You're comparing gang/drug violence to an unarmed kid murdered by a vigilante. How is following someone while carrying a loaded firearm when they themselves don't even have a sharpened pencil on their person, a 'good' self-defense case?? Tell you what, if you follow me at night for three + blocks then get out of your car and ask me 'what am I doing here', someone is gonna get hit.
Don't stir A I think it's more expedient to just nod your head and agree then actually think critically for yourself dear.
Young, black and wearing a hoodie. That automatically makes you threat. That's why some conservative minded individuals were making a fuss that he shouldn't have been wearing it. He should have had on some Erkel the Nerd type clothing so as not to scare nervous & paranoid white folk don't you know........
I don't operate that way. They should form there little petitions and have me banned indefinitely. I doubt these lames would. This motherfucka is way more entertaining with me around (others words not mine)
I know you don't babes.. Here's the thing though. Others can have an opionion and that's totally L. But if you do the same exact thing somehow it's not cool. See? It's a lot like that cliquey vibe from high school. They could be douchecanoes until you wanted to vomit...but see if you did the same thing that made them douchecanoes all they sudden it wasn't cool. See?
Oh yeah. Its been brought up on here before by other dudes. It always makes me laugh. But I get it. For some they can't let go of disagreements we had months ago so everything for them stems from that. Its never unrelated its all connected some how. So even if we agree on something it has to be twisted into some shitty insult as seen in the thread I was put on lockdown for.
I saw it and disagreed with it. I contacted webmaster and was basically told I could say anything unless I complained about the thread or post itself. If I was having to report every post I didn't agree with I'd never do anything else. Talk about a "moooooooommmmm! He's looking at me" policy.
Well the thing to be learned from this site is that the loudest whiniest bunch usually get their way because they are more visible. Its seen in our politics and in business. No one actually thinks the Tea Party is right about anything but they're loud and repetitive and won't be ignored. So whether I'm right or wrong I don't have the numbers nor the will to bitch enough to have things swayed in my favor nor am I the big bosses sweetheart. So it is what is. I'm taking bets on how long I last at this point because I'm getting in trouble for bullshit while people who blatantly called you a bad mother get nothing at all. I honestly always thought certain things were off limits apparently all lines can be crossed as long as you're liked. And btw if we are going to start throwing out bad parent insults I don't get how on fucking earth they would start with you. There are plenty of the members who have got you beat my friend (not to say you're a bad mom but you get my point)
This is what meant specifically about the cliquey vibe. I seem to remember that the favorites could get away with shit that the less favorites couldn't. There are things that shouldn't be called in to account. The way I choose to relate to my children works for all parties involved. Does that mean that it will work for all parents? Hardly. But hey! Talk is cheap but whiskey costs money. Go figure.
Please pray tell me, what in your world would exonerate Zimmerman from being "a racist?" It seems to me, that for this case to make sense and still be deemed relevant in your world is if Zimmerman exclusively sought out Trayvon based solely on his skin. Guess what? If the state isn't pressing charges for any type of hate crime, and the FBI inquiry designated that this wasn't a hate crime....IT'S PROBABLY NOT A HATE CRIME. Let Zimmerman stand trial and be judged on what he did...not what people (such as yourself) deem him to be.
Of his oen admission he followed an unsrmed teenager with a gun based on nothing more than his appearence. I know the burden of proof is on the state but his actions made it easy. Even if its not a hate crime it sure as hell is murder and I hope the fucker fries
Says the chick who cant resist responding to my posts. We dont like each other on any level how about I stay out of your way and you stay out of mine?
^ ^ ^ Did he just respond to my post?? ^ ^ ^ LMAO! I listened to the full 23 minute recording..when she identifies their relationship, they black it out, so who knows, his adoption might affect that. You're correct, it's not admissible, so why would they release this information? They even ignored a pending second legal petition to withhold, and released it anyway. It gives appearances of unethical desperation by the prosecution, who should be above that. They have so much on this dirtbag, did they need to do this? His lawyer is already forming a rebuttal based on unreleased information about this woman, which I don't think she was prepared for, and that includes the release of her statement and voice. I feel like they are using this woman who clearly came forward to get it off her chest, because she also said her parents decided against alerting the authorities when she told them at 20, and choose instead to uninvite George to family gatherings...and that his parents accommodated that and she felt like they were ignoring what happened to her. But in all...from a legal standpoint, why is this relevant to the murder of Trayvon? This might allow his defense to possibly petition to have the trial moved due to his inability to get ' a fair trial'. .
No I'm new. Everyone knows new people are not liked. Not that it matters. I'm mostly here for the shits and giggles. As mostly evidenced by my posts.
I hope the trial gets underway soon and we can hear some more facts about what happened. In the meantime, perhaps we can agree to disagree without being disagreeable? I know that's an overused clichè, but I'm serious. Let's save the cyber-feuding for the trolls.
Andre, It was not a comparison,..... I was specifically pointing out, on a broader scale, the contrast and disparity in black outrage when the victims and perpetrators are both black.........