Thank you, DK :smt038 Jesus IS the definition of love. And he didn't hold his nose or wait for a tax write-off to do it. He just WAS... and IS. and is to come.
The hypothetical is apples and oranges. If if if, if if what if he said we can marry animals...enough of the ifs. The point is, he didn't. And IR marriage IS traditional marriage. Traditional marriage is culturally and legally defined as between a man and a woman. It is what it is, no ifs about it. Honestly, I don't believe it would be an uproar here nor affect us directly because he would be one person with no political power, speaking to a Baptist publication. Curiously though, when a KY church wanted to ban IR marriage, I did not see the Gay marriage advocates out there protesting. Nor did they protest when a poll taken found 21% of Missisippi GOP voters felt IR marriage should be illegal. Nor did they give a shit when a church secretary in Tennessee was fired when it was learned she was married to a BM and she sued them.
Dan Kathy's opinions have been out there for a looong time. They are not new. Protesters have demanded CFA boycotts before. Just another day in the life... The only reason this blew up is because the Mayor of Boston illegally threatened to yank CFA's licenses. He learned quickly however, it was illegal and publicly retracted: “I can’t do that. That would be interference to his rights to go there,” Menino said..." So you actually have it backward - the people criticizing the protesters absolutely do HAVE a complete understanding of the First Amendment and to whom it applies, meanwhile those challenging Cathy's First Amendment right have absolutely no understanding that being able to criticize him for what he said is irrelevant to the First Amendment argument.
Fuck it. I'm drawing a line in the sand Everyone one on that side of it that doesn't look, think, and or act like me I now hate with a fucking passion that the Romans would envy. Why? Because I'm a Christian gawddammit and his word told me too. So there. You all suck!!! See how stupid that reasoning is? And yet some of you are defending it. Never thought I'd use this but Smdh
there arent any hispanics, blacks, east asians..nada u think John the Baptist's real name was John Woo
You meet very few atheists IMO who are staunch cultural conservatives. They sure as hell don't try to rationalize their beliefs as an ideological position based on spiritual morality. If we're talking about intolerance, no one does it better than Christianity. All the Abrahamic religions really. No that doesn't mean all practitioners of the faith are intolerant, but those high within the religious hierarchy typically are.
It was just a matter of time before I saw my mother on FB acting all sappy over that Chick-fil-A shit. I am so ashamed, I could spit. God bless, where do I have to go to get some decent parents? My SISTER is gay!!!!! My mother is so stupid, she asked me if the guy that I'm seeing (who is from the Caribbean) was "African-American"... I was like No, Mother - he is BLACK. From the Caribbean. Not African-American. Two totally different things. Then later she asked me again if he was black. I said yes, just like all of the guys I have dated for the past 4 years. I think she has early onset Alzheimers or just perpetual stupidity. Republican dimwit. She actually BURNED some of my sister's gay books one time. BURNED. CRAZYTOWN.
Don't feel too bad. Once my ex hubby and I were fighting and he called my mom and told her I was gay. She immediately came to Hilo to drive my gay ass down to boarders to buy me a book in the "hopes of talking me out of it." Yes. That's right. Somehow my mom is so...daft (for lack of an even nicer word) she somehow thinks being gay is like adopting an animal from the Humane Society.
Many people of Christian faith are incredibly loving, forgiving, helpful and beautiful-souled people. I'd pit them against any of their haters in terms of character and someone to be in the company of.