Obama tells entrepreneurs "you didn't build that"

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Iggy, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. jameswilson1

    jameswilson1 New Member

    On Young Turks, they read directly from cue cards by Al Gore off camera. Fox is undoubtedly a conservative channel and Current TV is undoubtedly liberal.
  2. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    No question the conservatives would be quealing like pigs if Obama placed corporate taxed.
  3. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member


    Seriously dude.

    What do you smoke?

    You should share.
  4. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Hit 'em once, they fall down twice.

    Nice Job.
  5. jameswilson1

    jameswilson1 New Member

    We have one of the most fair economies in the World. Go to a third world country and you will truly see a class system where rich are always rich and poor are always poor. Here in America, kids who come from nothing can be rich and successful. Every movie star, musician, athlete, president has a story of where they came from.

    People at every tax level can avoid paying taxes one way or another, not just the rich. I go to H&R block every year and my consultant gives me every single loophole and deduction I can possibly use. It's not against the law and quite frankly you're dumb if you don't use them. So Romney and other wealthy people are just using every means possible to pay as little as possible...within the law.

    And you obviously have not looked at Romney's policies. Romney favors lowering the marginal tax rate on all tax brackets by 20%, which will dramatically help low income and middle income earners. He wants to remove capital gains tax just for those earning under $250,000. So the rich will still have to pay their 25% short term capital gains taxes.
  6. jameswilson1

    jameswilson1 New Member

    Romney has followed the law and filed taxes the same way every person in America does. Tell me a person who has ever done taxes, who hasn't used deductions to lower their tax bill...nobody!

    Democrats want him to release his taxes to just show that he's incredibly rich. Anything to sidetrack people from the actual issues that Obama is doing a shitty job. "Look over there...the big, bad rich man". So it doesn't benefit Romney to release his taxes because it has no bearing on the economy or any other issues facing this country.
  7. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    uh...huh... You sure you don't wanna revise that statement there, ace?
    Ill post this now and then come back in a bit and see if youve changed your wording.

    Then I will post the numbers and visuals that show just how unfair our economy really is.
  8. jameswilson1

    jameswilson1 New Member

    I smoke that Barack Obama

  9. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member


    romney wont release his taxes for the very reason A said.

    he Knows that he is out of touch with the normal, everyday american. so he has to hide info that proves this point.
  10. jameswilson1

    jameswilson1 New Member

    I don't need time to revise. I'm not talking about economic disparity, I'm talking about opportunity. People can become rich and successful in this country even if they've come from poor backgrounds. In many countries, they don't even have the opportunity.
  11. Mighty Quinn

    Mighty Quinn New Member

    Wrong. Additional tax cuts were passed in the stimulus. Taxes are considerably lower than they were under Bush.
  12. Mighty Quinn

    Mighty Quinn New Member

    Do your homework bruh: "On average, households making less than $20,000 would see their taxes increase by more than 60 percent, said the Tax Policy Center, a Washington research group that studied the Romney plan."

    Further: "Overall, Romney's plan would reduce tax revenue by $180billion in 2015, adding to the federal budget deficit, the study said. "
  13. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    You just tried to compare the richest economy in the world to systemic inequalities in 3rd world countries. Yeah, comparing the U.S. economy to El Salvador will make the shrinking of the U.S. middle class of the last two decades seem insignificant in comparison.

    What is similar however is that like Latin America, we are slowly turning into a country of the uber rich 'haves' and the rest of us.

    Using actors/athletes/musicians and ONE U.S. President who is non-white as examples of 'opportunity' in this country is crazy. It's not enough to be industrious and hard working to be successful in those other endeavors.
    If the average American is expected not only to be hardworking, talented, well connected and LUCKY to be successful in America nowadays, this country is doomed.

    And how does lowering ALL marginal tax rates by 20 percentage points AND cutting federal spending going to lower the national debt??:smt011
  14. jameswilson1

    jameswilson1 New Member

    Everybody in the world already knows Mitt Romney is rich, you don't need to see his taxes to know that. What bearing does his wealth have on the issues facing this country? Barack Obama is rich too by the way. His net worth is anywhere from $10-15 million. So he doesn't exactly know what the average American family goes through either. This is about who is best suited to get us out of this mess. Obama and the Dems want to sidetrack people so they don't concern themselves with all those facts the Republicans like to throw around.
  15. jameswilson1

    jameswilson1 New Member

    You cannot lower marginal tax rates and have their rates increase, not possible. And you cannot calculate tax revenue using the numbers under the present economy. The whole idea of fiscal conservatism is that you broaden the base. So you collect a smaller percentage of taxes on a much larger economy.
  16. Mighty Quinn

    Mighty Quinn New Member

    Nobody begrudges Romney for being rich. Its how he makes his money that's important. That's why his father set the precedent by disclosing 12 years of tax returns.
  17. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Let ask you this, then...

    are you rich and successful? Do you get 77,000 dollars back on your taxes for owning a fucking horse?

    Economic disparity and economic fairness go hand in hand.

    No one here is saying that people should just be given things. Thats a silver spoon mentality, more or less espoused by the fabulously wealthy, btw.

    But when the desparity is that in the last 30 years the average american workers wage has gone up by 1.80$ a year...roughly what? 30 dollars or so in 30 years, and the top of the 1% has seen their income go up by *almost* 300%....what opportunity do the poor have to change their fortunes when they work, and the largest sum of that money HAS NOT gone back to them?

    Trickle down any thing does not work.
    Because it all starts at the top...and for the most part..just stays there.
  18. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    You hit that on the head Alinoa. Those tax returns not only make him out of touch but out of reach to the American people. Plus he is so secretive with no trasparency from him. Plus,how many people have Swiss bank account and offshore retirement accounts of 100 Million dollars? A averge person had to put 5G or less on his IRA but, not Mittens.
  19. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    George H. and Dubya were rich. Steve Forbes was rich. Ross Perot was rich.

    They ALL released multiple years of federal tax returns. But they didn't all have Swiss bank accounts, offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands, an average of 15% paid in federal income taxes over a decade, etc.

    Romney is finished if he releases his federal income tax records, and it looks like his candidacy is over if he doesn't.

    Romney isn't a symptom of the problem of the economic inequality in this country. He IS the problem.

    Privatize profits. Socialize losses.
    Captain One Percent.lol:smt077
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2012
  20. jameswilson1

    jameswilson1 New Member

    If we stay under Obama then we will continue this same class system. Under Republican years, the middle class has seen tremendous growth. Obama and the Dems need people to stay poor so that they have voters.

    And lowering marginal tax rates allows people to save, spend, or invest their money. Right now people do none of those things because they're just trying to get by paycheck to paycheck. Cutting federal spending helps to balance the budget. Check out the link below


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