Make sure to watch the video thats linked. These punks have no fuckin respect for anything. :smt068
These idiotic groupings are sickening. Meanwhile corporations use examples such as these to deny goods and services to long-suffering communities where the majority of people are law-abiding residents just trying to live their lives. They out to all be rounded up and made to complete repairs and pay restitution. And a couple of days in the can wouldn't hurt, either.
The poor staff and customers. You are just going to Walmart on a Saturday night for Ben and Jerry's and your 4th copy of 50 shades of grey and this is what you encounter. A bunch of teenagers mad cuz they can't partay anymore.
I was referring to how difficult it is to get stores to locate in low-income communities (although I have no knowledge of this particular store's location, I was just speaking generally). In addition to a perceived lack of consumer buying power, public safety is often a leading concern. It was a major stumbling block on two eco devo projects I worked on, and these idiots just prove them right. How many have you gone through, Ali?
Ugh. And the poor security guards, no doubt outnumbered, overwhelmed and helpless. I read the other story in the link as well of the 50 people flash mob that robed a deli-store and terrified the customers... And that story had this line.... "The robbers emulate the popular and peaceful flash mob gatherings now common throughout the world. Instead of synchronized entertainment, those in a flash rob use a large gathering as a source of distraction as they commit a crime." I wonder when/how the hell it changed from a positive and become flash mobs to rob?? :smt017
Also, the big elephant in the room regarding these flash mobs/robs is that they are always black kids. I never see a bunch asian or white kids doing this kind of shit to businesses. Their parents should be ashamed
There have been a couple of pack actions by young whites in FL. A couple of years ago they singled out a homeless man and beat him to death in Ft. Lauderdale. The majority of the ones over the last year that I have seen have been black youth, though, sadly. But the images of a mob of black children are more frightening and sensational and fit the current national racial narrative.
An absolute fucking disgrace to behold. SMH, wonder what values these cretins have that they think this is acceptable behavior, right or wrong seems out of the moral compass. Wanted to smack that giggling fool, like something was so funny. Cringeworthy stuff that makes one wonder.
First thing I thought of when I saw this....not to mention the other flash mob that was caught on tape in Oregon of a gas station...
Pretty much sums it up for the knuckleheads that just don't know how to act like the idiots in that flash mob video.
I think the only good thing about this is that many people caught it on camera (and the security system at Wally world). That at the very least would make it easy to identify them in theory and punish them for this behavior. That's a major plus. You can't deny it was you if you are caught red handed IRL committing the crime. Let's hope the follow up article will be one about holding them accountable for their behavior.
The net visual result is further re-enforcement in the minds of the rest of America........ that black young people are high risk, dangerous, violent, vulgar, uneducated, and unemployable with no respect for the social code and the property of others..... The fear, rest of America now has developed for black young people, has now drowned out the remaining sympathy, patience, concern and support once lent to that social class........
Pretty much sums it up in a nutshell Arch. A profound lack of respect, values and discipline seems to be the expected norm and thus treated as such by others. Simply deplorable and sickening behavior on display.
These kids will pay a heavy price for prolonging that stereotype then. When they go to get jobs, they will be denied. When they have children, they will be looked at side-eyed. When simply out in public, they will be shunned. Racism plays a huge part in the inequality in our country. But they have very little but to blame in the future when they fuel the stereotype that keeps that racism alive. I'm sorry if that is unpopular opinion, but that's how I see it. You are either working for change and to change perceptions or you are digging a hole.
line em up and shoot em it's the only way to send a message either that or cut off their hands, 'ali-baba' style