I've started writing a novel and I wanted to know if there are any writers on this forum. My work has been described as Jackie Collins style which to me is flattering considering the amount of novels she has written, published and sold. I love to write erotica and romance with of course a twist... I guess the purpose of this thread is for any other writers published or non published to come forth and discuss writing.
Screw sending in unsolicited manuscripts to publishing houses. Get a reputable literary agent to shill your work. Send a cover letter/synopsis and a completed manuscript to targeted agents and cross your fingers.:yawinkle:
Not as much of a writer now... used to write a lot more before being forced to write for writing classes. Been published twice before I turned 13, but that doesn't really count I consider myself more as an editor type now than anything... I can be quite the grammar nazi when I want to be
YESS thats what I plan on doing. A friend of mine sent his manuscript to publishing houses and that got him no where. He found an agent and and his agent was able to secure him a contract.
I used to have one then some of my work was copied and posted elsewhere under someone elses name so I dont really post my work anywhere now. If I do its only snipets.
Really? Now that's an interesting approach. You should check out Webook.com Its a really good site for unpublished writers
I was only young, lol. One thing published was a silly poem on the meaning of summer and whatnot. Another, that meant more to me, is right before my 13th birthday. I'm Deaf, wrote about experiences in regular school and what the other classmates would do to me, then how everything changed when I switched to the school for the deaf A publishing error was made though, and only half the story was actually printed
oh shucks lol Stories mainly, erotica, romance, short stories, mystery. I want to convert one of my stories into a novel, so I'm re writing and adding to the chapters, I also need to re write certain chapters because they were done in both male and female POV (sex scenes LOL) I have an active imagination but I will admit most of my sex scenes are derived from personal experience.