Random Conversation 2.0

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bookworm616, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

  2. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

  3. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    Been thinking this for a while to change my username but was trying to think something even more better of what i have now ... because i still like this name .... anyways am very happy of what i thought to change it ..
    my avatar already been changed to match the name just matter of time webmaster to change the name to Stheno :)
  4. Wunword

    Wunword New Member

  5. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    hmm still in lot of pain i remember i have some strong medicine from when i had an infection for my teeth one time... they are very strong didnt use all then ...thinking to take few of them lol
  6. jayarmy

    jayarmy New Member

    Not funny Nyx!!! Pain medication for one thing may not be good for another. Dont forget that your liver must filter out that strong medication and that medication may also be expired if you examine the package it came in. Not good!!

    I ask you to please just go to the doctor and forget about taking that medication okay?? Take what your doctor tells you to take for your pain.

    I hope that your pain is less or totally gone away by now!!
  7. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    they do work just can not get anymore when they finish

    this was when i got a infection and i think was from a take -away
    anyways thinking will go i waited for few days then one day late at night i could not take it anymore ...and me to be asked to go to the hospital it is rare.. have to be very bad
    anyways when i was there an idiot there told me we need to find the cause for the infections i could not hold myself and told him give me something for the pain first and then ...told him what exactly was before he even find out..

    he asked me to wait he leaves and come back after 40 minute the idiot
    hmm well at least what he gave me was strong ...after half an hour i could not feel nothing the pain stopped.. and gave me a subscriptions for when they open to take more in the morning was two at night..

    anyways am not scared what the worse that can happen drop dead lol
    too late now took two together more then i should :p
  8. jayarmy

    jayarmy New Member

    Awww..... sorry your doctors suck!!!
    I wont ask what the pain is or its location (thats private for you) but your teeth medication is more than likely a narcotic. It will relieve lots of pain but the correct dosage is needed. Over dose is not good and I hope you will still go to the doctor. Death is NOT an option Nyx!!! LOL
  9. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    dont worry if i die i wont come and haunt you :smt080
  10. jayarmy

    jayarmy New Member

    LOL... Im not so sure with the new name you want. You do know what it represents right?...smile.
  11. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    A reason i choose it

  12. jayarmy

    jayarmy New Member

    Wow... you sound like me now when it comes to women. I saw too much and experienced too much negative in women since I was a little boy. For me times changed when I met one special woman who I am dating now. I hope times will change for you too Nyx. I am so sorry that you have such experiences in life.
  13. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    My life will not change and i know this well so i guess a reason i dont care if i drop dead either today...
    to tell the truth?
    no do i want to live for a long time having my life i have from the age of 16 ...already too many years pass to want more years

    am not saying this so people will feel sorry for me because no one does everyone caree for themselfs and i dont blame them thats great
    just i am am on a stage i dont care about myself either

    btw thats nice you have dating and you are happy
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Getting real tired of know it all doctors. Youd swear most of them went to school to be know it alls who just prescribe pills. If I wanted a drug dealer I'd chill in Yonkers
  15. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    My ex husband was a know-it-all before he became a doctor. It's a requirement to graduate med school. :p
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    They seriously make me sick especially the way they just prescribe pills that rarely help without side effecys
  17. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Side effects aren't the doctor's fault, you can thank drug companies for what they are able to put out. Meds are always a balance between what you want them to do and their adverse effects. It's a reality even with herbs. But I don't want to come across as a know it all ;)
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    The more I learn about nutrition and homeopathy it does make me feel like doctors are pill pushers more than healers these days.
    All the problems out there with hypertension, diabetes, and other obesity related issues and I rarely see doctors truly promoting healthy diets. And I don't mean just telling someone to stay away from starches and sugar but actually sitting down and coming up with a comprehensive meal plan and if that don't have the knowledge then direct them to a nutritionist. Its down right criminal. Maybe I'm around too many people who got into to medicine for the wrong reasons.
  19. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    In a hotel room just outside of NYC in Connecticut - visited family out here today after we drove down... aaaand, right now I'm freezing and wearing fleece, footie PJs because my mother has the a/c down to 61. OMG.

    Got to visit a Trader Joe's today - they don't have them where I live...yet. Soon, though. Very cool!! Tomorrow, we are heading into the City overnight... staying right in Times Square so it's easy to get to the theater. We are going to see 'Harvey'. Any of the NYers in here have recommendations about where to eat around that area? I know it's crazy touristy. Mom and I eat a lot of things - Indian, Thai, Mexican, Italian, etc. so any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
  20. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    25 years ago my brother told me doctors study nutrition for 2 weeks in med school. I don't know if that stands today, but coincidentally I heard a doctor being interviewed the last month and he said the exact same thing. (Assuming) If this is correct, why only 2 weeks? Don't they follow the Hippocrates oath to heal? Didn't the same man say "Let thy food be thy medicine...etc..."

    *Ok I just looked it up - WOW..it's 25 hours! And out of 100 med schools, 1/4 offered the 25 hrs of specific nutrition study.


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