What the Skinny think about the fat...It's ok to be fat!!

Discussion in 'In the News' started by chocolatecream4u, May 31, 2012.

  1. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Ok..where's the baby with the fist and the caption that says "fuck yeah"?

    Gawd dayum at the moxi on this board.
  2. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    You can discuss yourself without always trying to insult others. People are always trying to tell others how to live, what relgion they should be praticing, when they should be able to have children, who they can marry, etc.. Just let others make their own choices for their own lives the way you make your own for yours. No need to constantly bash others for thiers. White women and black men are constantly bashed from the white and black community for just being together. If a person don't like mixing they should just not do it. I think it's bull to judge us for our choice.
  3. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    Your allowing the system to let you take issue with peoples choices. Although I understand your concern I still don't think it's right to take away or have issues with other peoples choices based on wheather you bennifit or loose. Insurance is a choice. When I worked for a insurance company I learned that insurance started with ships. A person would have all their stock on one ship and would loose big time if that ship sank. So they started putting their stocks on several ships so if one sank their loss would be small.

    It was a choice to go in with all your goods and divide them up among other ships. Not all ships were alike. Some might be better than others increasing or decreasing the chance of making it across seas. The bennefit out weighed the risk. IMO it's the same thing today. You choose to stock pile your money in with a group of others who come in all shapes and sizes and health risk. I don't think it's right to make that choice then fuss about how others have more or less risk and want them to change. You either choose to go in with them or don't. But everyone should be accepted for who they are if you choose to go in with them.
  4. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Haters gonna hate. :smt042

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    " I am happy with my weight". This statement is not necessarily true when it comes from most overweight women. If they had the money to hire a personal trainer and not work long hours so they can work out twice a day and lose the weight most of them would.Even some skinny women say oh if i could lose a little here and there i would be ok. To assume that people are healthy and overweight so you wont check your weight is delusional. Nature punishes and as you get to a certain age your health problems will be compounded with regards to your weight against one who is not overweight. Feel free to be fat.:cool:
  6. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  7. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    RS, again, I am not in favor of taking away the individual liberties of others. History has shown us time and time again that when governments or regimes try that it eventually ALWAYS ends badly.

    That being said, understanding that the choices of others do in fact affect me and others, often times in a very substantial way, it is my right as someone who is in business in part to make a profit, to take action to try to mitigate or hopefully eliminate the negative impact to me and others who pay a lot more because of the system.

    I am close to implementing a weight loss incentive program for my employees much like the one Whole Foods has in place (link below). You would not believe the legal and insurance red tape that is involved in setting up a program. It is almost as if those that profit from the obesity epidemic want to keep things status quo.


  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    damn dude thats fucked up....it seems fat men get a pass huh
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    And it's people with attitudes like youurs that help create this:

  10. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    first off..it's nice to see BM in managerial positions...going into business for yourself or climbing the corporate ladder, opens doors for others

    secondly, im in agreement with the incentives...simple econ..people respond to incentives

    i know the health system I work for, currently has a $150 annual bonus for people who elect to stop smoking, or who do not smoke
  11. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Two employers I worked for had Health Insurers that offered discounts on gym memberships, as long as you went at least twice a week.
  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    you can't go wrong with that:smt102
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Are you kidding? This thread has only been about weather being obese is healthy or not. No one is trying to dictate how others should love. Only pointing out health risks. It only became an argument when others decided to internalize it as if pesonal attacks wete being made. Once again if you dont like the thread dont participate.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Apparently not judging by this thrrad. Dont see men crying about how unfair it is to even discuss wait
  15. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Not sure why people are mad at u or whatever

    U seem like a heavier guy who's just shedding light on this type of subject

    U know..actually realizing a problem and showing concern, instead of sweeping it under a rug
  16. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Regina, no truer words have been spoken...
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dude I have absolutely no clue. Its like the white people bashing claims. Just saying the word white or fat equates to bashing whether I insult mofos or not. Then you dudrs like iggy posting no fat chicks multiple times without a peep.
    Bmj affect again I guess.
    Maybe I really need a six pack. wait......
  18. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    haha last time i looked, iggy was in the six-pack avatar club too

    he definitely comes R.A.W. with his shit, coming right out with it

    i've yet to see anyone give him the treatment u get

    maybe u need to post a pic of u with some stacks
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Funny shit is those who have skyped with me have used the terms hella swole or in shape wish they'd speak up, especially those repping me for this thread. My shit didnt get up to 50 reps by me posting alone lol. But thankfully I have the self esteem to not care about the opinions of people who dont like me lol.
  20. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    lmao...let me find out you're skyping with chicks butt naked

    oh wait damn, i think you just bragged?


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