It's more or less a legal question and I will be going down to the tenants right office to see how exactly to proceed. I mentioned the other day that the neighbors brought their newborn home the other day. Since that time, I have gotten 10 (not consecutive) hours of sleep. I have sleep issues to begin with, so this just complicates matters. Last night the baby woke up every single hour. I got a total of 1 hr and 4 mins of light sleep. I know this because I use an app that monitors my sleep through my iPad. That means in the last 24 or more hours, I've gotten a little bit ove 1 hour of sleep. Yes..I know I just said that. Noise ordinance in the county of Hawaii only talks about prolonged or excessive noise and I can't find anything that specifically targets noise you can't control. In addition to the crying baby, when they are woken, they add to the noise by moving/dropping things, talking to each other/the baby, slamming cabinets and opening cans of baby formula (I can actually hear the seal on the can breaking). You cannot discriminate or harass a family based on noise from a child. I refuse to believe that the other tenets who are subjected to this on-going assault are left with no recourse either however. Has anyone had any experience with this situation or have experience surrounding the legalities of such? My brain would be so thankful. I don't process well on 10 hours of sleep in 4 days and if I remain sleep deprived the issue will have to be forced somehow. I understand that babies cry. I've had them. But it is also extremely asinine that my whole way of life needs to interrupted because they wanted a baby.
Have you approached the other tenant directly? Maybe they don't realize how much can be heard through the walls. I would probably take that approach as they will probably handle the "first warning" better if it comes from you than a complaint through the office. Maybe they can take the crying baby to a different area in the middle of the night.......not near your shared wall where you sleep??
I'm not exactly sure that is advisable. You'd have to be brain dead to not realize how the noises in this place carry. After 10, you basically have to not move in this place because even the smallest noise (such as shutting a bathroom door) is magnified because of the way this place is built. There is no other place to take the crying baby in the middle of the night. these are studio apartments with single walled construction and less than half an inch between each apartment. My goal is to move, and hopefully (my gawd, im keeping all my fingers and toes crossed) that it can happen this weekend. I never heard back from the other apartment although we agreed it would be today. I've already forwarded the complaint to the office, so it's done already. I will call the manager on monday though before she speaks to these people about it. I have to find a way to deal with the loss of sleep. I have been playing white noise apps..but then the crying goes above a certain ipad app helps. Even noise canceling headphones don't work. So I know that earplugs won't either. Thanks yeah?
After pulling my tired brain out of my tired backside.. I did some research into noise ordinance and here is what I found: In a residential area the noise levels are acceptable as such: between 7 am and 10 pm it cannot exceed 60 dB and from 10 pm to 7 am it cannot exceed 50 dB. Based on that alone, whether they can't be discriminated against or harassed based soley on the fact that they have a baby, they are indeed in violation of a state law. A standard cry from a baby clocks in at 110dB. thats louder than a motorcycle and about as loud as a rock concert and on par with about an ambulance. So, between that, the fact that there are studies proving that being kept awake night after night from infringing noise is really bad for your health and that I have technology that monitors the exact amout of disruptiveness... I think I will just start collecting hard data on how bad it is. You can't argue against hard data. Also, regardless of their family status, they are in violation of the law and therefore I can bring a civil suit against them. I feel better already.
Not a legal suggestion...but What about ear-plugs? I know it's not a perm solution until the kid is one or you/they move, but as a temporary one, they might help to catch up. I had the same issue with my next door neighbor's dog. It never stopped all day all night right under my bedroom window. I would mention something politely cause that can be stopped by taking the dog in. Crying baby...tough one. Eye mask, too. Complete ear/eye black-out and you may get a good night's sleep.
I usually listen to a classical music radio station when going to bed. Helps me to drift off pretty fast or you could go with the earplugs as Bliss mentioned or both. give it a try first you never know, even though you are skeptical of the ear plugs since you use use noise canceling headphones as well. Sucks that it is that much of a nuisance hoisted on you. Try those things above and see if it helps out. :smt015 Best of luck.
They don't work above a certain decibel level: They only block up to 15 dB. Ear muffs perhaps but not ear plugs. Plus I have a profound fear of being caught in a fire and not know bc I can't hear the alarms. I know this is stupid. But it is what it is.. I will just continue on continuing on to the best of my ability. Both neighbors are obnoxious and rude to begin with. And I really will have to continue to file complaints with the office. It's a sucky ass concept but true: The loudest people are the ones that are heard.
They might muffle the sound enough that you will sleep through the crying but not through a smoke detector. I've laid next to someone snoring loudly and the earplugs muffled the sound enough that I was able to fall asleep. And I'm a very light sleeper.
I'll give it ago.. In a retaliation, I'm A LOT louder during the day because I know she's trying to catch up on sleep. Not nice and I don't need to be scolded. If I can't sleep...then neither can she. Fair. Is. Fair. Or in this case..fair is the same amount of unfair.
Thank you for your advice. I will confer with my ass and make a decision later. As long as it isn't your foot? I'm all good.
well you know, living with neighbors and less-than-stellar construction can be pretty unraveling. In the 8 years i've been at my apartment, i've had around 4 or 5 lid-flipping moments where I banged on doors and chewed mothafuckas out. Young neighbors and surround sound systems dont mix, especially when u work overnights and sleep during the day. my best suggestion is to find a place of comparable pricing with better soundproofing. they do exist but take a little more legwork and discrimination. that's the price u gotta pay for tranquility and happiness unless u want to spend beaucoup bucks on a single home Maybe something like this as an ear plug? I get the same kind of thing made to go with my hearing aids (although this is a bit different). I guess it'd depend on how long till you actually move, if it's worth spending the extra money. On this site specifically, the purple ones that are second on the list offer 32-42 dB of 'protection' for the frequency range of a baby's cry. (As well, you don't plan to stay there long term, but if for some reason you did, or still use ear plugs at the next place... there's always the "deaf" alarms to look into, ones that come with a vibrating piece to keep under your mattress or pillow... that would go off if there was a fire, etc). That's all I can suggest though, would lend you my ears if I could!
Im very sorry Ali cause I know how you feel. I work shifts and I have neighbours who are very noisy and rude. Personally I dont think there is anything you can do against a crying baby. People might tell you to be more understanding (even though YOU are the one suffering). I tried talking to my neighbours and all I got was pure ignorance and - even worse- I think they are extra loud in the early morning sometimes just because they know how it affects me. So I think the only two choices you have are earplugs, move to another place or find a nice guy with a silent neigbourhood where you can spend your nights I wish you good luck and some good rest!