LOL, families of color. Amazed he didn't call them "yous Negro folks" Dude sounds like he is lecturing folks as opposed to speaking to intelligent people that can listen and interpret. Politicians make my skin crawl. SMDH.
I love how the video and news people cover 1 minute of his speech about Obamacare and missed the entire point he was making about the challenges facing African Americans and ways he intends to help. Watch the video on the link below and listen to all of the applause he received during the whole speech. Plus, here are some excerpts since most people didn't read the whole speech: Watch this video-
I'll admit one thing...the opportunist has balls. And really surprised me that he actually went up and spoke to the NAACP. Still, he'll most likely get the 5% black vote since has a long way to go to really reach out to everyone. But, his plastic shell can only be summed up in one phrase: It'll eventually explode.
Sure he has guts but,he has not addressed them like a White crowd and pretend to be confortable with the crowd.
watching white people talk about blacks is ALWAYS entertaining that's like tip-toeing through the lion's den with a steak around ur waist :smt043
:smt043:smt043:smt043 I don't even take politicians seriously when they speak. I just laugh. We know in America one thing talks, Cash Money ya'll. If you have it you can buy influence, if you don't "who are you again." in the eyes of politicians aka favor dealers in Congress. Its why the lobby industry is trawling throughout the floor of elected representatives at every level of government. How can anyone take these guys seriously is beyond me.
I think that is all fine and dandy, but we know often the reailty of politics differs from the campaign slogans. Holding a politician to their word is like expecting a drug addict to quit cold turkey. Not happening. Seems like folks have been talking about African American educational standards for a very long time and nothing changes its like a cat chasing its tail, round and round we go. If 2-5% of black kids can go to some charter or private school under what he is saying, where does it leave the other 95% of them in the public schools. These are the things that make me wonder.
The fact that Mitt has now gone to Philadelphia to meet with African American leaders and gone to the NAACP convention speaks volumes. This isn't something that is briefly mentioned on a campaign stop. He is actively going out and saying we need real education reform so that the next generation of African Americans is more successful. Under Romney's plan, the parents will be able to choose where to place their children because the funding will follow the child. This will force schools and educators to provide the best education environment possible. Of course, it will still come down to the students themselves and the parents, but it is a great start with this policy. Education reform is a long term solution to our problems. It isn't the short term answers many Democrats give of food stamps and welfare which do nothing but perpetuate the cycle.
I think the notion that because Romney is "rich and white" that he doesn't care about the plight of African Americans is ridiculous. The fact is he had absolutely nothing to gain by going to this conference, but he did anyway. African American voters will overwhelmingly vote for Obama. But he wants people to understand where he stands on the issues- pro education reform, boosting up the middle class, pro traditional marriage.
Obama passes up his opportunity to speak at the NAACP convention.
lol. yeah, the media is trying to spin it where black were being rude to romney. pushing the color line. I saw the speech in full and they gave him plenty of applauses and two or three jeers. at the end they gave him a stand ovation...well half did
I think they were just impressed with him coming down and taking the time to speak with the NAACP. I think the majority will still vote for Obama. But I find it funny how Obama didn't go today and sent VP Biden to speak. They even reported he had a light schedule today. I think he didn't want to answer questions about why things are so bad still for African Americans and a it shows a bit of arrogance because he knows he's going to get the "black vote".
From the look of things, he actually invited non-NAACP members like Niger Ennis, and other black Republicans to the NAACP convention and they were the ones who actually gave him the applause. Without them, the actual crowd would have been much noisier.
yeah, I dont know about being impressed maybe just being polite and that is what they should have been polite. what you dont see or I maybe I missed it but the NRA or CPAC never invited Obama to their conventions and I gaurantee if they did they would be extremely rude. look at how the GOP acted when he gave the state of the union and that guy yelled "you lie"
I read several quotes from students and reporters following the speech where they mentioned being impressed with his message, but not sure if it will change their vote. But I agree they were very cordial. I don't know if you can look at the NRA or one random person yelling "you lie" and apply that to all Republicans. There are always people who will be outside the norm. I believe you can disagree on issues and still be respectful. I think for the most part, that is what we saw yesterday.
I think it was more than just a handful of Black republicans cheering. I think he was getting applause because he was sticking to issues that most people can't argue with. He presented his idea for education reform and how it can help African Americans. He discussed the dreadful unemployment numbers concerning African Americans. He mentioned his stance on being pro traditional marriage. The only issue that people didn't agree with was Obamacare. And that 1 minute snippet was run by the media everywhere. Today, Obama declined to speak at the convention. I think that says a lot! Black voters will need to objectively evaluate candidates rather than just throwing their support to political leaders of color.