White Cop Acquitted in Videotaped Beating of Black Teen

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Kid Rasta, May 17, 2012.

  1. Cuz he looooovvvvveeesss him some Massa.
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You can't be serious. How could you even begin to know that they never ask White students for their ID? That's part of their job. They're not there to be your friend. I can't get into my work building without my ID, no matter how White and female I am.
  3. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Precisely. But there are different rules in every company, no matter how big or how small - I've learned that.

    The same with every business. There could be a gas station or liquor store/convenience store that I go to every day and because it's a chain, they ask me for my ID every time. In several other places that are privately owned (and I see even less often)...they know my face, and sell to me without giving me the 9th degree.
    The same would be for you if you are black and go to these businesses - they recognize you and treat you as a valued customer. Particularly if you treat the people who serve you with respect.

    Hate to say it, but I get guys fired there (on the regular LOL) - not funny, but no matter what race they are, if a cashier treats me with disrespect and I make it known (and the manager witnesses it, especially), that guy is never seen again. For example, don't call your white customers "honky" - especially if they are a tired 37 year old women who has just gotten off from work who is too tired to walk in and is going through the drive-through. Generally a bad idea.

    (Caveat: I had rejected that young guy's advances a week before.)
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2012
  4. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    I have been in jail 3 times and I am a white female, 37 years old presently. I was pulled over from a cop scanning my plates because he had nothing better to do. Either that or there aren't too many Audi's in that redneck town so it stood out. It was "failure to appear" because of an expired registration plate from my old truck when I was buying a new car - and because of school, I was trying to reschedule the court date, but no body would answer at the courthouse. So I forgot because of school and got put in jail as a result.

    In this city, no body bothers me. I love it.
  5. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    i am shocked....

    just shocked

  6. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Yeah, really.
  7. So on that same token, security guards aren't more likely to follow black customers in a supermarket. Or cops aren't ore likely to pull over black men who drive in white neighborhoods. So maybe some white students are asked for their ID but does it seem more likely they'll ask black students to show their ID or white students at a university.

    Btw, this is what happened to Dennis M.Walcott the Deputy Mayor of NY lat year.: http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BNjc3MjA4NDkzOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDA4NDQyNA@@._V1._SX640_SY360_.jpg

    But he must've been dressing like a thug. And commiting a crime and looking for trouble.:roll:

  8. So because you've been in jail three times...racial profiling doesn't exist. Okay...
  9. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Only one was from something I really deserved - a DUI.
    I paid for it, in spades. Let me tell you. It has haunted me to this day. That was over 6 years ago.

    Pretty sure many people on this board have something on their record they are not proud of.

    I want to take my very brief time in jail and use it to help matters... I have a desire to teach art in prison, to non-violent offenders. This has been a dream of mine for several years. I have a degree in Art Education, and it has not been put to its best use.
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    So was I. Jersey State troopers on the Ben Franklin Bridge. I'm not doing anything wrong. Said my car was stolen. 2 more cruisers roll up,. I tell them it's my car. Not hearing it. In I go into the back seat of the cruiser. I couldn't even breathe it was stifling. They tow my car, I get to the station. The dispatcher read my number back wrong. They drive me back, barely and apology. I was probably stop #50,000 of asshole stops, I'm sure. Cops love me. :rolleyes:
  11. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    I never said that. Just saying that in the small town that I went to college in (twice)... race didn't matter JACK SHIT - everybody had been inside that jail at one point or other, even if it was from walking home from the bar.

    If I had had to stay in jail, it would have been awful, but I would have thrived in my own way and helped the other girls because I have art. I have yoga, and I am myself. I had to plan/prepare just in case because each time I was in there, I had no idea how long it would take to get out. Keep in mind this was in a college town, and since I've been in Louisville (both times), I have never been in trouble outside of a traffic ticket. Louisville cops would let me go, but Bowling Green cops are hungry to see regular people (black OR white) sit in jail for the night - just for fun. There are 300 cops in that tiny city. At least.

    Another time in Louisville (downtown), I was in the truck (a kind of banged up thing) - a long time ago... with my boyfriend who had dreadlocks. That cop treated us way worse than the other times I was by myself in other areas of town. I felt that having a black guy in the car was in some way a liability in the eyes of the law/current/past climate, but does that stop me? No.
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I don't think anyone here said racial profiling doesn't exist. It surely does, and often. But anyone who makes absolute statements is a fool.
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    LOL, I just took some cam pics yesterday. Still white and female.
  14. At least they didn't draw guns on you.
  15. So you say it exists but if it happens to a minority it isn't racial profiling? Hmm...

  16. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I'lll tell you something that happened to me while walking. I've had the a police siren imitated, and "5.O" yelled as I walked by. Seriously?!? :rolleyes:
  17. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Ugh... glad to know someone else has been through it - not just me...

    You should have seen how that piss-ant jacked my wrists - I was crying because I was so frustrated (after having been arrested twice - once from a DUI, which I never did again, and once from a PI, just walking home alone from a bar and being near the college campus when they were on their summer break - aka BORED). I said, I'm not any threat to you, there is no need to be rough - and he said "I'LL BE THE JUDGE OF THAT".

    Later, after I was at the police station, they went through my purse and took all of my money (all $13 dollars lol)... AND found my little sketchbook. They were looking through it and started looking me at with a new respect (what I do is extreme realism - tiny photographs completely reproduced...in addition to abstract based on words and ideas)... They asked me why I didn't want to call my parents and I said that I didn't want to deal with the embarrassment, because they weren't proud of me, even though I am an excellent artist, had a full-time job, and was getting into my own apartment again in less than one month.

    I had bruises on my wrists. In resolving my case I had to talk to the police-BOY that arrested me, and after seeing my art, he was ashamed to be so rough with me.

    I know this is nothing compared to some of what you guys have dealt with, but it was enough to change me.
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    True. The closest I have to it is their hand on them (holstered) and an order to put my hands on the dashboard where they can see them. I was a passenger, though. But no guns, no.
  19. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    I would try to go to lawyers in the area and fight that if I could. But being a white female it would be much more winnable. Unfortunately - I know how trigger-happy those cops can be. Just a bit of violence was all I needed to see what they were capable of. :smt085
  20. Look i'm not trying to downplay what you ladies have been through but lets be honest. Some brothas have had it worst. I've had friends put face down on the street for a simple traffic stop. I have no idea where this Paniro guy lives (twilight zone?) but if he thinks cops only harass black criminals he's in for a rude awakening. Racial profiling is real. And it happens everywhere. We do not live in a racial utopia unlike what some would try to make you think. Racism is institutionalized here in America and i refuse to live my life with my head in the sand. This is probably gonna be my last post for a while because it seems very Fox News-ish round here lately. So i think i'll go back to my one post a year ways and stay out of the fray.

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