well are we ? next article shows obama being lynched
This is really the first time we've ever had to consider race when viewing the presidency. I would say in general some people are racists and some are not. I believe people like Terry Jones are the extremists and not the majority. I think many of the people who disapprove of Obama has absolutely nothing to do with his race and more about politics. From a personal perspective, I think Republicans and Democrats will agree that he is a good family man.
oh that's some ole bullshit difference between kkk and blackpanthers, is that KKK got no qualms about stringing a mothafucka up on some dumb shit this is exactly why people throw bones when they see images of blacks being lynched, cuz they know somewhere right now, some dudes in hoods are plotting this shit in real life.
I like to think that Racism is alive but not well. It is sitting in a rocking chair, hooked up to a breathing machine, looking out of the window remembering the glory days. I don't think it will ever die out, but will continue to slowly keep a lower profile because people will always finds ways and reasons to use race as a motivator for their actions and indulgence in ignorance. And it goes both ways, I've known of black people that want to support their own ONLY , thus vote for their own ONLY when the opportunity arises. As I've known of white people that feel the same way. I don't think there is anything wrong with people that want to support their own, though it is usually these kinds of folks that believe that two wrongs will make a right, pointing a finger at one another saying. "They're doing it too, so it is okay when I do it!" It is almost like a parent that is trying to stop his children from hitting each other: John: James is hitting me! Dad: stop hitting each other! James: But John hit me first! Dad: I don't care who started it, I want both of you to stop right now!
Maybe some Whites are racist but,most are not. I credit the people of Illinois and Massachutts for voting for brothers and sisters for US Senate and governor. They are better than Louisiana and South Carolina who vote for Indians instead of African decendent people. I never seen them act like clowns in the Republican party as compaired to Black males in the GOP.