Has anyone been around a bipolar person?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by 4north1side2, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    What are the signs?
  2. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    I have a friend that is. When she is on her meds she is completely normal. When she starts feeling normal she says "I don't need to take these drugs" and then she goes back to being sick. Which is pretty common for bi-polars to do.

    She has two states when she is sick.

    The depressive state. Where she seems to be down on everything and general depressed symptoms.

    Her manic state is where she is so happy she is almost giddy........she plans all these ridiculous plans, buys things without regard to how she will pay for them, talkative, distracted but in a way that people think she is hyper and happy.

    When she is on her meds she is awesome, is an RN and good mother. When things go south it gets pretty bad.
  3. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I have. I had to work with him. He also hadsome addictions that made him even more crazy and a temper that would flare up regularly. As of right now he's serving some serious time in prison.

    From that day forward, I stay away from bipolar people.

    It can get super weird and and downright scary depending on the person.
  4. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    My Drill Sergeants.
  5. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    1st sign is that the person is a woman.
  6. Iggy

    Iggy Banned


    And the signs are that they act irrational a lot.
  7. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

  8. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    And some bipolars can be quite high functioning.
  9. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    I have experienced thousands of bipolar people...from my experience it is very commonly improperly diagnosed as a lot of people labelled this are just drunks, assholes, or schizophrenics...the true bipolar folks seem to generally depressed and that have cyclic periods of mania...mania is generally described as excessive feeling of well being, increased activity, impulsivity, decreased need for sleep and hypersexuality...from my experience when maniac they don't behave like the textbook super happy guy, they are usually more of a perpetual nonstop asshole with trigger hair impulsivity....they can be high functioning but usually they are not...I hope that helps
  10. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

  11. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    While It can be that a lot of bipolars are depressed some are not in the depressed phase most of the time. Some can be in a constant state of hypo mania or a mixed state.
    Let's remember that the DSM is a Book and like most books, is NOT reflective of every person ever, ok.

    Sparkly vampires anyone? Thank you.

    Mania, or more correctly, hypo-mania can be expressed as severe uncomfortable ness in the body or low levels of rage or anger. Mania doesn't alway have a component of well being.

    Also depression isn't always all dark and death like Winona rider in that movie with that weird guy.

    Most bipolars are not high functioning. But some are. And the last time I checked it was a chronic condition as opposed to being a personality defect. So describing most people who are diagnosed with bipolar as assholes, drunks, and whatever else rubbish you used is just straight up rude and disrespectful.
    That like me saying most black men are savages who would rape a white woman if they could get away with it.

    If you really need to know signs I would go to NIMH or one of the organizations that specialize in helping people with bipolar. Of course they exist to help inform people and help them understand that it is an organic brain disorder. You won't general find any of those places talking about Bipolar D/O as something assholes have.

    If you just want stigma and stereotypes then stay here for your info. *some* people seem to have it in spades.

    *rolls eyes*
  12. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    I understand what he meant. He didn't say he is describing them that way........he is saying they are improperly diagnosed and that is the label that is put on them most times not that most of them are those things. Sirnice is a Dr and I believe he would have insight.

    Also want to add a lot of bi polars try to self medicate with drugs or alcohol and I think to someone on the outside looking in that is why they look to be an alcoholic or whatever, when really they are not.

    You seem very passionate. You know a bi-polar person?

    I give credit to those who love and live with someone who is bi-polar. Just from having a friend that is one I can see why they have support groups for people who love and try to help them.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2012
  13. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    thanks for you understanding, I applaud it because it is so rare on these boards...one of the main reasons I don't post on here because it renders the posts useless....case in point, I knew a colonel ....yes a colonel ...he came in extremely maniac...unfortunately his mania was a most unpleasant one....as soon as I walk in the room and ask how are you he would with his loudest voice yell "you black son of a bitch...I am not speaking to you , you fucking nigga" "get out my fucking face"..this behavior happened three days straight..and it always escalated to him being 4point leathers....mainly bc the nurses felt bad for me, it really didn't bother me for I knew he was sick....if you didn't know he was bipolar you would think he was an asshole...I bribed him with a mountain dew once, in exchange he would talk to me....I swear he guzzled that mountain dew down with three gulps , burped....I asked how are you, he said good...that after that , fuck you , fuck your mother...I will whipped you azz, etc.....sometimes people with mental disease can be hard to work with
  14. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Both of my parents are severely bipolar. As is my youngest child. As Am I.

    I get really tired of being judged by the whack behavior of other bipolar people.
    I am high functioning and have worked my ass off to get there. I have repeatedly had to tell others (and myself) fuck off when they try to box me into a bipolar "you will never get better" model.


    Watch me.
  15. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Just the way things are worded though. Like the above that is bolded. It comes across as just because he's a colonel he shouldn't have bipolar. Like its the luck of the draw or fate or karma or something.

    It's a medical condition. Like diabetes or cancer or what not. No one would ever say:

    I knew a man that was the president...yes, a president and he has high blood pressure. As if because of who he is renders it impossible to get high blood pressure or something.

    The fact is that people stigmatize and stereotype people with mental illness. Even medical professionals who have insight. The only people who can speak out against it are mi people who function at a high enough level to open their mouth and make sense.
    Really crazy people can't do that and a whole section of people get judged on their actions.
  16. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    So is this something that is/can be passed on? Not 'genetically', but whatever its medically defined as?
  17. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    It has a huge genetic component, yes.
    The other part is nurture. Science doesn't fully understand it all but if u have a genetic component and are raised in an environment that helps spark that wiring you can have a massive case of bipolar.
  18. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Well it is the internet and things can easily be taken different ways. I took it to mean he is bipolar and functions well enough to become a colonel in spite of being bipolar. So yeah uhh he's a colonel so take that.

    Just my interpret. :smt102

    And I felt you knew someone quite close who was bipolar just the way you are passionate. Kudos to you for not letting things defeat you.
  19. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    And that's fair. I tend to see it through biased eyes. One of the reasons I don't have my children is because of discrimination because I'm bipolar. And it was outright and open prejudice. And because I'm bipolar I couldn't fight it. Everyone just figured I'm to crazy to raise my kids and will do something mental to them just like all the other bipolar mothers who snap and kill their kids.

    Meanwhile, they are being raised by a person whose about three punches away of being sued and spending a lot of time in jail.

    But because I have bipolar, that automatically equates to it must be better for them to be with buttmunch because he doesn't have bipolar. Never mind my youngest son is always stepping in to help his dad when the baby cries and ex gets to the point where he wants to shake the kid.

    But I'm a horrible parent.

    Bipolar and all.
  20. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    That's infuriating. I can't imagine what that's like...to have your kids away from you, if I read that correctly. You adore them so much. I see it. Sometimes what's diagnosed in black and white is so grey in reality. One may be bi-polar on paper, but damn, who's to say they can't raise their children well if the parent is getting and working the right treatment.

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