75% of women say they won't date unemployed men

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Iggy, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lol if you say so. Just never saw this critical thinking in any of the nen suck threads. And like I said earlier there has to be something to this if it keeps coming up and if only women think its bs
  2. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    ah, come on Fanny. That is just pure conjecture. Ill say the same about any study this type - regardless of what gender its aimed at and I know Im not the only woman that have done so. Im not sure why you even wanna go there. The last one was the "no good black men" study based on some ludicrous "statistics". Also, there are about 1:5 men suck thread vs women suck thread on here. About, not a statistic fact:-D

    I just really dislike any study that does what this one did. Misrepresent numbers, bury the "real" numbers, make baseless statements when they don't even have a reasonable sample number or spread, studies that have clearly decided before they made the actual study what they wanted the answer to be etc. The geek scientist in me just really like UN-biased studies where its clear where the numbers came from etc bla bla.

    On another not, I can state, unbiased, that I suck at applying sunscreen - I have a funny sunburn after doing that bootcamp on the beach today. I look funny:)
  3. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Eh not really. For the most part, men dont give a shit at all if a women is rich. If she's cool with great set of cans then yeah my ears and dick would perk right up though.
  4. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    lol so fuckin true.
    It seems if any survey/study shows women in a negative light, the women on here immediately cry foul and get ultra defensive.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lol you always look funny. JK :cool:
    Maybe I'm biased but I don't really see women suck threads. There might be a thread about A particular woman like Elin Woods or there might be a topic about dating and we all vent our frustrations but as far as this forum is concerned women are adored.
    As far as the study is concerned I'm sure there's bias to it as with most studies but there is an element of it that rings true with many men. You and others might see it as ridiculous because you personally don't exclude men based on employment(to be honest that sounds like utter bs no offense) but we as men see how much of a role it plays in our interactions with women. So instead of dismissing it as men whining and needing to find women more like yourselves maybe you should as yourselves why pretty much everyone of us agreed with the statistic.
    Its interesting to talk about and it would be nice for a woman to say why she or why others she may know are so hung up on a man's employment even when they themselves do well.
    We know ALL women aren't like that but enough to make this valid conversation topic because that's the point of thread not to actually numerically pinpoint how many women actually engage in this type of behavior but to explore why it happens.
  6. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Interesting fact: Stay-at-home-dads are skyrocketing, there has never been more of them as there are now and its increasing exponentially.
    Part of it is the economy where the gender is no longer as important as to whom it makes more sense to stay at home.
    Also, the traditional gender roles have really changed quite a bit in the past 20 years, not based on the economy, but just purely based on women in the workforce.
    In fact, women are right now doing better as in retaining jobs in this horrible market and the need for stay at home dads will increase.

    Yes, younger women may have a different view but a LOT of them will grow up and realize the facts - some learn lessons in regards to this and the rest, will just simply stay the way they are.

    You'll just do fine TDK.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I appreciate your feedback and I do agree that we have more stay at home dads and women have a better rate of retaining jobs as a result of the job markets that have been hit hardest. Women don't commonly work in manufacturing which has been the hardest hit industry during this recession. They commonly work as secretaries in the private sector. So while I agree that the need for stay at home dads might increase I doubt they'll be commonly met since the long lasting and current meme of our society is "real" men earn a paycheck. Women as a whole seem to not respect men as much if they're not out making money as a result of decades of brain washing by popular media. I know it sounds ridiculous but alas it is how we live in this country for the most part.
    As for your last sentence, I'm sure you didn't mean to do this but the way that came across as if I'm the only one who is in support of the overall spirit of the study. My dating situation is pretty awesome personally so my posts have nothing to do with what I'm dealing with personally. Even though I have a good situation currently it doesn't blind me to what I see nor make me forget about what I dealt with in the pass as far as dating.
    And like I said earlier in the thread this may have less to do with those of you who are older and more settled in your careers and don't look at man as means to starting a family so his income is less of an issue since you don't really need it as much.
  8. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Uh... who needs stay at home parents for toddlers???? Old women or younger women?
    Never mind, I love ya but for the love of baby Jesus - dont fall for fringe "research" or think that your experience encompass the rest of the US.

