You replied before I could edit my post:
Joan of Arc was a devote person. Nothing to say about that. Demonic possessions never existed. Not even stigmata. It took a devout, Irish Catholic, who is one of the progenitors of modern psychology who debunked the idea of people being possessed by demons. All purely psychological. Again, humans and their love for mysticism and love to keep things unknown tend to be a laughable ordeal.
Ahhhh! Now I remember that. But I posted "Kris". So I could very well be Kristopher Kristophe Kristian Any of those variations. But decided to refer to me by my real name. Again, I never used my real name, only a shorthand.
No they look like the Mario bros. :smt043 jk jk Also, the system to piss people off is broken, so please wait 24 hours before pissing on people again. Thankies!
I'm sorry that's not available right now. Please see the next specialist and she will be happy to be pissed on by a goofed clown!
All I said was Chik-fil-A wasn't a member of Congress. As for your big money holders going to the GOP, that's not entirely true. Obama has raised how many hundreds of millions of dollars? In fact, aren't Obama and Romney pretty equal in their fundraising? That stats may have changed, I don't know. Link please.... I'm not so sure that Joan of Arc was just "devout". I've actually experienced ghosts, which would prove that there is something after death. I'm not a very religious person, I don't attend church hardly ever, but I do believe there is something up there that we can't explain down here.
What you've experienced was purely psychological with neurological tendencies. Parascience is a form of psuedoscience. There's no proof whatsoever that ghosts exists. You don't have to be religious to believe in ghosts, but your mindset has to delve deep into the recess of your fears and fascinations into the unknown for it to trigger those events. I live in a state where the idea of ghosts tend to sell people, but I never experienced any of that stuff. It's fear running down people's spine.
No. What I experienced really happened. I can also tell you that when my daughter was a very, very small child (2 years and younger), she saw things and told me. You can't explain away with science (and I'm a FIRM believer in science) the stuff that I experienced.
Pontiff= Head of the Roman Catholic Church Pontificate= being an arrogant motherfucker who thinks he/she is the repository of all knowledge and tries to lecture others every damn time. I believe one was derived from the other and it describes the Catholic Church perfectly. Christians are very judgemental and think their belief is superior to others making them better than others who practice Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and the like. The biggest culprits are the Catholics and the Evangelicals who like sitting on their moral high horse and wagging their judgemental finger in your face, yet are quick to tell you not to judge when one of their pastors is embroiled in scandal. For those talking about sin in the bible, David was an adulterer and a murderer yet God says David is a man after His own heart, Moses was also a murderer cus he killed an Egyptian who was fighting his kinsman, Rahab was a prostitute yet she was given honourable mention in the Bible and is in the bloodline of Jesus, Mary Magdalene was also a woman of questionable morals yet was close to Jesus, Jesus went to dine with Zacchaeus who was a crooked taxman. Who is anybody to judge somebody? The history of the Catholic Church is littered with blood and their pastors sexual history is splashed all over the news. Evangelical pastors have had their fair share of scandal as well. So for those who are waving the bible card on this gay issue i say look in the mirror.