Chik fil-a...freedom of speech or intolerance?

Discussion in 'In the News' started by blacklexus, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Who is promoting anything???? I did not write the Bible, but as a Christian, I study it and learn from others who study and teach it. I merely defend what the Bible says and point to the truths in it. Do I like everything that's written in it? Heck no! Do I always obey everything to the letter? Again, no. If I could, I would have no reason for a Savior. But I do acknowledge sin, even when I'm the one sinning. I have faith in Jesus Christ, who is the word of God, incarnate. So if the Bible is inaccurate, then Jesus was a fake. I'm not gonna stand before God one day and tell him that. Will you?
  2. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

  3. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    He voiced support for the legalization of gay marriage when he was a state senator in Illinois. His "opposition" to gay marriage was purely contrived by his handlers as means to make him look like a "moderate" on social issues and appeal to independents in the 2008 election. When the polls gradually turned in favor of gay marriage, his position "evolved."
  4. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

  5. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    What I fail to seriously understand, and perhaps the christians here can help me understand, is WHY do you give so much of your personal power away?

    It's like a cop-out. I CANT do such and such a thing because I'm a human and weak and need someone long dead and gone to do it for me. Just be a nice person. All this crap about sin. Who is it you think you are ultimately sinning against?
    Some guy hanging out on a cloud in heaven somewhere?

    I read a twitter post that said...Sinning, and then asking God for forgiveness of that sin, is like shitting your pants and then washing your shirt.


    Take RESPOSIBILITY for your own actions of your OWN accord.

    NO ONE can "save" you other than yourself.

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Again for those bible verse quoting people you should know that Christians are the worst fornicators and adulturers on this earth so once again people should stop wagging that judgemental finger. I know Christian women who will give you a mean blow job on Saturday and use that same mouth to sing praise and worship on Sunday morning.
  7. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member


  8. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    The point was you don't KNOW how accurate it is you just believe it is. I'm a Christian. I'm non denominational. I follow the bible as a guide but I don't believe it word for word. I'm entitled to that opinion just as you are to yours.

    You can acknowledge with out trying to punish others or withhold from them rights based on it. It was wrong to punish women for adultery as it too is a sin. It was wrong to deny people divorce as it to is a sin. It would be wrong to criminalize, refuse, employment, and service to anyone who commits what u or I consider sin. As a Christian you should know that is not my nor your place to judge others. A person's sin is between them and God. If a person doesn't believe in Our God that is THEIR right. I seen inaccurate stuff in the bible already so um yeah I tell him some folks tampered with his stuff but I won't need to cause he'll already know.

    BTW when I was having premarital sex I didn't deny it was a sin either. But that was still my right and my choice. It's between me and God and only God has the right to judge me or punish me for it.
  9. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    So why does God make gay people???
    Is anal sex only acceptable if it's the wife inserting objects up her man's ass, or when her husband is the one railing her backside out??

    The Bible IMO is really a poor choice to find guidelines for an individual's sexual activities.

    Sorry but I don't believe homosexuals are inherently sinful because of who they love or what they do behind closed doors.
    Also the Bible never explicitly condemns polygamy and in the Old Testament the Lord in many instances encouraged it.

    Just as there are real world historical explanations as to why polygamy in some cases had a practical benefit in the ancient world, the Bible's condemnation of homosexuality was a rule for a different time, when child mortality rates were high and homosexuality was considered a mortal threat to the survival of the family.

    If two women hooked up in a LTR to the exclusion of men, those are two women in ancient times who aren't doing their part to populate the tribe.

    On a planet with an excess of 6 billion people, whether gay people can marry or not is far from the existential threat many Christians love to portray it as being.

    As a believer I try to see the Bible holistically and yes I do cherry pick. The reason being there are specific instances where I believe the 'divinely' inspired scribes of the Bible got it wrong. When they equated individual, private intimate behavior between consenting adults as defining a person's relationship with God or one's piety is just crazy to me.
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I didn't either, until I came across it. Thanks for the link.

    This is more important IMO, because this is LAW that gives power to any and every employer. It's disgraceful and really needs the Media's attention more. I don't think there is (hardly) anyone left who would be for the firing or non-hiring of gays - Americans cant stand when you mess with someone's right to earn a living. If the national spotlight were on THIS, the law would be abolished asap.
  11. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    It aint no different from giving money to the KKK. It's an intolerance for a group of people based some characteristic about them. Most of the folks are the people that think seeing gays together is nasty and sicking. The only reason one feels that way is b/c they were raised that way raised to be intolerant of other people and their lifestyles just as a racist raises his child to be intolerant or to be disgusted at interracial couples.
  12. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I Corinthians 5:12-13 For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? God judges those outside. “Purge the evil person from among you.”

    Explain that verse, fellow Christian.
  13. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    I believe it was heavy tampered with through time to control populations of what individuals felt were wrong and right. That on top of being rewrote with biases and inaccurate language translation. Then they left many books out and rearranged stuff.
  14. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    And THAT folks, is the way books should be written.

    Think about how much less sense the 50 shades series would make if it was written in a way that actually was writting.
  15. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    It certainty doesn't say you should be telling others what they can and can not do.

    First off it actually talking about a fornicator. A man who has slept with his fathers wife. And yes it's saying do not keep company. Again that doesn't mean try and control them.

    Secondly so my question to you is to do NOT keep company with fornicators, people who lust after wealth, and bitter people or those that object with criticisms, or harsh language, people that drink? Or is it once a again a pick and choose which one you'll adhere too?

    This says NOTHING about homosexuals. The KJV say fornicators not sexual what your verse said.
  16. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    This thread makes me SMH. Lol
  17. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Your avi makes me scratch my head...


  18. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Yes, I so agree. And that's been my argument all along, THIS is what people should be up in arms about, not a damn CEO of one company.

    It's more proof of how much power the media has and how it wields its power to misdirect the populace into a frenzy on a near non-issue as the Chik-fil-A controversy.

    Disclaimer: I said near non-issue because in light of what's come out about the potential firing practices of more than half the states in the union, this CFA controversy is a tiny pebble.
  19. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Well, instead of referring to gay marriage, if the guy said that interracial marriage doesn't represent traditional marriage, there would be an uproar on this site because it affects us all directly.

    So hypothetically, that's why what he says represents intolerance and hate. (in my opinion)
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I thought being Christian meant living a Christ like existence. Jesus would never shy away from or judge gay people. Dont believe me read the New Testament. Funny how most Christians ignore that.

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