I'll be the first to reply and say... THANK GAHD THAT GUY GOT CAUGHT!!!! :smt072 And the fact he actually ate a guy's face off...*shudder* O__O that's utterly disgusting. :smt119
Now is she crazy? --- That LSD-like Bath Salts is no joke, I think Jordan once posted a thread on a woman who took some and it ate the flesh away in her face, something like that.
FG posted it. The woman shot bath salts in her arm and they had to amputate. She was like 25-26ish. People are ignorant.
Oh Ok, FG was my other guess. My bad. Yeah, the word isn't out for these salts..I remember seeing on Dr. Phil or Dr. Oz a father recount how his 20 yr-old son took some, tried to commit suicide, they saved him, took him home from the hospital and that night, he found his son staring out the window insisting there were 10 cop cars outside with their lights flashing and then grabbed a gun and shot himself in the head. You can buy these salts in a packet at any corner store, mind you..for $2.
Yeah. Someone had to explain to me in that thread what the benefit of the bath salts could be. Just stupid what some people do to get a little buzz. And Max I am not from Boulder so I am safe from weirdo behavior.
Wot's going on....? NJ Man Stabs Himself -- throws his Intestines At Cops http://blogs.villagevoice.com/runninscared/2012/05/new_jersey_man_2.php
It's looking more like the Crazies than anything else. But it's not over. We'll see fundamentalist religious zealots beating people with "holy weapons" to "drive the demons out", supremacists of all kinds will go into a warmongering mentality, and lastly, the people stuck between would either fight and ride it out or hide and wait for everything to be over. That, my friend, will be Fucked Up End...not to be confused with The End of All Things.