Lol... In ten years time they will all be doing their own sex Ed class with each other and I'm sure their faces will look way different. Maybe not tho. Depend on how many classes they have with each other. He he.
LOL. It shows you how desperate they were for a story...maybe the corner of the bag scratched him or something. Yeah, I think the pic Petty posted gives us a pretty good idea what their faces will look like then. lol Yep. :smt036
"man I was sure my down poor at the club was complete last nite. How the fuck is this still in here?"
he's really deep with it he's too good for the 'all mighty dollar' surrounded by bennies and fifties please smh@celebs
that be my booty in purple lace boy shorts if you would ask me to post in the lingerie thread and then actually visit..youd know that.
That's right. It's in a man's DNA to feel that ^ way when a beautiful woman steps into the room. You can't help it!
Who the hell would PAY for that??? I don't believe there is a woman alive who couldn't get better than that for FREE. :smt043