ok...let me get this str8. you put up a controversial sign and get mad for getting attention over it. typical scream free speech but cant handle the responsibility that comes along with it. I guess its the liberals fault that he put it up....HUH
Remember, you're dealing with racist, reactionary un-American fascists who likes to think they have "lost" America to multiculturalism. I can tell you, I know some rational-minded conservatives (some for and against Obama) who would probably punch the piss out of that jackass.
As I watched that I kept thinking put your mic down and kick his ass, cause that asshole needs an asskicking on so many levels. Tired of the stories this week of people disrespecting Obama. I know it's politics as usual but it does wear you down. I guess I should remember we live in a country where we can speak freely without being thrown in prison, house arrested or beaten. *Thinks that thought over and over.
That's not free speech, that's hate and lies. The man is off his rocker. SS time. *What's up with the anchorwoman smiling as she reports it like she's handing off to the weather or something??
Ha, that's nothing new to a Greek son when his mom is mad at him. It's called, getting the '???????o'.
Oh, you do have a point there, indefinitely. If there's one thing that can be said about the kind of coverage showing how disrespectful people are to the President, it shows that despite the majority of people voted for him, you have idiots like that man in the video who still feel lost and without a home. All of which being utterly silly. But, one thing about free speech advocates is that they really take the 1st Amendment rights issue too far and it lost its meaning. The basic idea behind the first Amendment is to prevent the government from censoring you. However, that's a blur as well since there are governmental levels of "censorship" albeit for good reason. A long time ago, you could open express how you want to kill the President or any public official. But now, someone catches you saying it, expect a knock on your door. And why? For good reason, those people would want to assassinate the President and if they leave evidence behind, it means they aren't just venting. They are ticking time bombs waiting to explode. Sadly, it is free speech and yes, hate and slander of that nature is protected by current interpretation. Honestly, they have the right to say what they want, but other people have the freedom to express their disdain, which means, the old man should get his ass kicked and have his sphincter removed.
when that happened I was like dam bush was like..."miss me bitch." the guy was like quick draw mcgraw whit them shoes.
Bush has really good reaction time. The thing is no one prez will make everyone happy. It's a shame so much was heaped on Obama (by himself, some of it) when he took office. It just makes the people against him more against him and those less so more inclined to. The American people speak volumes about their beliefs when they elect officials. It's such a shame (again!) that because of party line bs it just divides us further instead of bringing us together for the good of the many instead of the wealth of a select few. Just because the two sides can't agree on things doesn't mean that as a whole they couldn't try to work for a better and more stable country. The weaker we get as a nation the easier it will be to go in for the final kill. I bet the founding fathers would be sick with disgust if they could see the internal war taking place within the united states. Where did the united part go?
Early this week at the Montana GOP convention there is a fake outhouse named The Obama Presidential Library.
The widespread dissing of the POTUS has risen to new levels by the teabaggers and conservatives who hate a brother in the White House.
Three words, Congressman Joe Wilson, that kind of prime time, nationally broadcasted, in person, disrespect was unprecedented, not to mention he was flat out wrong.
Agreed, I have met with Governor Brewer on a couple of occasions with my PAC here in Az., I hate to say it because she does have some positive attributes, but the woman is far from an intellectual giant.