Be aware of who is around you

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Loki, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Took the family down to a nice resort in Tucson for a long weekend last week. Everything was great, was sitting by the pool with my wife, kids were swimming, when I noticed a guy down a little way to our left kept looking over at us. Did not think much of it at first, then the guy got up and walked our way heading for the pool snack shop, the closer he got I noticed that he had the numbers 88 (Neo-Nazis use the number 88 as a code to represent the slogan Heil Hitler) and 14 (Fourteen Words is a phrase used predominantly by white nationalists. It most commonly refers to the 14-word slogan: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.) tattooed in large black letters on his chest. As he got close I stood up and positioned myself between my wife and where he was walking and gave him the death stare. It pays to be 6'5" 240 lbs, because all he did was give me a quick look trying his best to look mean, and kept walking. I noticed he had the words "pure hate" tattooed in small letters on his back as he walked past.

    I was a little shocked as this was a 5 star resort and nobody else seemed to understand the meaning of the numbers on his chest. I reported him to the resort security, but they could not really do anything but keep an eye on him. Needless to say I could not really relax and was keeping my own eyes on him as well for our entire time at the pool. He did not do anything and eventually left with his trashy looking girlfriend. Just goes to show, we all need to be VERY aware of who is around us at all times.
  2. jayarmy

    jayarmy New Member

    Good observation!!! You Rock!!! From my experience they dont usually confront anyone unless they are with friends, never alone. They are very dangerous as a group and will use any means necessary to win in a fight. If you ever have to engage them do not hesitate to give only knock out blows or worse. Break limbs if you can. They will NOT quit if they can still fight!!! They do not run away until Police come onto the scene. I can understand fully why you could not really relax with that person in the area.
  3. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    That's incredible on how you were able to handle that. I'll use your experiences as a learning tool for my self and others should do the same too.
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I did not know about those "codes". TY for the awareness. I can't even fathom these people....
    Great that you showed them in your way, "don't even THINK of effing with me and my family!".

    The other horriible part is that his vile presence managed to temporarily affect your semblance of vacation tranquility and family enjoyment.
  5. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    Most Americans are ignorant.

    I'd had to tell a few of my "highly educated" co-workers something similar about a man who use to come to our place of business. He was extremely friendly to everyone, including the Black folks and such. No Sherlock Holmes here, but it only took a few seconds to discern a few Nazi, Odinist, Neo-Pagan tats and jewelry. Everyone seemed oblivious, I guess most are only on guard for negros with hoodies or the ubiquitous muslim terrorist.
  6. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Interesting indeed man, you never know who exactly are around you.

    As long as they go on their merry way, so be it.

    But realized with your family, you would be extra cautious with such characters in your midst.
  7. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    I was unaware of the meaning of those numbers. Glad you are on top of these things and kept an eye on him. Sad the hate some people have in their hearts. :(
  8. Black DeNiro

    Black DeNiro Well-Known Member

    Much respect to you my man. If im with my wife and kids and i see a guy like you described staring at me or my love ones, my radar will be up too. I always live by that code be aware of your surroundings. But im sure he didn't really feel like getting his ass beat that day. Like Jayarmy said them guys are suckers by themselves, i'd be more worried if it was more than two. Fuck with my family your ass is getting drowned.
  9. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the kind words everyone, thought it was important to share, here is a great link for anyone to familiarize themselves and their loved ones regarding nazi/hate codes.

