George Romney was a different leader than Mitt. But we have to recognize that African American leaders in the 60's were much better than the ones we have today. They recognized the value that some of the white leaders could bring to the cause and they embraced them. Today, the only requirement our leaders have is that the person is black. Remember, Martin Luther King Jr. wanted us to judge people not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. That doesn't just apply to white people. Romney is not his father when it comes to civil rights. But our black "leaders" today are nothing like our leaders from the past.
One thing I've noticed for the past few years is that higher education isn't the sole way to achieve some level of financial success. We do demand higher education for our children, most definitely, but there are other areas in which you could apply if college isn't your cup of tea. Vocational training is something to consider, but it does pit you in some restrictive stage of work. As for marriage, I definitely agree with the notion that a one parent household makes things less easier. But I wouldn't emphasize too much on marriage as much as obtaining some levels of unionship and people living together as a couple.
For sure, that's why I mentioned its not a prerequisite to be successful. People can be successful without a degree. But if we're looking at it purely from a statistical standpoint those people are more likely to be successful. And I would consider vocational training a form of higher education. And I'm looking at marriage from the financial standpoint. Having two people contributing makes it easier to save money and weather financial hardships that come along. There are plenty of successful single parents, but almost all of them will tell you it was much harder to succeed.
Question: Who are these "black leaders of today" you speak of? In order for one to be a leader one has to inspire, motivate and unite others IMO. I'm not seeing any black people from any part of the ideological sphere that fits that bill so I'm lost when you speak of this.......
Indefinitely. But as I see it now, there's also the notion of being able to network and know people as well. Seems like that has a good amount of importance as much as you having some form of higher education or trade.
Via The Drudge Report.... Sources within Mitt Romney's presidential campaign say Condoleezza Rice, former secretary of state and national security adviser under President George W. Bush, is a "front-runner" for the running mate slot.
I'm specifically talking about the leaders in the NAACP. And I agree that we don't have any leaders that inspire, motivate, and unite. And in some respects I give them more criticism for the issues facing African Americans than Obama. Obama must serve the needs of a nation, but there sole job is to serve the need of African Americans. But it's frustrating how they have are lending support to Obama simply because he's black and not questioning him on our unemployment rate & dropout numbers. If Romney were president, I bet they would be asking those questions.
I think Condoleeza's views on the issues differ too much from Romney's. She has the experience to be a good VP, but I would not make her the front runner. I think he should choose Rob Portman. He's not an exciting pick, but he's very knowledgeable about the national budget and tax reform.
So you honestly believe that is the only reason they are lending support to Obama and not questioning Obama? No way that they could possibly believe that Romney may not have the best interest of black people or the nation in general in mind? Black people just blindly supporting a "black" president? You see what Romney brings to the table as a positive to the nation, but what if they as well as others honestly do not?
Yes. I think the NAACP has supported Barack Obama with unwavering support even in the midst of almost 16% unemployment for African Americans, high crime rates, and high dropout rates. They even have begun joining President Obama's same-sex marriage campaign. Now finally many black pastors protested outside the convention. If the NAACP cared so much about same sex marriage, where was there rallies earlier? If Romney or Bush had those unemployment numbers and instituted same-sex marriage policies, the NAACP would call for their heads.
Kind of hard for Obama or any president for that matter to do their job, especially improve any unemployment rates, when their political rivals in the House and Congress pretty much reject any & all measures that are proposed even things that one time they stood with as unreliable simply to ensure he only serves one term. At the very least they could reasonably pass some of the things he's proposed even if they think they are bad in order to prove they are indeed bad to show he is not competent to get him out of office, yes?? :smt102 But that just me and how I think........
Why does it have to be about that? When Obama was running, Cain picked palin. Strictly for the reason that she was a woman and it would be a first just like Obama. So now he has to choose rice? Why? Just to show he can break barriers too?
No. Same-sex marriage is a liberal position, and actually Bush Jr. quietly favors civil unions for same-sex couples. The NAACP would either keep mum about it or go and agree with them despite being part of the GOP. If anything, the modern GOP and religious morons would be up in arms about something as harmless as recognizing two people of the same sex being considered marriage legit. Black pastors ought to stop putting their crutches on nonsense beliefs and admit that their god is just plain wrong on the idea...if there is one and if there is one that actually cares about the principals of love and togetherness. But, it's just the human ego driving home insecurities. Nothing more. Not to mention, you might want to explain the wave of supporting same-sex marriage by Christian demoninations like Episcopalians and even Catholics. And also, the NAACP tends to vote overwhelmingly Democrat, so even if Herman Cain were to waltz in there, reiterating his position on gay marriage, they wouldn't side with him mainly because he's part of the GOP.