Mitt Romney Visits West Philadelphia School

Discussion in 'In the News' started by jameswilson1, May 24, 2012.

  1. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    You went low and pretty much accused him of being a self hating Uncle Tom just because he was sticking up for Mitt Romeny. Thats weak even for a guy like you.

    And lmao at you threatening me. I don't have to "check myself" at all. Its funny that you're trying to act like the Cyber Knight in shining armor for all of these females though. Fuckin clownin:smt043
  2. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Show me where exactly did I call him a "self-hating Uncle Tom". I really want to know where in the hell did you come up with that conclusion. If anything, I'm calling him a partisan, misinformed individual who basically ignored certain black sponsored events Obama went to and gave his speeches on the black community. Hardly anything race-related towards him. Read the post again before talking out your ass.

    And again, when did I threaten you? Reading comprehension from an AA-heavy institution must have been really forgiving for the likes of you. You're the pot who calls the kettle black and to further show how "big and bad" you are, you threatened TDK a while back.

    "Hey man watch it. I'm 6'2 and built". :rolleyes:

    Please! Who's being the clown here? Certainly not me, Sophomore.

  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    oh shit son
  4. jameswilson1

    jameswilson1 New Member

    1) I've never called Barack the "President of Black People" and won't call him "Nigger In Chief". I'm assuming you posted this for shock value, so I won't even continue to acknowledge that.

    2) Barack giving speeches does not mean he has actively done anything or appears to even understand what is plaguing the black community. His policies just perpetuate the cycle of African Americans dependent on the government for help and provide no long term solution. There is nothing wrong with needing a little help when times get tough, believe me I understand. But we need to start thinking about 10 years down the road and not just next week.

    3) People need to stop thinking that because Romney is white, he can't help black people. Using that logic he can't help women or the elderly either because he's not of those.

    4) Barack has no more insight to the plight of inner city African Americans than Romney does. Barack Obama is essentially a slightly darker version of Mitt Romney. He went to Columbia and Harvard and has an estimated net worth of $10.5 million.
  5. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    1) You can't really blame one entity for the continued cycle, especially when this has been going on for decades. I do agree that a little extra help is needed and that's what the government provides. Beyond that, it's the individual that has to do his or her part to ween from it altogether. Blaming the President, let along government entities is more of an excuse than anything else.

    2) No one made that assertion that because he's "white". Romney is a person that came from privilege, and never really did much in his life except promoting his bullshit religion. His father, who actually was the President of the Connecticut NAACP chapter, championed civil rights and helped blacks, all the while made his fortunes. And hey, the first President of the NAACP and he was Ivy-league educated and white...yet, he understood the causes of black people.

    So again, I don't see how you could assume that I stated that because he's white. Oh and let's not forget good old President Clinton, and good old Johnson and Kennedy. Hell, I'll even add Bush 43 into the mix.

    3) Again, you're comparing apples to oranges. Obama didn't come from a privileged upbringing. No connections. No grandfather whom he could fall back on, or relatives with money. He worked his whole way through and had ambitions. Romney didn't really have to do that much. So your point has to be moot.

  6. jameswilson1

    jameswilson1 New Member

    1) I will agree that it is difficult to change long standing policies. But leaving aside unraveling old legislation, Barack hasn't even introduced one piece of legislation that directly benefits African Americans. Yet we proclaim that he is better suited and knows more about our culture than Romney. I disagree, he has shown me nothing.

    2) So you're making the case against Romney because he came from privilege? Rich people can't have a general concern about the health and well being of another community? You were better off with the "white" argument. Policies and actions speak for themselves. So far Romney met with African American leaders and has specifically stated that African Americans and Hispanics are a central theme in his education plan. Four years later I'm still waiting on Obama.

    3) It's not apples to oranges...its oranges to oranges. They both attended elite colleges, both had short stints in politics before running for office, both are millionaires. It's not like Obama attended Detroit City College.
  7. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    1) You may disagree, but that's because you're willing to ignore facts than look at the bigger picture. He has introduced some jobs bills before and yet, thanks to the current Congress, there was no progress and here you are, blaming the President when he only has so much power in the executive branch.

    And you're willing to ignore that fact that this is a checks and balances system? He may have veto power, and even wanted to compromise, but you can blame the far-right influenced ultra-libertarian conservative wing of the GOP who basically don't believe in compromise at all.

    2) You didn't read the post closely, plus ignored the two videos I've posted. Romney only attended a school, and delivered a speech without any real details on how to combat the education system and help blacks and hispanics.

    And of course, with Obama, you have Arne Duncan, whose been instrumental with the education directive. Again, try not to ignore certain things and actually keep up with the White House. Don't ignore anything.

    3) Which one was brought up in a millionaire lifestyle and which one actually was raised in a small town upbringing? Obama's net worth comes from other areas, and not simply based off his pay in the White House, which is half a million. Obama busted his ass to get to where he is and doesn't have an advantage. I don't see how you can simply ignore that.

    Not saying that Romney didn't work hard. But he had a lot of advantages, which led him to have more of an easier way of getting his foot in the door and build his own income. And he comes off as not being able to sympathize with the middle class and the poor, based on his gaffes. That's more of a truth there than anything else.

  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    LOL. oh shit
  9. jameswilson1

    jameswilson1 New Member

    Did you read my post? I said every politician panders to a group, Mitt Romney is no different. But the fact is that he took the time to meet with them and put himself into a dangerous political situation. He met with predominantly liberal African American leaders in a poor education district and fielded questions for an hour. That took balls and he deserves credit.

    And my personal belief is that Romney has the better outlook on how we better the African American community. Obama is addressing the needs through social programs like Welfare, food stamps, etc. While Romney is saying we fundamentally need to change education and put these kids into better schools and provide tutoring services.

    Is Romney going to adopt a black baby and win an NAACP award? No. Is he looking for more black voters? Yes. But if Obama had visited this school and addressed Blacks & Hispanics in his plan, he would have been praised to the high heavens.

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