    Racist Skinhead Terms
    14/88: Common white supremacist code. 14 stands for the "14 words" slogan coined by David Lane, who died in prison while serving a 190-year sentence for his part in the assassination of a Jewish talk show host: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." 88 means "Heil Hitler," as H is the eighth letter of the alphabet.
    28: Shorthand for Blood and Honour, a skinhead group
    38: Confederate Hammerskins, the southern faction of Hammerskin Nation
    Boot Party: Beating a victim to the ground then stomping and kicking him or her with steel-toed boots.
    Braces: suspenders
    Crew: Skinhead gang or faction
    Colors: Marks identifying affiliation; can be tattoos, patches, etc.
    Curbing or curb job: Breaking a victim's jaw or neck by forcing his or her face against a street curb and kicking the back of the victim's head; popularized by the 1998 movie "American History X"
    Dr. Martens (aka Doc Martens): Brand of durable boots popular with skinheads. Racist skinheads often lace the boots differently and wear either white or red laces to distinguish themselves from other wearers of the popular footwear.
    Homey Sock: Pool ball in a sock wrapped in tape so it doesn't split open when used as a weapon.
    Featherwood: Female skinhead
    Five words: "I have nothing to say." Skinheads are exhorted to give this standard response to law enforcement and media inquiries.
    Fred Perry: Brand of sport shirts often favored by skinheads. The brand's logo features laurels.
    Fresh cut: A newly indoctrinated skinhead whose head has recently been shaved for the first time.
    Hammerskins: A nationwide skinhead syndicate, also known as Hammerskin Nation, with regional factions and chapters that once dominated the racist skinhead movement in the United States.
    HSN: Hammerskin Nation
    HFFH: Hammerskin Forever, Forever Hammerskin
    Hang-around: A young person who associates with a skinhead group, but is not yet a probate.
    Probate: A "member in waiting" who is on probation with a group before he or she can become a full-fledged member.
    RAHOWA: Short for "racial holy war," a slogan that originated with the neo-Nazi Church of the Creator; also the name of a defunct racist band.
    Red laces: Bootlace color indicated the wearer has shed blood for the racist skinhead movement. Racist skinheads will often randomly attack non-whites to "earn" their red laces.
    Spider web tattoo: Racist skinhead "badge of honor," often worn on the elbow, indicating wearer has committed murder for the skinhead movement.
    SHARP: Short for Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice, commonly known as SHARP skins, who often battle racist skins.
    Skinbyrd: Female skinhead.
    Straight-laced: A complex boot-lacing system favored by racist skins who lace their boots in horizontal, straight lines rather than X or cross patterns.
    White laces: Bootlace color identifying a skinhead as being "white power," as opposed to non-racist ("traditional") or anti-racist skin.
    ZOG: Shorthand for Zionist Occupation (or Occupied) Government," reflecting the neo-Nazi conspiracy theory that the American government is secretly controlled by a powerful Jewish cabal.
  10. z

    z Well-Known Member

    good looking out for your family. It is a crazy world out there!
  11. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Since we're on racist terms
    let's not forget Monday which these a-holes use to call
    Someone a nigger
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    This list is shocking. I mean, don't they have better things to do!

    :shock: at the red laces....just sickening.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Damn dont know what I'd do at 5'6 against those dudes. Just run screaming for help like a chick I guess lol.
    Its fricking sad that a great day can be ruined by shit like that. You cant even dismiss it as some imature bs becayse these dudes are all about violence. My paraboud ass would have left fearung he would call some friends
  14. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    Many of the things that comprise that short list are passé, regional or need to be contextualized. There are many factions in that movement.

    The guy Loki described sounds extremely dangerous based on his tats and the location they were at. He doesn't sound like some run of the mill young skinhead with red laced doc martens.
  15. Black DeNiro

    Black DeNiro Well-Known Member

    LOL Nah dawg, no running. The only people who'll be running will be my wife and kids while im going down fighting(only if conflict can't be avoided). I seen dudes shorter than 5'5 stand their ground and walked away victorious. If I ran I couldn't even look my family in their face afterwards. It just not in me to run.
  16. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    Much respect to you Loki, and so sorry to hear that the presence of this man interfered with your families holiday.

    Like a few others on this forum, I had no idea about the codes or numbers
  17. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    We are in 2012 and we still have such vile people still walking around. The beauty of kungfu is there are places you can hit on a human which would immediately knock a man twice your size out cold. Now if such a vile creature came near my family i will be hitting him with the intention to kill him.
  18. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    The sad part is that such groups are increasing...

    I expected Georgia, but the numbers in California surprised me, check your state and city and be aware IR family.
  19. Wunword

    Wunword New Member

  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I tell my girl daily I aint no fighter and a mediocre lover but a great runner. We run togwther fastest one survives lol

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