basically every 'race' has their dipshit toolbags that try to get over on the system yet u see black people constantly sandbagged as criminals in the media, and on comment pages for their sites that's bullshit he wasn't running anymore after they side-swiped him with the cruiser once he was on the ground, that shit turned into mixed martial arts fo' real mothafuckas need to be ashamed of themselves
Yeah. Because when a perp is already on the ground after being stopped from fleeing by a police car side swiping them they clearly need to have the shit kicked out of them on general purpose just for being an ignorant shit........:shock:
the fact that the guy wasn't injured, according to the docs, doesn't give police a green light to get uncivil and thuggish with a mothafucka either
In this video almost all of them clearly went overboard and for too long, no question (except the OP cop who was acquitted - you can see in the video that he runs off after 3 seconds to help another officer - which is why he was acquitted. The others, however won't be and should not be). I do have to say though, it's been that way for the make a cop chase you, your ass is gonna get get smacked when he catches you. When you make 6 cops chase you..that's X6. In goodness, you WILL get the billy-clubs/batons all up your head when the cop catches your ass. And they will say you fell. And you will say you fell. Greece is worse.
But they have badges and the dude did do something wrong. So big deal if they beat his ass. It wasn't like they beat or even shot the wrong mutha fukka by mistake or something because we know cops never make mistake like that......
lol i see what ur doin there, OG seriously tho..these guys have good jobs with good salaries, some clout and benefits why risk it all on some dirtbag who ran from u? too many cellphones and cameras out here to throw a career away
lmao im just saying think people taking what they have and get in life for granted to protect and serve is of a higher calling guess some of them are putting a little more 'oomph' into that serve part servin mothafuckas left and right with elbows and pepper spray :shock:
Ain't you heard? Black mutha fukkas are the worse. Menaces to Society and all that. Definitely have come down on them mutha fukkas hard and shit for real when they do stupid shit. Gotta teach them fools right, you know?
I'm not going to lie, sometimes when I watch some of these Wildest Police Chase Shows or whatever, I sometimes shout out "Shoot em' in the leg already and be done with it!" This is after watching a vid. where a guy needed to be tazed ten times before he finally did what the police said, after wrestling with them, getting back into his car and trying to take off. Not saying everyone deserves a beat down, but sometimes I think a person has to be on something to fight a cop like they're fighting another man on the street. These guys have a license to kill more or less and also usually the first ones you call when you're in trouble, gotta' be nuts to purposefully make them chase you lol
True. And for the cops who put their lives on the line for a pay check a bus or truck driver makes. Like this cop here in Philly. The robber who ran had 17 priors.....Look what happens when the cop catches up to him.... Thank God for cell phones, eh. :|
[YOUTUBE]t8CQqV1cILY[/YOUTUBE] this may have been posted before..but damn they had me at 'the police report does not seem to match the video.....Mr Beamon took a fighting stance with both fists clenched' u mean the stance where he got sucker punched by the officer at his truck? why lie when ur own department records your shit
The link I just posted above - he took several bullets to the body and he still wouldn't go down and kept charging the cop. You couldn't pay me enough to deal with that shit. :?
It is not surprising at all. Very sad indeed where White cops beat or kill Black males with impunity.
No one is saying ignore personal responsibility but also those accountable for their public responsibilty to us the tax payer. They had no reason to hit him with a car or beat him. How the fuck do you ignore that. Shit like that creates public distrust of the police and adds to crime since people will fail to report it thinking that cops have a racial vendetta. Like I said wake up fam.
I think of Rodney King every time there is a videotaped beating or killing of a Black male by White policemen who always get aquitted by a jury. P187,I think you are in either in denial or had your head in the sand. I will not believe you if you did not get pulled over by a White policeman in your entire life. There are a very few policemen who are concerned of a Black male. There are books and booklets written by Black policemen on how a Black man would conduct himself if he was pulled over by a White cop.