The way blacks and hispanics do. NIGGAS IN PARIS. Like I keep saying context is everything and if you can't discern context then time for your dumb ass to go back to 8th grade.
That song lyrics are stupid to begin with. Why are some Black men want to degrade themselves on calling themselves that word either it was spelled differently or not? It ranks with sagging. For example has any South African brother call themselves "Kaffa" instead of Kaffir? I doubt it in either word conversation or rap song over there. Also,who can tell a White person friend or foe when he/she say that word to a Black person? The homeboys should be called out for this dumb deed.
its getting too tense. lets lighten up the mood ....yaaallll heres a classic for yall hip hop heads [YOUTUBE]FHMVkqCKknc&feature=BFa&list=FLbXVOvYRJ6YKedTDv16GsbA[/YOUTUBE]
Why is this even breaking news? I think the media is writing about this just to cause more divide among people...