this is why so many people had an issue with targeting minority groups such as the Japanese during WW2, and arabs after 9/11. You would have had to be a fool not to understand how the rights of minorities in this country, were being violated while the majority continues to do whatever they want, without having to worry about sharing the same fate. do you think white people will ever be hoarded away or insanely profiled if they committed more acts of terrorism? probably not. don't even get me started on white muslim extremists, who don't have to worry about being profiled because they're of the color of their skin. just as capable of being a suicide martyr as Abdul from the Sudan, but of course get a pass because they still look like the people in power.
Very good point raised about injustice and targeting. Even more amazing that brand of terrorism was supported by the State, through laws in Southern society along with tacit practices. Lynch a negro, go into court and say he raped a white woman and you walked out free with nary a concern about ever being convicted for killing a nig. It goes to show perspectives about terror and who its perpetrated against. The Klu Klux Klan was/is a terrorist group, formulated to terrorize blacks, with threat of death, if they stepped over their boundaries in Southern society. Doesn't get any more dangerous than that.
court? what court? oh you mean being in the middle of a mob waiting to string u up for looking at a white woman, as you beg for mercy?:smt017 honestly still see some racism as an institution, as evidenced with the middle-easterners and their treatment after 9/11. but it was okay, because we were in Iraq/Afghanistan and it was okay to hate their people, as it was okay to hate Asians during the height of Vietnam
True, until very recent history (post 1960s), whites didn't even have to face the judicial system in assaulting and killing blacks, or if they did (which was rare) it was the most perfunctory of processes.
history doesn't lie..which is why it's great to be intelligent enough to research stuff on your own i'd expect double from you, since I think you are looking into practicing law or something it was open season back in the day
I still remember the Civil Right Era clips of white men walking into court rooms in the South and walking out smiling from ear to ear. Even though they murdered a black person. Knowing they would never in a snow ball's chance in hell be convicted for their actions by an all white jury in the South. Just wasn't going to happen. I mean could you imagine living in that time period and being black in Montgomery, Selma, Natchez, Jackson. Must have been constant torrents of "move out the way Boy" "we don't serve niggers" "know your place boy" and despite that you were supposed to respond "yes suh" Just crazy to contemplate about. :smt119 I might have been one of them uppity niggers who got into trouble, given my personality and aversion to disrespect ala Medgar Evers, no way could I have dealt with the turn the other cheek creed that Dr. King embraced. I would be boiling with rage to simmer my emotions being treated like absolute dirt each and every day of one's life.
It's very unfortunate that many people believe that the first time we were attacked by "Air Terrorism" was 9/11. Considering that Tulsa, Greenwood, Oklahoma tried to hide the destruction of the "Black Wall Street" by riots and by air (dropping improvised fire bombs from planes). This happened in June, 1921 by racist white people (nope, not arab, I know it's difficult to believe... ). Anyway, back to my summer time. Have a good one everyone.
im sure they will change the gun laws if negroes joined the NRA screaming "stand my ground. Im standing my ground..motherfucker"