Australian Women and European Women I Would Like To Hear From You

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by ILoveYouWhiteWomen, Jun 9, 2012.

  1. ILoveYouWhiteWomen

    ILoveYouWhiteWomen New Member

    Question: Do Australian women and European women operate with too much feminism?

    Some men have said so-I do not agree but that is what they say.
  2. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Are they gay men? I bet they are gay men.
  3. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    i wouldn't know. i've moved back on the farm and am waiting to be kept
  4. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

  5. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    lol...yes homosexual
  6. curleyblonde

    curleyblonde New Member

    I am just here in my panties and apron thinking that if my man could just come on home soon with the croc meat for dinner I am going to have to go out and milk a cow or something instead,,,,,,,,, and that could damage my nail polish and I could get mud on my shoes..... And THAT,,,,,,,, is sooooooooooooo not feminine...
  7. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    I can't stop laughing....i got tears rolling down my cheeks.
  8. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    So much jokes and not much seriousness. I read of Blacks in Oz and surprised there were some during the Convict period. Also,when the time the Black-American soldiers came to the country during WWII. Of course the Johnson-Burns Fight in 1908. Then of course the US sailors. There is got to be a book about this. The brothers who lived in Oz before the White Australian Policy took place no doubt had some fun with the Aussie women and during WWII way after that policy was inacted. Other than the stories of brothers there had to be something positive the brothers did that made them attractive to those Aussie women. Europe there is a very long history in countries like the UK,France,Germany,and Scandinavia.
  9. ILoveYouWhiteWomen

    ILoveYouWhiteWomen New Member

    Hey that's the argument that Australian men are promoting because they see women working in the cities as feminists.

    I do not believe that women in Australia are feminists like how Australian men see them but this is one of the reasons why some men are seeking women outside of Australia.

    Feminism is: The movement for social, political, and economic equality of men and women.

    It is just men and women being seen as equal basically and so there is nothing wrong with feminism at all but something is wrong with those Australian men that's for sure.
  10. ILoveYouWhiteWomen

    ILoveYouWhiteWomen New Member

    I think that some Australian men also believe that farm girls are feminists too as well.
  11. ILoveYouWhiteWomen

    ILoveYouWhiteWomen New Member

    Thank you-I am trying to have a serious talk as well and that is why I created this topic because I want to know how ladies from this region think. So far my impression of Australian ladies is jokes, fun, games, and little in the way of seriousness.

    But again I could be wrong.

    I can tell you so far that Australian white women are not changing the impression of men from where I am from who think that they are full of prejudice and to some extent they can be correct with that impression.

    The reason why happens to be when Australian white women come here to my part of the world they always isolate themselves with people of their own race and they never mingle with others especially Black men. They keep themselves very distant from Black men and other ethnic groups and only stick with their own race.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2012
  12. ILoveYouWhiteWomen

    ILoveYouWhiteWomen New Member

    Since we are on the subject of Oz here is a question that I found on a British Expats forum posted by a Black man. I want to see what some who are Australian will say:

    Black people in Oz.

    I am a black British electrician thinking about emigrating with my
    family. Are there many black people in Oz apart from aborigines and
    what is the general feeling in Oz about black and mixed race families?

    I am not unduly worried about this but it may affect my wife who is
    white, and my kids.


    Here is one of the answers that one of the persons on that British Expats forum named rancid gave:

    Well personally (im sure it may be different other places in Australia) but where I am, in western Sydney I have found it is a very racist place, compared to England. its all the little comments people make, i just look at them and think, did you really say that? I'm white so have no idea how it is face to face, but that's just what I have noticed.

    My question: Is this answer to this question from this British Black man True?
  13. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    For fucks sake. Ok...fine.

    When you walk around in Australia you'll see white people, asian people (more asian people than white people in a lot of places, including Sydney), greek and lebanese people...then you may come across a few aboriginal people, depending on the area (they make up only a tiny portion of the population). You will also, now days, find some African refugees and immigrants, but that depends on the area. In some areas you'll see no black people at all.
    This is not by design, its just how it is. There were always more white people than aboriginal people and the shit that happened in the early days didn't help that. No excuses there, that was inexcusable...but I'll say no more.

    Anyone who stares at black people or makes comments about black people here in Australia, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, they haven't actually had anything to do with black people in their lives. I personally know many people who haven't ever spoken to a black person (aside from maybe someone of aboriginal descent). Even I had only spoken to two people of African origin (my cousins american husband & his mother) until I actually went to Africa.

    Whether we, as a country, are racist...I can't answer. I know I'm not. I know my friends and family aren't. And look, every country is racist against someone. This is not an excuse (racism is wrong no matter who you're targeting), it's just a fact.
    If anything I think we're far less racist towards black people than americans are. This is, of course, only based on what I've read on these boards (which is eye opening to say the least) and what I've seen/read in the media.

    Are we feminists? Fucking hell, what kind of a stupid question is that? Every single western country in the world has plenty of feminists. The majority of western females (even those who do not consider themselves feminist) are all for having the same rights as their male counterparts. It's a given, if you live in western society in the 21st century.

    Ok..I'm done. I'm off to snuggle up on the couch with my Roo and eat some crocodile soup, with Koala-berry croutons. Hope the wombats are still running in the wheel, I want to watch some TV.
  14. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    good on sin for even taking the time to answer this stupid thread.

    you'll find the rest of us don't take this thread seriously because the op is a troll

    now excuse me as i go compare knives with my kinfolk, wrangle my emu for it's race later and make myself a headpiece out of a letterbox so i can go rob a bank
  15. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    You Must feminist...
  16. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    only with my fellow feminists in the big smoke. all those other women on the farms being non-feminist and being kept by their men aren't getting a cent
  17. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Well, shoots, I'm giving up the farm idea then. Ain't NO man can keep me!

    Money over manhood I always say.

  18. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I read somewhere that men from Africa are all pessimistic and mean, except from one country where they are all sunshine and fantastic and all their women are alcoholics.
  19. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    sounds like a fantastic place for a holiday
  20. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    yea! Maybe we should start helping women not on this forum by posting here about ?

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