    As for picking out my last sentence to you, for the farking gawd, are you serial???? sheesh. If a woman said that, they would be accused of being hormonal. :p Just keeping it real. Giggle (relax)

    Im gonna go and nurse my flower shaped sunburn on my left arm

    Ps - did you actually read the study?? I suspect you didnt
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2012
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Talk about gaslighting lol.
    Like I've said numerous times I'm not the sole person who has commented about this topic or agreed about the spirit of the research fringe or not. And in the spirit of equality older women have babies too not just young ones. Take care of that sunburn you have more age defying superwoman shit to do tomorrow lol
  10. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Gaslighting?? Now your just reaching the hell outta this, Mr one way.
    The rest, sigh. Im done, no REAL research will ever change your mind. So, according to you, more old women than young women have babies. OK.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    lmao who the hell said that. I just said that the need for a stay at home parent isn't rfor the young. And your right no research would change my mind because there's just too much in your face examples to dispute the contrary of the original premise. Its not just my personal experience because like I've said I'm not the sole and only person with in this thread or on other topics like this who've expressed the double standards when dating and finances are applied. So while you and Athena might not care as well as several others on this forum our culture paints a different picture. There are still many traditional mantras that are associated with being male characteristics and one of them is being the bread winner. I'm not saying life circumstances won't change a situation but as far as what many females want being gainfully employed is in the top 3. But no harm no foul my friend, we can agree to disagree.
  12. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member


    That was funny as hell.
  13. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Nothing wrong with your opinion, Athena. When you 've gone through that situation once that you loved and took care for a lazy man, you've learned your lesson. When I remind, what some men told me, what I shall do..I would sit at home with ten kids from different men..lol..suffering....No,No, girls use your brain
  14. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    We all know that he is not the best person when it comes to critical thinking, bless his heart. Also, when he finds a new term, he molests the hell out of it - it's kind of amusing to watch. Like a puppy with a new chew toy. :smt081
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    And there you go starting shit lol. Well I hope when the pup starts to bite you won't going whining to webmaster like a little bitch.
  16. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    I guess now we know who the "webmaster" is :smt039. SMH. I can think of far more qualified people for the job.

    I have every right to report a post the same as everyone else. And if the webmaster is doing "its" job, it should be fair and impartial, but I suppose that's too much to expect when one is dealing with a certain level of intelligence.
  17. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

    unemployed just doesn't sound right, i prefer to say on vacation. hahahaha
  18. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    A lazy, spoiled, freeloading thug finally got thrown out onto the streets by his long time supportive girlfriend.........So when he went down to apply for assistance from the welfare office, the clerk asked "why can't you work? "......... the thug said "its my eyes....I have a problem with my eyes"............the clerk said.. "Whats wrong with your eyes? "........the thug broke down and said.......I can't SEE my self working !..........
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2012
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    u aint right, buc'

  20. csbean

    csbean New Member

    I wouldn't date an unemployed guy for a few reasons. These guys, or, more accurately, people in general, fall into one of two categories: those who don't want to work and those who've been layed off. I will not date a man who doesn't want to work and I've found that guys who've been recently laid off aren't very much interested in dating. I would have to question the sensibility of a man or a woman who puts finding a date over finding a job.

    Performing meaningful work is just plain healthy for people. When I graduated college I was very depressed at the slim job prospects, the seemingly hundreds of applications and resumes I submitted, and the fact I had to live with my parents and work at a restaurant. Incidentally, I did have a boyfriend during that time. The funny thing was, once I finished a non-paying apprenticeship and was on the cusp of entering my chosen career, he broke up with me. There were a number of unhealthy issues in our relationship, but, even though we split everything 50/50 financially, I think he was upsettled our changing relationship dynamic and the fact that he could no longer be so controlling as I was becoming happily, gainfully employed.

    I believe the question today isn't so much dating the unemployed, but dating the underemployed. My male friend was honorably discharged from the army and immediately got decent paying job teaching. After one year, he was layed off and has been bouncing around from one low paying job to the next. He's extremely intelligent, works in the tool room of a machinist's shop, and hates it. I really chaps his ass that his wife earns more than him. He's finally enrolled in law school and I think it will be interesting to see what (if any) effect his becoming a lawyer has on his marriage.

    In the dating world I'd always set my sights on men who were faring just as good as, if not better, than me in the world of work. At the moment, I'm dating a man with a college degree who's underemployed but has a very strong presence in the local music scene. As a former music student, I can tell the good from the crap and he is very talented in his performances and songwriting. Maybe he will never be famous or make big money but to be honest, I own my home, am doing well in my career, and do not want for anything I could gain materialistically through a partnership.

    I was recently told that my mother (from whom I am estranged) chose my father from a pool of other men not because he was the one she loved the most, but because he was the most financially stable. It broke my heart to hear that and I'd like to think I can do better for myself.

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