Random Conversation 2.0

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bookworm616, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Can I just say sometimes I really hate people?

    I mean, I don't actually hate them. It's just really sad how some of them really feel the need to to be cruel so they can feel better about themselves.

    And I mean really, really, really fucking cruel.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Fucking sad. When I bring this up to my friends (fucking medical doctors who went to great medical schools like UCLA and Cornell) all I hear is dumb shit like exercise and you can eat whatever you want. Such horseshit. 2000 calories of nachos is not the same as 2000 calories of vegetables so I'd assume one is way better to put into your body then the other. There is almost no education about this in the doctors office where people are literally dying from food. Someone please explain why the fuck we still ingest dairy products.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Are you ok with taking the subway or are you trying to stay around midtown and the time square area?
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Agree 100%.

    Why is dairy specifically on your hit list? All dairy?
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Been watching documentaries this weekend (Food Inc and Knives Over Forks)
    and it made so much sense. It all comes back to money not actually nourishing the people, we are the only mammals who live off another mammals milk. There's something really wrong with it especially considering the cows are loaded with hormones which isn't good for us. All are health problems keep coming back to the shitty foods we put in our bodies. Certain things just made so much damn sense. Not a single overweight person in my entire family, no cancer, no diabetes, no heart disease until we immigrated here. Most of the food they were eating in Jamaica was fresh whole foods without any hormones in it. If you also look at countries like Japan and Kenya where they live a pescatarian diet of just fish whole grains and rice those people are all healthy height weight proportioned and don't even have a tenth of the medical problems we have here despite the fact we spend more on healthcare than any other country on earth. It was so fricking eye opening and has made me look at my doctors in such a different way. I'm no frickin genius and even this shit is obvious to me.
  6. jayarmy

    jayarmy New Member

    Well Im glad that you are not intentionally trying to speed up the process. I hope that you will have more good days than bad ones and thank you.
  7. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I did a speech on the exact thing back in 2005 while I was working at a health food store. Learned so much while working there.

    Cow's milk is made for.... cows. Even they stop consuming it after they make it past infancy. Also, cows have four stomachs. They can digest in a much more complex way than humans can. Not to mention all of the things being injected into to the animals. (Non-organic animals, that is).

    Ultimately, I don't want to condemn anyone for their choices and habits. Have at it. It all adds up eventually and that summation is reflected in our weight and overall health. Exercising regularly can help balance any negative effects caused by our choices, should you choose to go that route, but it can surely take a significant amount of exercising to do so effectively.

    Overall, these foods are not "evil", they just have the ability to cause a lot of problems for us if consumed unconsciously. Choose wisely and enjoy eating.
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Yeah, the casein isn't good for us. My "health bible" notes if we had to stop and suckle a cow in a field, we wouldn't do it. Not by instinct, that's for sure. It says the similar thing about meat - put a rabbit and an apple in a crib with a child and watch which one it instinctively eats.

    **TDK, want to respond to your great points post tomorrow when I have more time. Have a good book suggestion for you.
  9. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    You have a point but lets face it, doctors dont have time to sit down and come up with comprehensive meal plans. Its also not their job, and should not be.
    They really cant know it all, thats why we have specialists and nutritionists et al.Most doctors are way overstretched and dont get much time w their pts.
    They do refer pts to other specialists as well as nutritionists, therapists or what ever. Its then up to the pts to take action. Many pts wont follow through on issues such as actually going to the nutritionist - or they g there but really do not change anything.
    The crux is such things are life style change and most people dont change unless they really have to.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I agree with you many of them don't have time but I've yet to hear of them referring said people with chronic disease to a a nutritionist. They usually just prescribe pills to deal with the symptoms like high blood pressure or high glucose but never get to the root and that's losing belly fat. Not to mention nutritionist and personal trainers and other support weight loss personnel aren't covered under your insurance. Instead people are met with hostile and ignorant judgements. "Just eat less and exercise more", eat what? exercise how?
    There are movements that are better designed for certain people and walking an hour a day won't cut it especially if they decide to limit their fast food intake but still eat shit tons of starches at home.
    I agree a lot of people are very lazy and might not change but I really don't like people who are in a HELPING profession to dismiss them without giving them the tools to succeed. Its treated like a matter of will power when its so much deeper than that.
    Certain additives are literally like fucking crack but people with food addictions are treated like addicts they are treated like they are weak willed people who simply need to pull themselves together.
    Its plain wrong. Seriously if you have a chance you should check out the documentaries I saw this weekend.
    So many people really need help not the bs finger pointing and head shaking that comes with obesity.
    Stepping off my soapbox lol
  11. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I have actually seen it. And yes, its more than just willpower, that has become very clear in the passed years.

