do black women not like ww/bm together?

Discussion in 'Dealing with Prejudice' started by missykins, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    It all depends on the kind of black women you stumble across. From my personal experiences, I've never really encountered a problem of getting negative stares around and about. The ones you've encountered basically have this "entitlement" or "property" mentality where they feel that they want to make sure that black men solely belong to them. These are generally the less educated individuals who still like to find an excuse to hate people and not get with the times.

    Also, lipstick pretty much nailed it.
  2. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    LOL. exactly....dont forget to add....if they saw a good bm as described above they would call him soft or a nerd and dont want to be around him so damn em
  3. Nebula J

    Nebula J New Member

    tbf, my great grandmother despises it, but that's different times
  4. LemonDC

    LemonDC New Member

  5. whitechocolate123

    whitechocolate123 New Member

    Tell them if we are taking their men, they need to go to white men.

    Problem solved!
  6. whitechocolate123

    whitechocolate123 New Member

    This is a very good post, though I have to disagree with the last part. If a black woman has a man, she won't care about "her" men dating out. If she doesn't have a man, seeing the black man/white woman relationship becomes more ammunition for her hate.

    As I said before, if black women don't like black men dating out, all they need to do is date white men.
  7. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    obviously it's not that easy, nor is that the answer
  8. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    I know several black women who date white men and I think they kind of like that I date black men. Also, black females that grew up in the country around a lot of white kids aren't that concerned about it around here. My old boyfriend is a black guy from the country, hung out mostly white kids, and it's just kind of understood that he hasn't ever dated a black woman, not because he hates them, but because the average black woman isn't interested in his country ass LMAO!!

    And he is: intelligent, goodlooking, hardworking, college-educated, except: he doesn't have much in common with someone who isn't from the country and that spread into other typically "white" interests such as bluegrass, real old soul/R and B that nobody listens to anymore but white people LOL, Celtic music, punk, progressive rock, vintage clothes, rockabilly, pin-up girls, burlesque, and midcentury modern furniture. Also his truck is pretty ratchety and he isn't too "g about his shit" (yes I am dating myself), also doesn't screw around with every woman on the block. It takes kind of an odd woman to really get to know him and even never really know him. But I don't think it would ever occur to him to see black women in a romantic way.

    We only got the stink eye from black women or white men that didn't know us, in that small southern town. Everyone else was like "Oh that's just that odd couple" and kind of let it go, because everyone liked us, and together we just kind of "fit".
  9. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    No kidding. I mean, we know the many attractions that black men hold for us (in general), and that white men don't hold for us. And so do black women. Black men are their family - they are not just a novelty or some flavor of the month - they have loved black men all of their lives.

    For all of us that truly love black men, obviously we're not in the flavor of the month or "swirling" club either, so we can see how hard it might be for a black woman to want to venture into dating white men, when she wants what is familiar and comfortable to her (the same as I do). Black men are familiar and comfortable to me now, and I really don't want to go back if I don't have to.

    Not to mention there is the whole yucky historical side of white men raping black women in slavery which I can't imagine would be all that fun to have in the back of one's mind if one were a black woman having sex with a white man for the first time. I wonder how hard that is to overcome...
  10. whitechocolate123

    whitechocolate123 New Member

    What is the answer for them then, so there is a happy medium for everyone?
  11. whitechocolate123

    whitechocolate123 New Member

    This is an excellent point. However, what have they done to black women recently?

    While the evils of slavery do need to be remembered, it is not something that is affecting us TODAY. At some point, black women have to forgive white men and judge them by what they are presenting them right now. I know it is hard for them, but I'd rather both sides be happy then all the constant arguing going on.

    Do you understand where I'm coming from? I'm the type of person that is for peace, not hatred.
  12. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    You're not a black woman, or a black man, for that matter, so I don't really think you're in a position to judge how "recently" an event has had to have occurred for it to bother you. That's like my father and mother telling me to "get over" horrible things they did to me as a child - which were 25 some odd years ago, and still cut to the bone and I remember vivid as life. I guarantee you that if I do not overcome those horrible memories, my children will suffer. How would it not be the same for generations of blacks suffering after slavery (although exponentially worse?). We are not in a position to judge.

    All of us can be in a position for peace, but not to dictate the time that it takes for healing.
  13. rdubya86

    rdubya86 New Member

    Lipstick got it right

    Omg, my girlfriend got upset so bad one day because we went into a sushi restaurant were a lot of black people were eating. I had just got off of work that day so I had a tie, dress clothes, shined shoes and a badge that said "Programmer Analyst" on my pocket. I didn't notice any stares because I was eating my good Japanese food, but when we left she confided to me on how bad she felt from all the stares. Not only were the women looking mean at her, the men were too.

    I get stares from white men, she gets stares from black women. Black men, as well as white women usually don't show they have a problem with our relationship, and the latter group usually gives us smiles. I've mentioned this on this board before, but I don't hate black women or any kind of woman- I find all types of women attractive, though all my minute relationships have been with white women and thats just how it seems to work out. When I was still single, I tried to talk to black women, but a lot of them wanted to be with a guys who were losers(no offense to the losers) than be with a geek. Which is cool, my girlfriend likes it when I talk about secondary cell batteries or demorgan's theorem lol.
  14. Wunword

    Wunword New Member

  15. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Missed the point. It's all relative to the abused party. That shit can still be affecting us in another 1000 years if we're not careful.
  16. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Its likely.
  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    geeks are in the house. what alot of people are getting now is that geeks will be if not already the new alpha males
  18. Wunword

    Wunword New Member

  19. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    I'm reading this from the last page but I have a question. So you don't think there is anything wrong with a person judging another person based on what another person did who share some sort of similarity like race, ethnicity, gender, disability, age, class, etc?

    This is like you judging other parents you know nothing about based on your parents.
  20. MilkandCoffee

    MilkandCoffee Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't say that, more like "geeks" are not the butt of all jokes anymore. They're still far from leader material.

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