If you watch the video it definitely looks like he slipped something in his mouth.
I hate to but would like to point less scum on the earth and one less prisoner to house. :smt102
And what gives us the right to say who should live or die? Who the hell are we to decide that. It's not like the guy was an active threat to society.
Personally, I would say I'm indifferent towards it. I wouldn't say was okay with it, but that's just me.
What the fuck is wrong with you people? Smdh Dude tried to kill himself and only himself. Sounds like a person who fell on hard times like so many others in this country and just couldn't handle it. What exactly made him scum? Being wealthy at one point?
How truly bizarre. I'm sure with good behavior he'd have been out sooner than any sentence given. I do not celebrate this man taking his life. The Sanduskys' and murderers of this world, absolutely. This desperate man, no way.
Nope. People have the right to do with their lives as they choose. It's harsher to take a person who has NO desire to live and force them to endure it because of your own value on life / beliefs. The only certainty in life is death, if someone chooses to fast forward their shit that's their choice and nobody elses. If someone chooses to torch their multi-million dollar mansion because they can no longer keep up with the payments... that's their choice, but there are consequences to getting caught. If you don't think you can handle the consequences and choose to pop cyanide or whatever... I'm Ok with that. Sucks for his kids and family, but apparently they're not his top priority anyway. If they were, there's no way he'd have done this.
Let's cry for him. Instead of walking away from a home he couldn't pay for he decided to go the easy way out and burn it down. So he affected other people's money. The bank and insurance company, and the people who do business with those places. Because face it.........the banks and insurance companies don't take the hit for the loss the other depositors and insureds do. He's a coward. He just wanted the easy way out for himself. If that was your house he tried to burn down and affected your money I doubt you would be seeing it this way or espousing this new found softer kinder tdk crap. Save it. He is also a coward because he couldn't pay for his crime. Instead of serving the time he offed himself. That is his choice. I don't cry for criminals who can't suffer their consequences.
Still a bit too harsh even for my taste. If he was a murderer then yeah I'd celebrate his death and be all for it but he didnt kill anyone. Just had a lot of problems, but whatever.
I agree that he was not a murderer or rapist. The guy had mental issues and suffered from a devistating depression. Quite sad, actually. May he rest in peace.
Reap interesting to see who is cold blooded on this one. Btw fuck the insurance company and the banks. They have no problem letting people die and taking peoples homes. They are beyond ruthless.
When you make comments such as this I am shocked that you say you used to work for an insurance company. The risk is spread around and the insured take the hit. The insureds are the insurance company. They cover it through higher costs. So when you see your neighbor making a false claim or burning their house down.....they are really fucking .....YOU. So as long as you enjoy it then bend over.