The part I love is that people all over the internet are tripping over themselves to say homosexuality is banned in the Bible, but then if youre going with OT, not separating yourself from a spouse during menstruation, playing football, wearing mixed fiber clothing, etc all banned. Let's not cherry pick! But, then you have people saying the OT was considered invalid by the Church, thats why we follow the NT. Ok, homosexuality is only mentioned in the OT, so the point is moot, Is it not? FFS!
You wouldn't be saying that if they were your rights he was trying to stomp on and prevent. And if you do some reading, reactions from gay staff have been coming out, and CFA is a hostile environment for gay workers. It's also hostile to women. Theyre currently being sued by a woman who says she was fired because they thought a mother's place was in the home, not at work. How nice of them. Businesses need to know that this sort of thing is unacceptable. Either we are Americans, or we aren't. Either we are the land of the free, or we aren't...and if we arent those things, then we need to stop pretending. It would also be a huge help if people would stop the horseshit about it being a Christian nation, too.
I think what imma create an entire religion based on a fictional book that I can then, change, edit, defend, an or totally disregard when it suits my agenda. We will see how well that works. Oh, wait, my bad. That's been done. Christianity: What happens when you live life based on a fictional account of shit that happened years ago written by men who did WAY too many drugs.
Where did the CEO say anything hateful or anything regarding pedophiles??? I'm still waiting for you to link a list of places that CHick Fil A is donating to hate groups.
Im saying it ain't I?? You don't think my rights are being stomped on?? Mine and yours. Take a look at the big picture oppose to looking at this little side pic. The government is railing us up the rectum and nobody cares.
I thought that was the hemorrhoids? Here I was wrong this whole time! I'm joking, ok? Seriously though, the American public IS taking it up the arse and this is just one of many, many, many ways they do it.
Gays have? Not from the gays I have seen speak out. And women? The CFA's I have ever gone into to/worked next door to barely had a male worker in sight. C'mon now, you're reaching. I understand there are 29 States that can still fire a worker for being gay. If Dan Cathy is hostile to gays - and not rather for preserving the institution of marriage to remain as man and woman as he says, would he not have ordered all gays be fired in those 29 States? Those States' work discrimination laws are what the protesters should be better fighting against, IMO.
That was for spiritual reasons, not racial reasons. The Hebrew line was to be undefiled by pagan religions.
I had no clue, but here it is (with a link to the GLAAD site stating the exact same thing): http://pamshouseblend.firedoglake.c...ired-in-most-states-for-being-lgbt-ask-ellen/ It's even worse for transgenders. Even today, Jews tend to marry Jews. And of the ones that didn't, that I personally know, the non-Jew converted to Judaism. :smt023 Of course I don't have an exact statistic....
Question: "What does the Bible say about homosexuality? Is homosexuality a sin?" Answer: The Bible consistently tells us that homosexual activity is a sin (Genesis 19:1-13; Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9). Romans 1:26-27 teaches specifically that homosexuality is a result of denying and disobeying God. When people continue in sin and unbelief, God “gives them over” to even more wicked and depraved sin in order to show them the futility and hopelessness of life apart from God. 1 Corinthians 6:9 proclaims that homosexual “offenders” will not inherit the kingdom of God. (Note: Homosexuals aren't singled out in that verse. Adulterers, fornicators, and idolators are listed as well.) (Full article at The references in Romans and I Corinthians are most definitely New Testament references. And cherry picking is not the way to read and/or understand the Bible, you're correct. Some verses can be stand alone verses, but much of the Bible needs to be understood as a whole. The Old Testament is largely historical and demonstrates how God set the Hebrew nation apart from other nations to be a witness to Himself. The Law was strict, and sacrifices were required to atone for sin. (That in itself is a lesson. The Hebrew nation couldn't keep to the letter of the law absolutely because they were human. Hence, out of God's love, he sent his Son to the cross to be the ultimate sacrifice. He paid the price for their sins, your sins and mine.) Many of the laws given in the Old Testament were for a particular people, for a particular time and place. So, in many instances, you can't just reach in, grab a verse and make it apply for all time, although some principles are timeless. God established marriage as being one man and one woman for life. That was established in the Old Testament, and Jesus reaffirms it in the New Testament. If one is a believer in God and his Word, he has a right to voice that belief and uphold those principles in his business. Just the same as another person who supports gay marriage and wants to promote that through his/her business. Now, if one of them is discriminating in their hiring practices or the way employees are treated, that's a different story. Even God loves the sinner, but hates the sin. The Bible really isn't a hard book to understand if read with an open mind and understanding that it needs to be taken as many books within one Book with, essentially, the same message. But no one HAS to believe it, or choose to worship the One who authored it. But I think respect should be given to those who do. I don't agree with (what little I know about) other religions, but I at least try to give people of other faiths the respect to have a faith different than my own and don't belittle it or them.
The fact that anyone believes in this shit IS a belittling. That smug, piss poor attitude worshiping an absentee landlord that doesn't exist just reinforces a great level of depravity of the mind and a nauseating slave mentality.
UH Slavery undoubtedly is, and their is passages that some believe are against IR. That's their opinion. Did you write the bible? How do you know how accurate that bible is? And bottom line is everyone has their own right to their own religion. Everyone has the right to sin within their own religion. It is not your place to tell someone what they can and can not do when they are not victimizing people. It's a sin to have sexual relations without being married is it not? Are you promoting making that illegal or crime? Divorce is a sin. Remarriage is a state of living in sin. Are you promoting making that a crime or illegal? Or do you just pick and choose as it suits you?
This is where I live. The racial makeup of the city was 46.98% White, 49.88% African American, 0.17% Native American, 0.99% Asian, 0.03% Pacific Islander, 0.98% from other races, and 0.98% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 2.22% of the population. Every fast food joint in my city has majority black and plenty of overweight employees. Except this one not a one. Maybe your city is a franchise CFA.
In their little world filled with horned creatures and malicious men with wings beating your head into a theocentric submission, God (aka the divine conscience) is the absolute way and the truth. And the holy books are timeless classics filled with horrors and sickening fictional stories. It's ironic how holy roller parents tend to criticize other fictional stories like Harry Potter and yet would encourage their children to read the Bible or some other religious book to indoctrinate and create a false sense of hope and further perpetuate fear. Honestly, the more accurate question is when will religion jump out of politics for good. If people don't want to chastise them for having Dark Age mindsets, then religion should be kept as something personal. But as long as religion and politics are meshed together, especially in this nation, this country will never improve. In fact, being a religious nation is VERY unhealthy in more ways than I could imagine. It basically put us in a stagnant position and it's no wonder our country hasn't progressed much.