    I never said people were lazy if they dont change and loose weight btw. I know better.

    We havent caught up yet as a society how to deal with this. Neither has the helping professions, some are unaware, many are just so bogged down that they dont have time. There needs to be an entirely new system in place for this, imo.

    Hopefully, we get there. Just take simple stuff like nausea and vomiting from chemo. Not long ago, that was completely ignored by Oncologists "its chemo, what do you expect" type shoulder shrug. Now, most Oncs are acutely aware of it and deal with it up front.

    People should not have to suffer if they dont have to.. and what you are talking about belongs there as well. I think that slowly, we are getting to where obesity is taken seriously as in solid treatments and not just ignored w blaming the pts. Just giving someone a comprehensive meal plan isnt cutting it. At all.

    My friend in Sweden that did a stomach bypass over a year ago said just that: " I know logically exactly what to do, I know what the nutritionist is saying, but there is no help or support to actually getting it done". He said it was worthless "help".
    His bypass sparked something - he is really dealing with it well and have lost half his body weight (from 450lb to 240), but he found a good support group that at least in Sweden is hard to come by, so he has a good support system, but unfortunately, many people are not as lucky.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    The thing is it looks like the people in the know are well aware of what's happening but want to keep it going. An unhealthy populus offers little to no resistance for when they want to fuck us over and sick people keep one sector of the economy thriving.
  13. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I don't know how it is now, but when my ex went through med school, very little of his education was spent on nutrition. Doctors are trained to treat disease not prevent it (his observation).
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    And how much sense does that make. Totally boggles my mind. I'm a dummy and I realize this. Its hard for me to not think conspiracy.
  15. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    After a visit to the doctor in 1998 that required bloodwork, the doctor mentioned that I was pre-diabetic. And that was it. Didn't give me any suggestions, refer me to a specialist or nutritionist, give me literature, or even explain the disease to me. Just made the remark. I didn't know what to do with that. I don't think I knew just how serious the comment was. (My grandmother was a diabetic and lived to be 91 with no complications from the disease.) I also didn't know that, had she educated me, I might have been able to prevent full-blown diabetes. She failed to help me understand that I was on the brink of a serious disease that could have actually been prevented at that point. I wish I had known then even a fraction of what I know now.
  16. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Money...... There's more money to be made once a person is sick. A healthy person doesn't need a doctor.

    I once read a story about wealthy Japanese families employing doctors to keep the family healthy. As long as family members remained healthy, the doctor was compensated. Now there's motivation to be trained in disease prevention!
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    And that's my entire point. Shit like this continues to happen. "You might have diabetes/have diabetes. Cut down on your sugar and starches and good luck to you"
    That's not even an exaggeration plenty of people complain about it and if you're luck enough to get a pamphlet it simply explains that diabetes is either your body producing too much glucose or not enough and no real solid information on how to manage it.
    They should have support groups just like they have for alcoholics and drug addicts.
    But like you said its about money, why try to help anyone if you can profit off of their misery.
  18. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    hmm been thinking today maybe it is time to go start again my photoshop skills and improve them .. stopped long ago and never got better.

    will be going also to an art site i used to go
    people there help you a lot will be getting few tips for sure if i ask

    i guess first thing is to download few brushes for start and slow get more stuff i need

    and get poser again love this program done few things with this too in the past .... will love to try again
  19. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    *I* am fine with it, but my mom is not too excited about taking the subway. She thinks we're going to get raped and murdered. lol I would say, if it's within walking distance, that's good. Or, we'll take a cab.
  20. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    planing to go to to canberra for a night or two around september

    will be nice just hope nothing change my plans :D

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