live electrical socket? Safe like dousing oneself in very flammable liquids and then smoking a pack of cigarettes in 10 minutes? Safe like showing up piss ass drunk in a mini skirt at a frat party? Safe. I do not think I know what it means in this instance.
Oh oh! A spin doctor in its natural habitat being all natural and stuff. Quote the whole thing. I'm sure TDK doesn't want him name associated with tea bagging ignorant fuckery.