Booyaka booyaka When the general ah pass Booyaka booyaka M-Beat run the dance Booyaka booyaka We nah tek back nah talk Booyaka booyaka ......Incredible " Bombaclat
Its gonna be hard. No man has ever won the Olympic 100m or 200m, 3 Olympic Games in a row, which is what Bolt would be attempting in Rio in the 100 and 200m. Sprinters shelf life is like a male Lion that takes over a pride in his prime but then eventually he loses that strength. But I wouldn't put it past Bolt he became the first person ever to win back to back Golds in the 200m at the Olympics with his win today. So you never know. Dude is a legend.
my guess is that if he's starving, it's because he can't fend for himself and adequately fight over food in other words, it's like he's in prison and people keep chumping him for his meatloaf :smt090
Yep, pretty much. It happens to male lions when they lose control of the pride and younger, fitter, in their prime males take over. Remember all those National Greographic clips where male lions run in and take over the kill and eat first when the females bring down the prey. Well no harem of females, no food (Wilderbeest, Buffalo,etc) Nature doesn't play.
survival of the fittest basically lions aint shit...bum mothafuckas they need to get up on that social security for the old heads, fo real bunch of republicans
:smt043:smt043:smt043 The jacked up thing is every male lion faces that fate one day. No matter how strong and powerful. Some young buck will come in and kick you out and you will slowly die from hunger. Male lions are not the best hunters in the world, that mane doesn't help to pursue prey. When they are roaming bachelors without a pride, they are usually with a buddy to help out until they are strong enough to take over a pride.
Terrence Jennings wins Bronze Medal in Taekwondo. And did it in the last few seconds. I didn't realize they change the scoring system. Guess I've been following too much MMA. Now I gotto work on my spinning kicks, & I really don't like doing them.
Bolt is a beast!!!!!!!!!! Is he the tallest sprinter to dominate the olympics?? I think he is like 6'5, ain't he? The other tall person who dominated track I think it's Micahel Johnson, but he is like 6'2 tho. Damn Usain is a freak of nature, a fucken specimen!!!!!!!!!
True. And most of the people exhibiting these types of behaviors and customs in the US are often from the developing world, like neighbors raising chickens in Miami.
Done. Futsal? Welcome to the Dark Side. LOL - I'm fighting the urge to say it right now, GQ! All massive, cease and seckle! ROFLMAO
Yeah but you lose speed with more mass to carry like that. He has a weird height/muscle mass distribution. Dudes a freak of nature but then again so are a lot of these dudes. Take a good look at Michael Phelps. His upper body/torso is so much bigger than his legs. Just plain weird. Check this out