What the Skinny think about the fat...It's ok to be fat!!

Discussion in 'In the News' started by chocolatecream4u, May 31, 2012.

  1. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    You can still be fat and healthy.

    Just exercise and watch what you eat.
  2. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    This is a forum, Mikey, not an essayist elite forum. There's no such thing as plagiarizing when you're engaging in forum discussions. But, it's always good to provide something to back up your claims.

    As for your theory? It's flat out...poor. It wouldn't curb the weight issue, nor it would give better healthcare results. People would still adopt the same eating habits in the land of the free and that's the main thing.

  3. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Of course.

  4. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    For the most part Regina I agree with your live and let live philosophy. However, nobody lives in a vacuum, as a small business owner, I can say that the lifestyle choices of my employees has a direct affect on my profit bottom line (what I pay in health insurance for my employees). I live in Arizona, we have no helmet law regarding motorcycles as opposed to other states. As a result the insurance premiums are much higher here for all, because many here choose to ride without a helmet.

    Everybody pays more across the board for our current obesity crisis and not just healthcare costs, the travel industry, imports and exports (food), farming, and numerous more.


    Bottom line, we are all connected on this big blue marble, and the lifestyle choices of others do indeed have an affect on you me and everyone else.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Maybe we need a clear definition of what the collective thought on fat is because for too many years I think that fat has been matched with obesity so by fat do we mean slightly overweight or someone who's weight actually poses a health problem. Because by the video the OP posted it seems to be the latter.
  6. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Precisely. I know people who are in trades and they are doing quite well. Welding, electrician...hell, even people who spray houses for a living. They make ample money. Lots of work, but hey, at least they get more of an exercise regimen.

    The only real disadvantage to acquiring a trade is that you're skilled in just one area and if you're laid off, you either...get another trade or look for some other work.

    He's not a bad person, Paniro. He's...ehhhhh...can't really put my finger on it now. :smt090

  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Well said. And that's what the OP was saying. He was fat and healthy and knows others who are. And that the arrogant rude people who make ASSumptions without knowing, deserve a bop on the nose. [​IMG]
  8. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Yep, you're probably right.

    Doesn't change the fact that people could still talk trash about those kinds of people behind their backs.
  9. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    i thought you said that you weren't going to post during the week....
  10. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Now you know he's always going to try to enlighten the uneducated masses whenever he thinks he has an opening somewhere even if the topic has nothing to do with what he wants to enlighten folks about......
  11. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    But doesn't everyone have some vice that could be construed as dangerous.. The liability is spread around. Do you feel the same about a person working for you who smokes?

    Whether you are overweight, underweight, smoke, drink alcohol, skydive, ride a motorcycle, drive your car at ridiculous speeds or whatever on and on. You can't dictate how others choose to live their lives as long as what they are doing is within the law.

    People here think they can look on someones else's plate and dictate what's there. They need to get off it and worry on their own self.
  12. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Jordan we can agree that nobody can forcibly dictate how others live their lives. My point in my post is that the actions of others do in fact impact the lives of others, I was answering Regina's post where she said that the lives and choices of others have no impact on other people. Perhaps this is a sore spot for me because as an employer I pay an INSANE amount to offer my employees health insurance, and have quarterly fights with the insurance carriers who are looking for any excuse to raise my costs and someone working for me who is overweight or obese hits me directly in the pocket book in this regard. And yes, smokers, and those with other addictions/risk factors fall into this same category. My own personal insurance increased once my insurer discovered that I own and ride horses, so I understand this issue very well.

    Now I pride myself on hiring the best person for the job regardless of their life choices or appearance, but I can tell you for a fact that many other small business owners do not feel the same way and discrimination against those who fall into such risk categories is rampant.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    What do you think a solution to this would be?
  14. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

  15. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    So if your employees asked you to give up horses to keep the health insurance rates down........you would think that was doable to save money?? I mean it's the same thing in a different wrapper.
  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yeah cause employers are in a position to ask their bosses that lol.

    I wonder if crack heads should just be allowed to do crack
  18. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Where do you work?? You don't pay premiums for your health insurance? You are one brick shy dude.

    You work at a group home. Does the state pay 100% of your premiums or part comes out of your pocket.

    My premiums are based on a lot of things and not 100% covered by the employer. Not by a long shot. So I care about the negotiations for cost on my behalf by my employer. It affects my pocket thank you.
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    if they asked Loki to give up horses and other dangerous shit, that will Christopher Reeve a mothafucka real quick, dude would bug-out
  20. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    In the group the premium cost is shared. One person's vice is everyones. If he can ask people to give up cake cause it costs the group money then I guess then they can do the same with horses. Or cigs. Or alcohol or whatever. It is what it is. If people don't like insurance the way it is get a health system like Canada or UK. :smt023

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